Unable to add hyperlinks to mindmaps

gavin barker
gavin barker EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here


I suddenly seem unable to embed hyperlinks to mindmaps (other than already existing hyperlinks which still function). Is this deliberate or just a glitsch? The attachment icon only allows me to upload a file, not link to a file on the web


  • Kurien Abraham
    Kurien Abraham EN Pro Posts: 3 Beginner

    I have the same exact problem. The whole menu option has changed.

  • gavin barker
    gavin barker EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here

    Hi Kurien,

    I have since found out that if you click on the particular bubble in your mindmeister up and then hit Cntrl+V, it will embed the link (obviously you first have to copy the url link)

  • Kurien Abraham
    Kurien Abraham EN Pro Posts: 3 Beginner

    Gavin, thank you. That did the trick :)