Requested Features taking too long!

Hugh Fergusson
Hugh Fergusson EN Basic Posts: 8 Beginner

I want to upgarde but it seeems features I want have been years ago and still not on the platform. The main examples of this that concern me are;

  • Able to share in focus mode only.
  • Option to make topics into buttons to links, or atleast one click to link rather than two.
  • Text allignment !!!!

So developers if you can get back to me with an acceptable timeline for these then you have my business. Why does it seem like feature requets are not being listened to???



  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,018 Community Admin

    Hi @Hugh Fergusson ,

    thanks for your feedback! I am sorry to hear, that the features you are looking for are not available at MindMeister. Have you looked at any other mind mapping solution, that would fit your needs better?

    At Meister, we value the feedback of our users and we love that in the community we can hear more about what people love about MindMeister and what features they would like to see coming next. These ideas are one piece of the puzzle that the Meister team looks at when they make any decisions about MindMeister. MindMeister has currently over 37 millions users, so the community gives us a glimpse into the minds of all the passionate mind mappers out there.

    The feature request section in the community is an opportunity for all users to communicate, connect and discuss ideas and best practices. It is also a great place to place your feature idea. Along the way, we update all feature ideas that are being evaluated or implemented.

    If you would like to upgrade or purchase several licenses, then please feel free to contact our Meister Sales team here.

    Have a great day,

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  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,018 Community Admin

    Hi @Hugh Fergusson

    as a fellow passionate mind mapper, I can very much relate how passionate you are about your feature ideas. I make new mind maps every week and every now and then I see a feature idea in the community that I absolutely love and wish would be available as well.

    From one fellow mind mapper to another fellow mind mapper, I hope you find the tool for mind mapping that suits you best! If that isn’t MindMeister then I totally understand! I use multiple tools as well, and one of them is even the good old paper & pen method of mind mapping. But of course, I see tremendous advantages of digital mind mapping as well and MindMeister helps me with all my digital mind mapping. I don’t know if you are new to MindMeister or an long-standing user - but I truly hope that MindMeister is the tool of your choosing now and in the future! 

    I can clearly see that you deeply wish that the feature ideas you mentioned are available. Let me give you some insight into our processes at Meister to understand better what weight feature ideas play in the development at Meister.  

    In my role as a community manager, I communicate the most upvote features internally to our product team. The product team is the team who are predominantly responsible for implementing the vision the company has for MindMeister. If you want to learn more about the team, then I would recommend reading the Ask Me Anything session that we hosted with Adam in the community. 

    Meister loves to hear feedback from our users and the community is one of the places, where we get in touch with our customers to discuss features, ideas, and best practices. 

    The feature ideas that are currently in the community are just one piece of the puzzle that the product team incorporates into their evaluation of what the future for MindMeister is going to look like. MindMeister’s vision is to create stunning mind maps easily. Every new feature is very carefully evaluated, so that we keep our editor intuitive, and so it allows you to map big ideas together with your team quickly and beautifully.

    I took a look in the community, and it appears that you already posted one of your feature ideas today. Please feel free to see if your other ideas have already been posted or create a new feature here in the MindMeister Feature and Template Requests category. 

    Have a great weekend, 
