🧠 Mapped by Meister: Weekly Plan (Education)

Miša Hennin
Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin
edited November 2023 in Tips and Templates


In line with our monthly theme of goals and planning, I wanted to share @Line Møller Jensen's template for a weekly university plan. At the beginning of the academic year, students should personalize the template with their weekly classes. Students should take the time to update the template, input any changes and highlight any due assignments at the start of each week.

Though this template was created to help individual students organize themselves and their time, a similar structure can easily be applied to personal organization and professional tasks or meetings alike. 

Line chose an org chart layout to give the plan a clear chronological and horizontal structure. Each day of the week is split into color-coded periods. Each period contains its respective class title and time. With this logical structure, students can orientate themselves and know exactly which class falls when, making it more likely they turn up on time! Professors can share this template with new students and encourage them to use it throughout the year.

Map Highlights

This template includes notes on each topic for further information about the period. For example, students might add the professor, classroom and other key details to help with planning and organization. 

Research shows that color-coding can improve memory retention and therefore planning. Line's template encourages color-coding by including a key which can be found in a floating topic above the org chart. Classes are color-coded to make the plan more visual and comprehensible.

The code includes a brightly emboldened topic to highlight which classes have an assignment due. At the beginning of each week, students should copy the Assignment Due topic from the key and paste the style onto relevant periods. This will embolden any period with an assignment due, helping students stay on top of their assignments and workload, and hand work in on time.

If you'd like to use this template, you can find it here. Please feel free to copy it to your own account. I'd also love to know what you think - Is there something we've missed here? Could we use another feature to make the template better? Let me know in the comments below!




  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Thanks for sharing this @Miša - looks like a simple but useful template. Would definitely improve organization amongst my students (providing they remember to update it...)!