Assign Tasks to "Ghost" Team Members

JP Gravitt
JP Gravitt EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

Hey, y'all! I'm using MeisterTask Pro at work just for myself to help track, sort, and prioritize my work and stay more on top of the myriad of things I need to do, and while I absolutely love it, I find myself wishing that I could somehow assign tasks to my coworkers/supervisors without having to drag them into creating an account.

While this may have limited use, I imagine there are others out there like me who use MeisterTask for themselves and need a better way to track with whom a particular task may curently be, and then I had the idea for assigning it to a "Ghost". This ghost won't have a Meister account and is solely used for the person with the MeisterTask Pro license to remembering to whom a task/project is assigned. It's basically just a specially named placeholder that still functions as an "unassigned" on my account, but I'll at least be able to see that someone else is, in fact, working on that particular task/project.


  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 683 Community Leader

    Hi @JP Gravitt

    I understand what you mean. I have a similar situation.

    I like @Andres D'Andrea's idea with the task.

    I solved this "problem" by create a Pin in the agenda. This pin has e.g. the name of a person. Every task I delegate to a colleague who doesn't use MeisterTask (luckily there are only 2😉) I pin the task to the "named" pin in the agenda. This way I always have an overview of the delegated task.

    May this helps you too…



    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • JP Gravitt
    JP Gravitt EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

    Thank y'all so much! I never thought about using the tags before, and now I'm wondering if there's a way to setup "universal tags" that can apply to all of my projects instead of creating them one project at a time.

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Hello @JP Gravitt thanks for your feedback.

    The feature that resembles the most an "Universal Tag" in MeisterTask is what @Rooster McNugget mentioned in his response: Pins for the Agenda.

    Now, consider that Agenda is a feature exclusively avialble to Pro and Business users, so if that's not your case, then, that's a good reason to upgrade.

    Regarding how to handle the creation of the same tags for all your projects, my response has two parts:

    Part 1: All your existing projects

    • You'll have to create those tags manually
    • There's no way around it for projects already in your account

    Part 2: All your future projects

    • Create a "Template Project" that serves as a reference
    • Create all your specific tags in that project alone
    • Duplicate that project every time you need a new project with your tag structure
    • Rename the duplicated project as you see fit

    I hope these lines serve you as a reference.

    Best regards.


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  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Excellent solutions, @Rooster McNugget and @Andres D'Andrea !

    To quickly add - there is an active feature request for global tags (cross-project) available here, which you might want to add your upvote to!



  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 683 Community Leader

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    and thanks for the hint! 👌

    @JP Gravitt : I do it like @Andres D'Andrea describes it in Part 2 above

    Best, Samuel.

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Hey good to know... Thanks for the heads up 👍



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