Edit Notes

Vinícius Taddone
Vinícius Taddone EN Basic Posts: 12 Beginner

Hi everyone, when I create a note I can't edit after I send the text.

Is it a bug?

Thank you.


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    Could you please share some more information? Are you talking about Notes or MindMeister?


  • Vinícius Taddone
    Vinícius Taddone EN Basic Posts: 12 Beginner

    Hi, I'm talking about MindMeister when I add a note.

    Look the attached doesn't show Edit bar. (Bold, Italic, etc…)

    Just show at first time. But when I send the text and I'd like to edit again, the bar disappear.

    Thank you.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    Yes, you're right. I cannot edit it like that either. However, if you click on the topic with the note (as you have done) and then click the Add note symbol again (although you already have a note), the note editor will open.

    I hope this solves the problem.


  • Vinícius Taddone
    Vinícius Taddone EN Basic Posts: 12 Beginner

    Hi Misa,

    It works fine! Thanks to your support.


  • charlesjmorris
    charlesjmorris EN Basic Posts: 7 Beginner

    This works but is not very user-friendly. Please make it so that clicking anywhere in the note text puts it into edit mode without having to find the small "Add note" button every time.