Moving account to a Team

Monica Lee
Monica Lee EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here


I used to have my own paid account which has downgraded to a free Basic account because I didn't pay the renewal. My work sent me an invite to join the work Team. I click on the invite and it says Join Team but then nothing happens. Any help appreciated!


Best Answer

  • Monica Lee
    Monica Lee EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here
    Answer ✓

    Hi Miša,

    Thank you for trying to help. Yes, the work team is on a paid account with 1 available slot. That is how the invite was able to be sent to me. I couldn't find a manual work around, so we ended up opening a ticket and I was added to the team via the customer service rep. All is fixed now.


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin


    Is your work team on a paid plan? Do they have an unused license available to allocate to you?

    If your work team is on a paying plan, they must have an empty space available for you on the team.

