embed on website with full interactibility

Bengüsu Özcan
Bengüsu Özcan EN Free Trial Posts: 2 New Here

We have a Wordpress site that we'd like to embed xmind maps to. Can we embed Xmind Maps on Wordpress websites? Will all the interactive features work on the Wordpress website? We're not looking for giving a link from the website to Xmind, but rather the map being hosted on our website and users being able to play with it (being able to collapse nodes, open and close notes, change resolution…)


  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi @Bengüsu Özcan ,

    thanks for your question. Just to clarify, are you trying to embed a mind map from Xmind or a mind map from the app MindMeister?

    If you are trying to embed a mind map from Xmind then I would recommend asking the question in the Xmind community.

  • Bengüsu Özcan
    Bengüsu Özcan EN Free Trial Posts: 2 New Here

    Sorry, I looked through so many tools today, must have confused. Trying to embed a mind map from from the app MindMeister to a Wordpress site.

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    ah, okay, no worries. If you want to embed a MindMeister mind map, you can find more a more detailed guide here in the Help Center. I have never tried embedding it on WordPress, so I am not sure if it is possible.