❓How to Find What You Need in this Community

Miša Hennin
Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin


As our Community continues to grow 🌷, it won't always be easy to find what you're looking for straight away. Take a look at this short list of tips to help you search efficiently. (Also a quick shoutout to @Olaf Roeb for suggesting a post like this!)

🔎 Find an exact word or phrase

To find an exact word or phrase, use quotation marks. For example, "templates"

🔎 Exclude a term from your search

To do this, use the - dash. For example, "use cases"-"education"

🔎 Find results with multiple keywords

Use the + plus. For example, "use cases"+"business"+"HR"

🔎 Search by tags

On the right-hand side of any page, just below Quick Links, you'll see Popular Tags. Clicking on a tag will filter all posts to show you only those with the tag you've selected.

I hope this helps in your quest for information!

Happy searching 😄



  • Olaf Roeb
    Olaf Roeb EN Basic, MT Tester Posts: 121 Star Contributor

    I did suggest this post? Well, thank you anyway, again, @Misa.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    😄 You mentioned a search/filter system to get the most out of tags. I mentioned tags at the end of the post and added a few other tips for searching for content efficiently!