How to solve Push notifications not showing?
Hi Im trying to change notification settings, for example to get notified day before due date. No matter what I do it doesn't work. The push notifications options does not appear at all. I've verified that the tasks are assigned to me and have a due date. I've verified that notifications are enabled for the app under phone…
Is it possible to add a gap in a single task on the Timeline?
Hi everyone! Could you help me, please. I'm deciding whether to upgrade to business plan because I'm interested in Timeline option. But first I need to know whether is it possible to insert a gap in the same task? For example, one task is being done from 25 to 26 June and from 29 to 30 (see picture below). Is it possible…
Duplizieren von Projekten und Aufgaben
Hallo zusammen, wir arbeiten häufig mit Vorlagen für Projekte und auch Aufgaben und duplizieren diese dann um z. B. ein neues Projekt anzulegen. Leider ist es bis jetzt so, dass man nach dem Duplizieren einer Aufgabe oder eines Projektes, erst zu dem neu erstellten wechseln muss. Hier wäre es schön, wenn man nach dem…
Can I assign Multiple Tasks at once to the same person?
Can I assign Multiple Tasks at the same time to be assigned to the same person? I have BIG maps that need hundreds of assigned tasks - but I can only do 1 at a time and it takes forever. Any help is appreciated.
Assign Tasks to "Ghost" Team Members
Hey, y'all! I'm using MeisterTask Pro at work just for myself to help track, sort, and prioritize my work and stay more on top of the myriad of things I need to do, and while I absolutely love it, I find myself wishing that I could somehow assign tasks to my coworkers/supervisors without having to drag them into creating…
[Known Bug] Editing Task Descriptions on iOS
I use MeisterTask daily and love it. The one challenge I've found is for something I use every day - within the Notes (description) field of Tasks. I use these more than anything else, and every time I go into the Notes field, the cursor defaults to the very bottom of the field, forcing me to slowly crawl up the note…
🤓 MeisterHacks: See an Overview of all the Tasks in a Note
Hey, Some notes, such as meeting minutes, end up with a lot of delegated tasks. Want a quick overview of what needs doing by who? This is valuable especially in longer notes with lots of action items. Scroll through all related tasks and their assignees with ease! Did you already know about this? Let us know in the…