Incorrect display of maps on Windows 11

Ivan T
Ivan T EN Basic Posts: 8 New Here

Hello! I used to work with Mindmaster on a MacBook and everything was fine. But yesterday I switched to a computer with Windows 11. And on Windows, in any browser, all my maps are displayed somehow clumsily and ugly. Clumsy font and some topics just hover over the lines. I attached 3 screenshots to the message. In the first, I showed what the map looks like on a MacBook. In the second screenshot, I showed how the same map looks on Windows - clumsy ugly font. In the third screenshot, I showed how topics hover over the lines in other maps. Do you know how this can be fixed so that the maps on Windows are displayed as beautifully as on a MacBook?


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    I see what you mean…how strange.

    Could you please try:

    1. Ensuring your browser + device are up to date
    2. Clear MindMeister cookies + cache
    3. Log out + back in

    Let me know if the issue is persisting.



  • Ivan T
    Ivan T EN Basic Posts: 8 New Here

    Hello! I have Windows 11, updated Chrome browser, I have already updated the cache many times. But the problem persists for 2 weeks. All the maps look perfect if I open them on a Mac. And clumsy if I open them on Windows. Check it yourself in Windows 11 and Chrome

  • Ivan T
    Ivan T EN Basic Posts: 8 New Here

    I checked in all browsers. This is not only a problem with displaying maps. But even the fonts on the site are displayed awkwardly if you select Russian. In English, the font is displayed beautifully. Apparently, you are using a font on the site and maps that has problems displaying in Russian. I showed this in the attached screenshots. Please pass this information to your technical specialists so that they can fix the problem.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    Thank you for your feedback.

    I've passed this onto our developers.

