🥇 Badge of the Month: 2022 Look-back/ December

Good afternoon!
Time flies - we can't believe the year is already drawing to a close. The start of December means the start of another Badge of the Month post!
As part of our Rewards Program, the Badge of the Month series gives you an easy way of joining in, connecting with others, and earning points — Your answers don't have to be Meister-related, we'd just like to hear from you 😃.
Want to know the rules? Check out this post.
Badge of the Month: December 2022
The end of the year is near so we wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2022, both professionally and personally.
There's no doubt the last years have been trying, but it's important to consider the good as well as the bad. Here are some questions to help you reflect: How was 2022 for you? What went well? What was your favorite memory? Did you learn something new or develop a new skill? However big or small, I'd love to hear something about your 2022 and what made it special.
2022 was a special year for me!
Professionally, it has been an exciting year. I closed my biggest deal ever! 🎉 I hired a new team member, and I've had fun helping drive and develop our tools, support our customers and done a lot of fun workshops! 🌟
Personally, which might take the cake - I got engaged! 💍 And am very excited for 2023 to be the year, where I get married. I also have a feeling 2023 will have fun new professional challenges!
Line Jensen
Customer Success Manager, Meister
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2022 war für mich ein Jahr voller neuer Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Inspirationen. Sei dies privat oder bei der Arbeit.
Selbstrefletion war in diesem Jahr für mich ein wichtiger Punkt. Ich musste mir über einige Dinge in Bezug auf meine weitere Laufbahn im Unternehmen klar werden, was mich einiges an Engerie und Nerven gekostet hat. Ich habe dadurch aber auch viel über mich selbst gelernt und dass auch ich ab und zu einen Schritt zurück machen MUSS um weiter zu kommen. Das Tempo zu meinem nächsten Milestone zu reduzieren und auch einmal nach links und rechts zu schauen ohne das Ziel aus den Augen zu verlieren. Was für nicht einfach war, den wenn ich mir ein Ziel in den Kopf setze, gebe ich alles um es zu erreichen.
Mir wurde durch das viele Arbeiten und Nachdenke über den weiteren Verlauf meiner beruflichen Laufbahn, meiner Milestons und Ziele im Leben auch wieder viel bewusster, wie wichtig meine kleine Familie für mich ist und was sie mir an Energie und Liebe gibt. Wie viel Glück mir in meinem Leben schon wiederfahren ist. Dass ich das für mich perfekte Leben auch ohne den „perfekten“ Job und viel Geld habe. Und Glück kann man ja bekanntlich nicht kaufen 😉
Ich wünsche euch allen schöne Feiertage und fröhliche Weihnachten mit euren Liebsten! 🎄
Liebe Grüsse
PS: Sorry for writting this in german, but it was much easier than in english…🙃
The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!
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2022 for me has been very eventful and exciting, but also challenging in many ways! It's my first full year of being a Meister Lobster 🦐 and as part of my trainee program, I was able to be part of three (!) different departments during 2022.
And even though, the high level of changes can be challenging sometimes, the experience itself was very rewarding. I especially love that I was able to be part of launching this Community since September and seeing it grow like a beautiful flower 🌱
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It was quite the year, with lots of challenges on both a personal, but also professional level (I think most others in here can relate). The global situation(s) were very draining and cost me a lot of energy. I could, however, also learn and grow a lot with them (there's always a silver lining ;-)).
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Oh what a year it has been! 🤩 I can only be grateful for the many blessings/challenges/adventures that this year has given me.
Professionally, I'm especially grateful for being able to continue building my career in Austria and being part of Meister for the last 8 months. I have learned so much in this short time and have so many great colleagues that I just can't wait to see what we will achieve together in 2023! ⭐️
And last but not least, I'm so grateful to be able to go back home 🇲🇽 for the holidays for the first time in 2 years ♥️. I know I will come back full of energy (and full of tacos) and with all the positive attitude to continue learning german (B1, here I come!) and going forward with the life I'm building in this beautiful country that now I call home 🇦🇹
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Being grateful for many positive new developments in my personal life in November was one thing, looking back in December is quite another. I am with @frank_astair here (Hi by the way, good to have you), the situation in Ukraine makes me feel helpless many times, and angry at others. Facing a cold winter with many of their power plants now being destroyed or still under attack, I don't think we can imagine how the people there must feel. Hope we can help them survive these next months. And somehow stop that war and rebuilt it in the years to come.
