Where is the Search icon? Product-Update 🎉

Dear community đź‘‹,
were you wondering today: WHERE IS THE SEARCH ICON???
The Meister team has improved the search function, so the search icon has moved to the left sidebar on the top of your screen. And this is how the search works now:
🚀 What's new? Conveniently, you can now search in all projects, tasks and notes at once.
➡ Important: To initiate a search, it's necessary to enter text in the search field. Merely selecting filters will not activate the search function.
Further information and instructions are available here in the Help Center.
Hey, this update seems to have completely broken search for tags.
If I search # and a tag, nothing will come up at all. This basically breaks the app for our purposes.
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Hi @Peter Davison ,
I would recommend using the filter "tags". To do so:
1. Select the filter Tasks.
2. Now you can see the filter Tags. Select this filter and choose from the list the tag you want to search for.
I hope this helps :)0 -
Hey Cornelia, unfortunately it doesn’t. We have thousands of tags. When selecting any one of these tags under the filter section, “no results” are found.
We’ve submitted a ticket with the information. The only way to search by tag now is by exporting the project data into excel daily and searching there.
Other users with more than a small number of tags will be having this same issue0 -
oh wow, you have thousands of tags ?! That's a lot indeed. I think submitting a ticket was a good call on your part!
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@Peter Davison , I just heard from the team, that in order to search for a tag, you need to enter a search term in addition to that. I hope this helps!
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The issue is the tags are what help us find the tasks, not the other way around.
We want to find any task that has a tag “abcd”
For archived tasks this wasn’t possible on the iPad apps but always worked on the web app up until this recent update.0 -
Hey, the update has massive disadvantages for our workflow, as it takes many more clicks to find a corresponding process. And the way the results are shown is also much less clear.
Are there at least plans to allow users to customize the Position of the Search Icon and the display of search results, or should it really stay that way?
If so, then unfortunately we would have to look around for a new tool :(
If you are a customer and see the update also more as a downgrade, then please leave a thump up…
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100% agree. Meister has been fantastic for what we do but this update fundamentally breaks the functionality of tags searching.
Moving to another tool will be an immense effort but will be an inevitability if this functional remains in its current state. At least give us the option to roll back to the previous legacy version if you can
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Hi, thanks for your feedback!
I understand that searching for tags seems very, very critically for you. Have you tried using the report features for that? You can easily search in multiple projects for specific tags, without entering any text.
Below is a screenshot of how that would look like. I searched in all projects that I have access to for open tasks with the tag Finance. More filters are available to narrow down the search.0 -
I do agree with @Eric Leistenschneider, since the last update it's very tedious to find the right task quickly and easily. Searching using the task owner isn't really good either. The old search function was better in my opinion too. Unfortunately... But I'm sure the master team can improve this.
The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!
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Hey, thank you. Trying this now it seems to work quite well. Fairly quick too compared to the last update. Will continue to test with some archived tasks and see if it's all good!
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Not having the massive issues that others have, but got some feedback.
1. I like the new location for the search tool.2. Why CTRL+K? convention is to use CTRL+F for Find
3. CTRL+K gives me different search results than using the search icon? And clicking the Show all search results for "…" gives me another list of results. Searching should not be so hard.
4. In the Windows App, the list of filters (had to guess that's what that is) is larger than the window width without even a scroll bar. I think that is a UX issue. Please show all filters within the weirdly small search window.
5. There seems to be no easy way to clear the previous search term, except of backspace? Please provide a Clear Button.
6. I like it keeps the previous filters, but I am missing, a shortcut for SEARCH THE CURRENT PROJECT only, it was a bit hidden in the previous version, but at least was just a few clicks away.
7. Need a Clear all Filters button.
8. The little cross icon in the upper right corner is missing the hover over tool tip.
9. The interface is very bland, in comparison to the richness of the rest of the app. The text is thinner, more gray and feels as if it is not matching the rest of the UX. Give us back text and more color please.
It just does not feel like a Meistersearch. just apprentice search.
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unfortunately the new search has not gone down so well with us either. The project description is no longer displayed in the search.
Or is it possible to show it?
Is there any way to go back to the old search?0 -
That blue arrow is an enter sign to open the task. If you navigate via keyboard you can see which task are you openening by clicking "enter".
One thing I noticed is that you can not return to the search if oopened the wrong task. I would prefer to have either an preview or return to search feature. But most time I open the projects directly.
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Hi đź‘‹, thank you for the feedback, everyone! It's fascinating to see all the different opinions, and we appreciate every point of view.
As you know, Meister has changed and iterated projects, tasks, and notes a lot in the past, so your insights help us understand how to make the next iterations even better!
I'd like to provide a bit more information and respond to some of the points that have been raised:
- Position of the search icon: It now remains in the same position, whether you're working on a project, task, or note. We've strived for consistency and ease of access. (Currently, there are no plans for customization of this feature. However, feel free to make a feature request in the community if you'd like to see any changes.)
- Viewing search results: You can now view more search results at once, though this comes at the cost of seeing less of each description. If you're having trouble finding what you're looking for, I recommend using the filter feature to narrow down your search.
- Searching for tags or assignees: If you wish to search only for assignees, due dates, or tags without entering any text, please use the reports feature, where you can ideally search/filter for these things. For the current search functionality, you must enter text—anything that might appear in the title or description—to achieve optimal search results.
- "Why CTRL+K? Convention is to use CTRL+F for Find" — That's a valid question! From my point of view, you're absolutely right. To be honest, the use of CTRL+K to open the search window follows the old search convention, so it hasn't changed. That's why it's still CTRL+K.
