How to open a map with 10000 topics?

Hello! I have exceeded the limit of 10,000 topics in one of my cards. And it no longer opens. I wrote to support but have not received an answer yet. And I urgently need this card for work. Could you please help me?
Hi @Ivan T ,
that sounds impressive, that must big a very big mind map. Unfortunately, the maximum number of topics that can be stored is technically 10,000. If you exceed 10,000 topics, you will lose access to your mind map.
However, the number of topics affects the mind map's performance. So, for a smooth experience, it's best to keep the number of topics under 500 topics.
If you have already contacted the support team, then you did the right thing. At this stage, they would need to look at the issue.0 -
It's just that last time I waited for a response from support for about a week. And I urgently need this card for work? Is there any way to speed up this process?
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Hi Ivan,
Meister offers multiple options depending on what plan you are on. You can find all options what support is available here in the Help Center.
If you are on a Business plan for example, then you can expect access to priority E-Mail support and via telephone.
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Does the 10,000 topic limit apply to all tariffs? Is there also a 10,000 topic limit on the business tariff? Will I not be able to solve the problem if I switch to a more expensive tariff?
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Hi @Ivan T ,
yes, that is correct. Unfortunately, the maximum number of topics that can be stored is technically 10,000. That applies to all of our plans. It is not possible to create a mind map that has more than 10,000 topics.
However, feel free to reach out to the support team, so they can see if they can do anything so that you get access back to your map.
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Hello! How can I find out how many topics are in my map?
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Hi @Ivan T , unfortunately, there is no topic counter available in a mind map.
My personal recommendation is that in order to get a sense of how many topics there are, you could upload a screenshot to an AI tool (like ChatGPT) and see if they can analyze and count the topics.0
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