Do not override command-shift-A so we can access Browser Open Tab
Command-Shift-A (mac) (control-shift-A win) is the most useful shortcut key to enable to move to another open tab. It is a Chromium functionality so works in Edge and Chrome. Try it out you will love it. MM overtakes the shortcut for what seems to be a select all on the node. This is very productivity flow breaking.…
MindMeister Map Logic
A traditional way of using mind mapping techniques when planning, is to capture ideas in a radial or clockwise fashion, from 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock. Many of our clients who use mind mapping techniques when planning their essays or written work will follow this method. Unfortunately there is no way to adopt this practice…
Control-Backspace fails to work as in other applications #bug
Introduction In most applications, when editing text (even in this textbox I'm filling now in Chrome) the Control+Backspace shortcut deletes the full preceding word, putting the cursor right after the preceding blank space (or at the beginning of the text box if just one word had been typed in). Now, if I want to keep…
Entra para el examen
De las teorías del psicodinámicas entra solo Erickson No entran las biologicas
Mindmap for book writing
Add ability to link between nodes in the same map
I absolutely love mindmeister and have used extensively for over 10 years. The one feature I really miss is being able to link between nodes on different branches. I find I often have two children in different branches for which I want to link one to another as one may contain lots of descriptive detail which I don't want…
Sort order for project columns is weird
It looks like MindMeister is sorting the my TaskMeister project columns by date created or something because it's put my Not Yet Actionable column at the bottom even though it's first on my task board, but it is the most recently created column.
Mindmap as a "Timeline"
Hello, i use Mindmeister and i like to use it! A great tool to organise. What is miss is to create a mindmap as a "Timeline". In mindmeister every new mindmap has a "center". But i would like to create a Timeline example for milestones or to organise things in a chronological way. I would like to make a choice, how to use…
i think this website need a new mind map. I need in this moment a map for a dialogue, let me explain this: it can have a principal argument in the centre of the map and you need to create only ONE line and all the arguments need to be all connected eachother. i need this type of map beacause in Italy in the 8th grade you…
Drag and drop tasks from recent tasks onto the map
One of the reasons I renewed my subscription and got the Task and Mind bundle is because of the integration of the two so I'm going to be focusing my feature requests around that integration. So, first up, I'm glad that this integration exists and it's going to really help me get my thoughts onto a canvas and then break…
Tasks as their own special node type
I'm sure there's a good reason for the way it works now with a node being linked to a task, but I would like you to consider a task being the node. That way I don't have to bother thinking of what to call the node when I've already got a task title. And then if I update the task title it'll update the node label too. I'm…
Massive width adjustment of text blocks in MindMap
Hello, It would be nice to be able to adjust the width of the text blocks in multiple selection, a bit like in XMind, so that you can quickly change the layout of the mind map. At the moment, having to go back over each block is just a hassle on large documents. A 1/2 hour of adjustment that takes me a second on XMind :)…
Please add a spellchecker to MindMeister. Mind maps are great for dyslexics who are also often spelling-challenged, and this would make MindMeister much easier to use.
Inclusão de Equações e símbolos
a ferramenta deveria ter a opção de inserção de equações e os simbolos nece
locking nodes
Hello, I would like to lock certain nodes in a map. As a teacher, I want to add nodes labeled "Challenges" and "Benefits" to a map, and then share this map with my students. I want them to be able to edit the map by adding new nodes under "Challenges" or "Benefits," but I do not want them to be able to remove or modify…
Buatkan kerangka pemikiran dari analisis citra profesional perempuan di LinkedIn dalam mencapai kesu
Buatkan kerangka pemikiran dari analisis citra profesional perempuan di LinkedIn dalam mencapai kesuksesan karir study kasus LinkedIn Cinta Laura Kiehl dengan menggunakan teori personal branding
Talking Tree? Mindmeister/Notion/Notion q and a AI integration
Please create a way to embed maps, link them to pages, and to offer notion q and a integrated at specific levels down map's subdividing hierarchy. It creates a talking organizational tree whose privacy boundaries are regulated by page permissions. beautiful, a very intuitive ui. I hope for others too. I am currently doing…
Influence Diagram would be good as a template
Cycle diagram
Beyond the connecting option, When trying to create a flow chart it would be great to just connect a box to two different stems
Maping Process
A map of process should totally help.
Compact layout option between auto-layout and manual
Auto layout is cool but wastes a LOT of whitespace. Manual layout is handy for utilising that wasted space and is useful for creating meaningful distance between parents and siblings e.g. this node is related but distant - but gets messy quickly because suddenly every other node pretends the manually positioned node no…
Linked MindMap synchronisation
Hi, It would be very interesting to synchronise the linked mindmaps in both directions. At the moment, you can open a branch in a new independent map. But this is not synchronised with the motherboard and vice versa. In this way we could have global maps linked to specific maps and interact according to the vision we want.
Deep Focus Mode, show only that one node and nothing else (like in MIND VIEW)
In mindview there is an excellent feature wherein the app lets you see just that particular node in the map and nothing else. By clicking the button with a mouse or using a keyboard shortcut. This is EXTREMELY useful. Please please please add this feature.
Select default theme
Something really anoying is to have to select my favourite theme everytime I create a new map… The solution : be able to choose a theme as the default theme.
Ability to add both Emoji and Image simultaneously
Current behaviour - we can add either a emoji or an image to a node. Feature request- Emoji and image have independent utilization in majority of cases. Ability to add both will be better.
Connect Mindmaps / Conectar los mapas mentales
Obsidian (Another program) has an option called Graph view where you can connect your pages with one word and you can see them with this option in a big picture. This is an example: / Obsidian (Otro programa) tiene una opcion llamada "Graph view" donde se pueden conectar con una palabra las paginas creadas, y se puede ver…
Markdown textboxes and annotations shown on map
I would like the option to have formatted annotations and notes on the mind map (with all the formatting and title options available in notes) that are open all of the time, similar to how images can be shown on a map. The note icons to open them are very tiny and not really useful to see information quickly. For my…
Tapping to create new topic
I’ve moved over from SimpleMind and miss the intuitiveness of Creating a new topic. In SimpleMind, when you tap on the screen it creates a new topic from the selected topic as opposed to from the central theme. This is so much faster and more effective. Please can you introduce this feature.