Earn Points, Gain Reputation, Receive Rewards
Level Up. Build Reputation. Earn Rewards. Introducing the Meister Community Rewards Program! Greatness deserves to be rewarded - that's why we're introducing the Meister Community Rewards Program: to showcase the incredible contributions made in our community! 🥳 Read on to learn how you can level up, build reputation and…
Meister Community Richtlinien
Hallo liebe Meister Community! 🥳 Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch, davor möchten wir euch noch auf ein paar Punkte hinweisen🧹. Unser Ziel ist es, einen positiven Raum für alle Benutzer:innen der Meister Produkte zu schaffen, in dem sie Lösungen für ihre Probleme finden, Tipps und Inspirationen diskutieren und…
💡Submitting Feature Requests: Some Guidelines
Got an idea for improving the Meister Suite? 🤔 We'd love to hear it! User feedback is the primary driver of our product roadmaps - we review user requests and feedback on a daily basis. Read on for a few basic guidelines on how to submit effective feedback. Before submitting an idea: Search through existing ideas. Before…
Introducing the Meister Community Hall of Fame!
The Meister Community Hall of Fame honors extraordinary community members who have earned at least 500 points. By sharing their insights, helpfulness, and expertise, our Hall of Fame members have enriched our community and embody the spirit of working beautifully together. *** Congratulations to our first inductee, Jörg…
🎉 Introducing the Templates Badge 🎉
Hey, The start of the new year has left us motivated and driven to bring some exciting ideas to fruition here at Meister - As this is a community in the truest sense of the word, we'd love to invite you along with us. Let's dive right in. When we were preparing The Community: A Year in Review last year, we were totally…
⚡️ Introducing the MeisterHacks Badge
Hey, A few weeks ago, we introduced our Rewards Program. Today, we're expanding it! As our users know our products inside out, we'd like to invite you to share your: ✅ Tips ✅ Tricks ✅ Advice How to share your tips Head over to the Get Inspired category for MindMeister, MeisterTask or MeisterNote. Start a New Discussion.…
Pick a Profile Pic for Points
Good afternoon! In light of Andrew's post on our Rewards Program, I wanted to make a quick post letting you know that you can get points just by CHANGING YOUR PROFILE PICTURE! Changing your picture to one of your own or one from our avatar pool will help make the Community a friendlier place 🥰. Plus, it's a super easy way…
❓How to Find What You Need in this Community
Hey! As our Community continues to grow 🌷, it won't always be easy to find what you're looking for straight away. Take a look at this short list of tips to help you search efficiently. (Also a quick shoutout to @Olaf Roeb for suggesting a post like this!) 🔎 Find an exact word or phrase To find an exact word or phrase, use…
How to find the most valuable posts inside this community
I'm sure there will be vast amounts of valuable post here, but a quick way of finding fantastic ones is this: Click the search button in the header menu Input the following keyword: MeisterHacks Hit enter, enjoy! Thank me later 😉
How to: Get Notified of Product Updates
Hi all! 👋 In the last two weeks since our first community invitations went out, we've been overwhelmed at the positive responses we've received. It's been a fantastic experience getting to know you all! 😁 Now for a little housekeeping: Here's one question we've received a few times which I'd like to answer here: "I love…
👋 Herzlich Willkommen! Dein Start in der Community
Hallo und herzlich willkommen in der Meister Community! 🎉 Wir freuen uns sehr, dich hier zu haben und hoffen, dass du die Zeit, die du bei uns verbringst, genießt. 💕 Die Community ist deine zentrale Anlaufstelle für Fragen, Antworten, Rückmeldungen, Wünsche und Tipps rund um Meister-Produkte. Um dir den Start zu…
👋 Welcome! Start Here
🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭 Klicke hier, um diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch zu lesen. Hello and welcome to the Meister Community! 🎉 We're super excited to have you here and hope that you'll enjoy every minute you spend with us. 💕 The Community is a central hub for your questions, answers, feedback, requests, and tips about Meister products...…
Meister Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Meister Community! 🥳 We can't wait to get started, but first we'll have to take care of a bit of housekeeping 🧹. Our mission is to create a friendly space for Meister users to find solutions to their problems, discuss tips and inspiration, and share product feedback. We'll do our best to keep things on…