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@Olaf Roeb ❤️ thank you for your message.
In the last few years (since 2020?) it feels like each year has gotten more and more strange, but I always want to find a silver lining to avoid the despair too @frank_astair. I encourage everyone to donate to an effective charity for the holidays (PM if anyone would like suggestions). it's the lesson I learned from the pandemic that it's important to remember to do good work and stay active, even in difficult places.
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Again, all of these comments have been so enjoyable to read! Thank you all for sharing!
This year was very interesting, exciting and, at times, difficult for me.
Professionally, it ended up being a brilliant year! I changed teams in February and joined Meister's wonderful CS team. Since then, it's (mainly) been smooth sailing! Working with Andrew and opening this Community has been both challenging and rewarding.
Personally, I moved back from Vienna to UK which required some adjustment, but I learned that you can make things work if you have faith in your decisions and let things play out. Often we see that things we were worried about in advance didn't really need worrying about at all :).
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Thanks everyone for sharing so far - especially love your reflection @Rooster McNugget! I also find that the side of "productivity" that matters is about prioritizing life to get the things done that truly matter — this is often what I think about when "taking stock" of the year!
For me, this meant being sure to structure my work this year in a way that allowed me plenty of time to spend in the countryside in the south of Austria. This year, I completed a very intensive nature certification which was a lot of work (16 hours every weekend!) but an absolute joy. Since we've been talking about the silver linings of the last few years, I have to join the chorus to sing the praises of the good things the digitalization wave has brought us: the ability (and wider acceptance!) of working from home (or anywhere else) has allowed me to get more out of work & life than I used to think possible. For me, 2022 is the first year where I really felt "settled in" to this lifestyle.
Looking back, I'm also struck by how fast time has moved since we first launched the community... August 31st, the day of our preliminary launch, is already almost 4 months ago! 😲 It makes me already excited and curious about what our 2023 retrospective will look like...
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This thread reminds me about a piece I wrote nearly a year ago, where I expressed how optimistic I was regarding 2022, specially for Mexico and LATAM.
Of course, I didn't know about the many global issues we were about to face just a few weeks after New Year's Eve.
Professionally, despite the unexpected difficulties, we were able to develop a new range of marketing automation services for customers of our agency that we'll be launching in Q1 of 2023, and that's something I'm thrilled about when looking back. More so, when looking forward 😃
Personally, I noted many people kept loosing their precious lives, with plenty of sad stories at display, this time not because of a virus, but because of human nature. I also lost both grandparents on the side of my father due to illness. That made me realize I could start paying closer attention to the small things that put color in one's life. I reconnected with friends and family abroad, started a "family lunch meeting on Sundays", and started a "daily walk at the park" routine with my wife that proved to be an unexpected blessing for both of us.
Having the chance to connect with this community of people from many places and backgrounds resulted to be another good surprise brought by this year.
So, yes, at the end of the day, every cloud has a silver lining.
Best regards.
Andrés D'Andrea
Follow me on LinkedIn and:
BSF.company - Digital Solutions For Your Business.
Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.
GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.
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Hey @Andres D'Andrea,
It sounds like you've had a tough year. Congratulations on your professional success and I'm very sorry to hear about your grandparents. It's important to learn the valuable lesson of taking the time for what matters! Since moving back to the UK, I've also tried to spend more time with those I care most about. I've learned (and felt) what it means to spend quality time with someone vs just spending time with them/ being around them. I guess this is something we should all take the time to consider.
I wish you and your family all the best!!
