How can I leave my team if my team admin disabled my account?

Krizalys EN Basic Posts: 5 Beginner
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

HI! User from my team was banned from another team and can't log in now to leave those past teams to join mine team. He can't log in or register with his email address.

Best Answers

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Krizalys

    As far as I know, the administrator of the previous team must remove you there and the administrator of the new team must add you again. You yourself can not change this as far as I know.

    If this is not the solution, maybe @Andrew Lapidus or someone else from the community can help you.

    Best, Samuel

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Krizalys - thanks for reaching out here and sorry for the frustration! @Rooster McNugget 's answer is correct in almost all cases - because team admins are paying for their employee's license, they also so have effective "ownership" over their account.

    An exception can be made if the account was created using the user's personal (i.e. non-business) e-mail address. In these cases, our support team may be able to legally recover this account. I've forwarded your request to our support team, who can take a look at your individual case. They will get in touch with you via e-mail ASAP!


