I accidentally archived all completed task, how can i restore them all in bulk?

chongsheng EN Basic Posts: 5 Beginner
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

Dear Meistertask community, I accidentally pressed 'archived' all completed task that consist of few hundreds of completed task into archive.

Is there a way that i can select all archived task in one shot and restore them all?


  • JoiedeVivre
    JoiedeVivre EN Basic Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    I don't think there's a way to bulk restore archived tasks. Do you absolutely need them back in your project? Archived projects are def not deleted and still available in the menu.

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 671 Community Leader
    edited November 2022

    Hi @chongsheng, I didn‘t try it yet, because i don‘t want to reactivate all my archived tasks but try this:

    1. Got to „search 🔍️“ on the top of the dashboard, right side.
    2. It should open a new window with „advanced search“. On the top right side of this new window you can change the status. Take „archived tasks“. After that it should show you all your archived tasks.
    3. Also on the right side should be a buttom „reset“. If you press this button it should reset all your archived tasks.

    But as I said, I didn‘t try it. But let me know if it worked. I hope it does.



    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • chongsheng
    chongsheng EN Basic Posts: 5 Beginner

    Yes, my team leader wants it back in urgent for easier scrolling at 'Completed Task"

    If there is anyone who knows how to restore archived task in bulk, please let me know

    Thank you so much

  • chongsheng
    chongsheng EN Basic Posts: 5 Beginner

    It did not work, it just reset my search instead of resting the archive status back to completed

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 671 Community Leader

    I‘m sorry to hear that. Well, in this case you only have one opportunity: You have to restore every single taks. How to:

    1. Go to search again (right upper corner)
    2. Change the „Status“ to „archieved task“
    3. Click on a archived task
    4. Click the „3 dots“ (option) and select restore

    Hope it helped at least a little bit and best regards,


    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • chongsheng
    chongsheng EN Basic Posts: 5 Beginner

    Oh no. I have several hundreds of task being archived accidentally

    Does anyone in the community able to help on this?

    The meistertask team should have enabled such function

    Thank you

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,469 Community Leader
    edited November 2022

    Hi @chongsheng 👋🙂

    I'm very sorry for your situation. I can imagine how stressful that is. As @JoiedeVivre mentioned, I also think that there is no bulk restore for archieved projects at the moment.

    But if you'd like to try, I recommend the following steps in the meantime:

    • Open the menu on the left hand side
    • Click on the three dots at "Projects"
    • Choose "Archieved projects"
    • Press and hold CTRL (on Windows) or CMD (on Apple)
    • Click through the displayed projects one after the other. These are then opened in a new browser tab and can be restored with a click on "Restore this project" in the fastest way known to me so far.
    • I recommend that you always do this step with 10 to 20 projects and then continue in this way.

    I know it's very annoying and time-consuming. But it is at least a halfway practicable approach over a cup of tea (perhaps with a meditative feeling) 😉

    Sometime we make mistakes and have to deal with the the best way we can 🙏

    Best, Jörg


    You may want to submit a corrresponding feature request for bulk restore of archieved projects.

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