Topic to map

Kathy Chapman
Kathy Chapman EN Basic Posts: 6 New Here

how can I change a topic in one mind map to become the start of a new line map?

I want to do this on the iPhone app


  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi @Kathy Chapman ,

    I believe you are looking for something like floating topics. Click here to learn more about it. This feature is unfortunately not available on the MindMeister mobile apps, just on the web version.

  • Kathy Chapman
    Kathy Chapman EN Basic Posts: 6 New Here

    thank you. I am not able to re-create a floating topic from existing topic on my mobile iPhone and then I could use this as the mai topic new map on the same canvas. Is there any way of moving this new map to a different canvas file or folder, even if I have to do that on the laptop? I think I’ve read about doing this somewhere for example if the amount of information in one file is too large, but I can’t find the reference again.

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi @Kathy Chapman , do you mean like export options? You can also try searching through the Help Center for the topic you are looking for.

  • Kathy Chapman
    Kathy Chapman EN Basic Posts: 6 New Here

    no sorry what I meant was if I do mind map and then decide that I want to split it into two separate mind maps, perhaps because it’s getting too big, so I want to take one topic and make that the start of a new mind map, rather rather than having it as a topic in my first mind map

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    okay, I understand. In order to split it, I would recommend that you duplicate the mind map, and then delete the content you don't want to include.

    You can duplicate a mind map on the phone by going to the dashboard, where you see all mind maps. Press a mind map and then select Duplicate.