Moving cells in org chart

William Pender
William Pender EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here
edited November 11 in Ask the Community

I am trying to change the order of subtopics in the organizational chart template and I am unable to do so. This shouldn't be so difficult


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,485 Community Leader
    edited November 11

    Hi @William Pender and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    MindMeister Keyboard Shortcuts

    Here are some essential keyboard shortcuts in MindMeister:

    • Add Subtopic: Insert or Tab
    • Add Sibling Topic Below: Enter
    • Add Sibling Topic Above: Shift + Enter
    • Delete Topic: Delete or Backspace
    • Navigate Between Topics: Arrow keys (, , , )
    • Expand/Collapse Branches: Space
    • Zoom In/Out: + / -
    • Reset to Default Zoom: 0
    • Re-center Map: F6
    • Search for Topic: Ctrl + F

    Sorting Topics

    To move topics up or down in your Mindmap:

    • Move Topic Up: Ctrl + ↑
    • Move Topic Down: Ctrl + ↓

    These shortcuts allow you to quickly and efficiently rearrange topics / subtopics within your map.

    Best, Jörg

    Als Experten-Partner von Meister führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Workshops für die Integration der Meister Software durch. Hier in der Community freue ich mich auf den Austausch mit Euch und helfe bei Fragen zu MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister gerne weiter.

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