[DELIVERED] Visibility to MeisterNotes from a task
Since you can link Tasks within a Note, it would be good to have visibility from a Task that a note exists.
[DELIVERED] Visible due date on tasks in MeisterNote
It would be very useful, if you could see the due date also on the task in MeisterNote. Or better, if you could direct set a due date by creating a task in MeisterNote. This way I always have to switch into MT to see the due date.
[ALREADY OFFERED] Create groups that can be addressed via @
I would find it very helpful, if you could alert people in a comment beyond the use of @here and @all or specific people in the project. Being able to add and remove people from a user-defined list, so that you can alert all people from a certain team for example, would be incredibly useful for us. Right now, we have to @…
[DELIVERED] Updated MeisterTask -> MeisterNote Integration
This thread is closed — For more information on this upcoming release, visit the main thread on the MeisterNote Feature Board here:
[DELIVERED] Subtasks
One of our most requested MeisterTask features is subtasks - a way to break tasks into smaller parts, or even divide up the work between multiple people. UPDATE: Subtasks were released on October 16th:
[IMPLEMENTED] External Sharing for Notes
I'm trying to use MeisterNote to create an public wiki for my clients. Not being able to share my notes makes this impossible. We can share mindmaps and projects, seems like notes would be logical?
Resize columns in Meister Task
I couldn't find a way to resize the columns in Task. As a result, they're not wide and leave a lot of dead space on the page that could be used otherwise. With wider columns, I could also see more Tasks listed on the main page. For the same reasons, I would like to remove the "Add Section" column (adding a small button for…
[IMPLEMENTED] Table of Contents in MeisterNote
Having the ability to add an automated table of contents section to notebooks would be a great addition in MeisterNote! Right now, I have a makeshift table of contents built out that I have to manually update when adding a new section or note. This often will get missed though. It would be amazing to see this be automated…
Attachments should not be shown in overview
Having thumbnails of attachments of tasks decreases the overall overview by a lot. There should be a small symbol, but not a preview of for example a picture.
Feature Request: MeisterTask Templates (IMPLEMENTED)
Hi Everyone, Sharing a suggestion I think will take MeisterTask to the next level. Most of the competitors (Asana, Trello, Todoist, Monday.com etc.) have extensive templates that users can use as a guide to get them going. The templates can be copied, edited and so on. Although it's a fair amount of work involved to…
Automated Contents Pages for Notes
Is there scope for an auto generated Contents Page for long notes using the hierarchy of the H1 H2 H3 headings etc? Our team used to use Freedcamp and this was a feature in their documentation tool and was very useful to navigating to important sections. Feeback on this idea would be great! 😀
[IMPLEMENTED] Organizing Note Groups by hand ✋🏻
I would like to be able to sort the groups - whether alphabetically (like the Notes) or by hand.
Open API for creating projects, tasks and managing members
Today we add a "bot" that has admin permissions in order the be able to add/remove users and other tasks automated via integrations from our project portal. This is clumsy since that user clutters the user list. Would be great to be able to do these administrative tasks via API without having an admin user present.