BRING NODE LIST FORM BACK!!!! Fellow MM advanced and old users, back me up here!!!

Gui. C.
Gui. C. EN Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

Outrageous change of functionality. Bad user experience. Ruined my maps layout.


This usability decision was terrible… without even option to use old version… totally reckless… tech and UX team should be ashamed.

This piece of update needs to roll back.


  • Jason Vidmar
    Jason Vidmar EN Pro Posts: 5 Beginner
    edited October 2024

    Gotta agree, Gui. I am a long-time MM user (6+ years), and making my first post here as I have been shocked to discover that, sometime over the past couple of weeks, it appears that I've lost the ability to control at the child node-level whether a map adopts an "org" or "list" style. It appears that one must now make this designation at the root node level for the mindmap…and this setting is then applied to every node within the map.

    This is quite a dramatic change in functionality, and really fundamentally changes the way I use MM.

    I much prefer to apply "Org" style at root node of the map, and then use "list" mode for sub-items.

    This greatly streamlines the visual presentation (for me, at least) when doing things like To Do lists, getting things done workflows and action trackers. These are workflows that tend to have a reasonable number of top-level child nodes (e.g., 5-10 items), but a lot of sub-nodes beneath them.

    Now, with "org" style applied everywhere, the look is very unwieldy. Hope this was perhaps just an oversight! Attached is an example of what I'm seeing….one can longer apply the Layout control at any other node but the root node in a map! Meaning, if you have more than say 5 children to the root node, and want to use the "Org" layout, with each child node having multiple "list" items beneath it, your map gets very difficult to visually manage (as it expands horizontally).

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    I'm really sorry to hear you're both unhappy with the update.

    Please feel free to add your feedback here. We're collecting all feedback in this post and the MindMeister team is moderating.


  • Jason Vidmar
    Jason Vidmar EN Pro Posts: 5 Beginner

    Thank you, Misa. Actually, update seems fine, otherwise. I think perhaps the MM product team just wasn't aware of how critical this mixed layout feature was for some power users using MM for complex workflows. Hoping we're not just outliers :) I did add my feedback to that thread (where I see several others have commented similarly on this one). Thanks for the comment, and best regards, Jason

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi @Jason Vidmar ,

    I'm glad the rest of the update isn't causing issues for you. Thank you for your understanding. It's always difficult to release updates that please everybody! As I understand it, the multiple layout feature was causing issues for many users. Perhaps Mark will have more information to share.