- "CTRL+K gives me different search results than using the search icon?" — That's unexpected. There should only be one search algorithm, so when I tested it, I didn't find any differences. Make sure to have the same set of filters enabled. If you're experiencing this issue, please post an example below so we can better understand it.
- Clear all button: Meister consciously chose to remove the clear button in the search window for the sake of simplicity and ease-of-use. If you'd like to see this feature return, please make a feature request in the community. 🙂
Thanks, Cornelia
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Unfortunately, the filter functions don't help me to find the right tasks. It's a loss that such good functions as the previous search are simply thrown overboard...
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Hi @Janosch Jung ,
I am sad to hear this, let's see if I can help. Could you please describe what you are looking for and how you currently use the search?
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For those who search tags, I might have found a workaround.
If you search for anything you get to the function show more results, than you can enter "*" instead + Filter for tags.
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is there a simple way to come back to the previous "search" button, more convenient in every way?
Thank you!
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We have noticed this new search button brings up old deleted/ completed tasks as well as active tasks, but won't clearly define which is which so we are left guessing which one to click on. Its making it harder for us to search. It is also harder to see quickly since the lettering is smaller and lighter.
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Hi everyone đź‘‹,
We’ve noticed that our recent launch of the unified Search feature has sparked a lot of conversation and, admittedly, for some people confusion how it works. We understand that new features can take time to get used to, and we’re here to support you.
To help clear up any questions and ensure you’re getting the most out of this new functionality, we’re hosting a special edition of our Meister Expert Tips - Live Office Hours, focusing specifically on the Unified Search feature.
What You’ll Gain by Joining:
- Valuable Insights: Learn directly from our productivity experts @Marlene Lechner and @Thomas Mayerhofer how to efficiently use the unified Search to streamline your work across notes, projects and tasks.
- Receive Live Support: Our experienced Meister professionals are here to answer your questions and help you get the most out of MeisterTask.
- Exchange ideas with other Meister customers: Share your experiences and learn from other companies in various industries who also use Meister tools.
Event Details:
- Date & Time: Wednesday, February 14th 2024 - 3:00 PM (CET) (Duration: 45 mins)
- Sign-Up: Use the link below to sign up:
(Also available in German here.)
This Live Office Hours session is your opportunity to engage directly with our team and your peers, ensuring you have all the knowledge and tools to enhance your productivity with our unified search feature 🚀.
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Ich glaube fast jeder könnte noch mit der neuen Positionierung der Suchfunktion leben, aber die Ergebnisanzeige ist so unübersichtlich, dass es uns nun einige Stunden mehr im Monat kostet, die passenden Ergebnisse zu finden. Alle Prozesse und Arbeitweisen mit Meistertask sind nun wenig effektiv. Es ist wirklich traurig und der Office Hours werden nur workaorunds präsentiert, welche ebenfalls ewig dauern, um eine Aufgabe zu finden.
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Hallo @Eric Leistenschneider ,
vielen Dank fĂĽr das Feedback! Falls du es noch nicht gesehen hast, es gibt zwei Feature-Ideen wie man die Suche verbessern kann.
ℹ Ich empfehle allen, die die derzeitige Funktion als suboptimal ansehen, sich an den neuen Funktionsanfragen zu beteiligen: Bewerte sie hoch und stimme dafür ab, und teile deine Erkenntnisse, Bedürfnisse und Beschwerden in dem neuen Thread mit und melde dich dort zu Wort.
Feature-Idee Nr 1.
Feature-Idee Nr 2.
Weitere deutsche Threads zu dem Thema sind hier und hier, die ebenfalls interessant sein könnten.
(Auf English wurde noch keine Feature-Idee gepostet soweit ich sehe.)0 -
This content has been removed.
We have found a workaround with which we can easily find our tasks again within a project.
Using filters and the search works quite well.3 -
Dear @Janosch Jung ,
many thanks for sharing this tip! The filtering option in the right sidebar is a great way to find specific tasks, I use it on a bi-weekly basis as well when I plan my next weeks. I especially like/use the filter for tasks that are due soon.
I have extended the documentation on Search in our Help Center extensively and included your tip as well!0 -
bei uns wiederholen sich Aufgaben mit einigem zeitlichen Abstand immer wieder. Wir möchten dann ein altes Projekt duplizieren und leicht abändern/aktualisieren.
Problem in der (neuen) Suche:
Wir finden nicht nur ein Projekt, sondern viele (fast gleiche). Die heißen in der Überschrift auch gleich. Gibt es aktuell die Möglichkeit das Erstelldatum der Aufgabe mit anzeigen zu lassen? Oder nach Erstelldatum zu sortieren?0 -
Hallo Stefan,
dafĂĽr wĂĽrde ich die Funktion Berichte empfehlen. Da kann man gut nach allen Aufgaben mit einem bestimmen Erstelldatum filtern. Die Funktion findest du in der linken Seitenleiste. Weitere Informationen wie du diese Funktion nutzen kannst findest du hier im Help Center.
Alternativ kannst du auch in der Suche selbst nur in den aktiven Aufgaben suchen, dafür gibt es einen Filter. Durch Auswahl dieses Filters "Status" und der Option Aktive Aufgaben kann das Suchergebnis so eingrenzt werden, dass nur aktive Aufgaben enthalten sind und archivierte und gelöschte Aufgaben ausgeschlossen werden.0
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