enter date with text

İbrahim Yalçın
İbrahim Yalçın EN Pro Posts: 1 Beginner

Hello there

I have opened more than 50 cards in a project and I need to enter the date on each of them. and it is very difficult and troublesome to enter all of them one by one by clicking with the mouse. Maybe I didn't realize it, but is there a field where we can enter the date by typing on the cards. for example 29.08.2038



  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper DACH Partner, MT Tester, DE Business, EN Advocate Posts: 1,389 Community Leader

    Hi @İbrahim Yalçın and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    I highly recommend pressing and holding STRG (Windows machine) in the related project, and clicking on the desired tasks. As soon as you click on more than one task, MeisterTask will show a hint at the top of your project board.

    Now you can, for example, add a tag with the desired date, if it is the same for all the chosen tasks. That would be my preferred solution in this case. You can also filter the tasks by the desired date with this solution.

    Best, Jörg

    Als Experten-Partner von Meister führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Workshops für die Integration der Meister Software durch. Hier in der Community freue ich mich auf den Austausch mit Euch und helfe bei Fragen zu MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister gerne weiter.

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