Can I disable the auto-text-styling feature?

Tony Lin
Tony Lin EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

I'm taking note of Python codes on MindMeister maps and there are lots of text which includes the _ , __ , * , ** that were interpreted by the map as a markdown syntax of bold or italic or something else of the auto text styling function. Such like



def foo(name, /, **kwds):

Anyone knows whether I can disable the auto-text-styling feature? Thank you!

Best Answer


  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Hello @sweep85 welcome to the community!

    I remember a while ago I tried to disable the markdown feature in the new editor and I didn't find any setting related to that feature, it appears to be hard-coded in the new user interface.

    I even looked at the two articles in the official documentation that talk about it, and they don't specify a way of turning it down:

    👉 Format and Stylize Text

    👉 Add Comments to Topics

    You might want to create a feature request by clicking here in case you find that feature essential for your workflow.

    Best regards.

    Andrés D'Andrea

    Follow me on LinkedIn and: - Digital Solutions For Your Business.

    Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.

    GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.

  • Tony Lin
    Tony Lin EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

    Thank you Andrés! As a heavy user, actually I'm considering to terminate the subscription as I didn't see obvious efforts on enhancing the new map editor and it's kind of worse even compared to the old editor...... after several years of development.

    As a paid user, it's **** like hard to find their support from the official website.

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader
    edited February 2023

    Hi @sweep85, I gave your question a second review focusing on "how to".

    Your question was related to Python code, so I might have found a workaround... Check this out:

    The universal Markdown syntax to produce a code block is enclosing it in the triple back ticks, also known as triple back quote ```

    For example, you have the following config file in a code block below.

    I embedded it in this comment as a practical example using the technique I explained above:

    # MIT License. See LICENSE
    	import os
    	from pathlib import Path
    	# tested via commands' test suite

    I didn't try this technique in the "Notes" feature of MindMeister, but I wouldn't be surprised if it worked there as well.

    GitHub's guide on how to create code blocks in Markdown is a great reference on how to accomplish what I described above.

    I hope this helps mate, best regards 👍

    P.S. I invite you to give a second though on cancelling your subscription because occasionally a community site like this one is more flexible and able to provide prompt support to end users. Even in specific technical scenarios like the one you presented. I believe that's what the folks at Meister are trying to prove with this community project 😉

    Andrés D'Andrea

    Follow me on LinkedIn and: - Digital Solutions For Your Business.

    Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.

    GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.

  • Tony Lin
    Tony Lin EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

    Thank you again Andrés.

    I just switched back to the old editor for that map and the issue no longer exists. However the speed is quite slow compared to the new editor while the new editor is not as fast as expected since I created hundreds of topics in the map.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi @sweep85 and welcome to the Community!

    As Andrés said, this is not currently possible. I hope his workaround helps though!

    You can also submit a feature request for a toggle button on this function.



  • khadv68
    khadv68 EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Hi @Miša ,

    From mine, it's the opposite with the @sweep85 case. My map can not turn markdown text formatting on. Please help!

    Thank you!


  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 683 Community Leader
    edited February 2023

    Hi @khadv68

    I had that problem by using Microsoft Edge too. I use Google Chrome now. May the change helps you too.

    Best, Samuel

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • khadv68
    khadv68 EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Hi @Rooster McNugget ,

    Thanks for your sharing. I have checked on Google Chrome and Firefox but it was still the same.

    Hope someone will have a solution for me.



  • khadv68
    khadv68 EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus , it work now on new editor version.

    Thank you!
