Resource Not Found error

Bennett Bratt
Bennett Bratt EN Basic Posts: 4 New Here

I'm trying to edit or delete one thread. But I get "resource not found" error.

This makes me anxious. This is my entire book outline.

Best Answer


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi Bennett,

    Sorry to hear this. Could you please share a screen recording of what's going on? Does it happen with every map or it's only one specific topic that is problematic?


  • Bennett Bratt
    Bennett Bratt EN Basic Posts: 4 New Here

    Hi Miša,

    I only have one map (just a beginner), but it's crucially important to me.

    When I try to delete this major header, it goes away for a one second and then comes back with a small statement at the bottom of the screen that says "Resource Not Found."

    I've attached two pictures. In the Mindmap, the link looks black. In the Outline view, which I use more right now, it's just there.

    Not sure how to get a screen recording on a Mac. Happy to try if you let me know.


  • Bennett Bratt
    Bennett Bratt EN Basic Posts: 4 New Here

    Any insights regarding the screenshots I sent?