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Thanks @Miša, there's indeed a big difference between spending quality time and just being around those one care about.
Best wishes for you as well 😃
Follow me on LinkedIn and:
BSF.company - Digital Solutions For Your Business.
Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.
GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.
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Personally I had a great year, and professionally I expanded my business! good news all round😀.
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What a great thread we have here! Let me join in with some thoughts on 2022 from my perspective. :)
From a professional standpoint, I got to meet lots of our awesome customers and I had the chance to improve and broaden my skill set as well. I also got to share some amazing workshops and in-person training days with my lovely co-workers at Meister.
In my personal life, I could maintain the work-life balance by focusing on my mental and physical health with a nice routine. I also just hit a PR in my deadlift!
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Hi everyone, it's lovely to meet all of you here!
I took a leap of faith this year and decided to become a self-employed consultant. Therefore, 2022 was mostly focused on work, with a lot of highs and lows.
One of the highlights of the year was being able to travel to different countries for work. I enjoyed visiting new places and experiencing different cultures. I was able to build up my customer base and form genuine relationships with my clients.
However, the year also had its challenges. The difficult global situation continued to have an impact on the economy and my professional work, with some projects being delayed. I believe, we all need to remain resilient in the upcoming year and just try to make the best out of the situation we are currently in.
Overall, the year 2022 was a year of both growth and struggle, but I am extremely grateful for the experiences and lessons learned.
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I had a wonderful year - was great to be back to a year of in-person teaching after a dismal few years. Met a lot of brilliant minds! ☺️
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2022 marked a return to normalcy (of sorts) as the worst of the pandemic came to an end. I started traveling again and attended a major conference in my field in Phoenix, Arizona, where, among other things, I even presented a session on mind mapping to a group who had never heard of it. Hopefully, I gained a few converts in the process. Of course, it would have been an even better presentation with Presentation Mode for the New Editor. (Hint, hint).
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Für meine Frau und mich war dieses Jahr auch sehr erlebnisreich. Sowohl privat als auch beruflich. Wir blicken dankbar auf wunderschöne Momente und Erlebnisse zurück, die wir zum Beispiel während unserer knapp fünf Wochen in Schottland oder auch bei der intensiven Zusammenarbeit in unserer Agentur hatten.
Wir haben mit wunderbaren Menschen gearbeitet, gelacht und manchmal, im Rückblick auf den tragischen Verlust viel zu früh aus dem Leben gerissener Lieblingsmenschen, auch geweint. Umso mehr fühlen wir mit euren Verlusten und mit all den Menschen in der Ukraine bzw. in allen Teilen unserer Welt, die unschuldig so viel Leid ertragen müssen.
Unsere Herzen sind aber auch voller Freude, wenn wir trotz all der Krisen um uns herum nette und ehrliche Menschen kennenlernen und mit Hoffnung in die Zukunft blicken dürfen. Aktuell sind unsere Köpfe zum Beispiel voller neuer Ideen, die sich 2022 entwickelt haben und für das nächste Jahr viel Arbeit, aber auch Spaß versprechen.
Ich wünsche euch allen einen gesunden und erfolgreichen Start ins Jahr 2023 und freue mich auf die weitere Zeit mit euch in dieser grandiosen Community
This year has also been very eventful for my wife and me. Both, privately and professionally. We look back with gratitude on wonderful moments and experiences that we had, for example, during our almost five weeks in Scotland or also during the intensive teamwork in our agency.
We worked with wonderful people, laughed and sometimes cried, looking back on the tragic loss of our favourite people who were taken from us far too early. All the more we feel for your losses and for all the people in Ukraine and in all parts of our world who innocently have to endure so much suffering.
But our hearts are also full of joy when, despite all the crises around us, we meet nice and honest people and can look to the future with hope. Currently, for example, our heads are full of new ideas that have developed in 2022 and promise a lot of work, but also fun, for the next year.
I wish you all a healthy and successful start into 2023 and look forward to spending further time with you in this great community.
Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.
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