Alterar nome de mapa mental (diferente do tópico principal)
maximize opened notes in presenting mode
today when in presenting mode if you open a note it shows as a little bubble floating over the topic. a more proper way of presenting it might be a left/right side panel with the notes being shown, while the topic on the contrary side with zoom out showing up entirely.
shift|ctrl + click to zoom in topic
this would be an interesting feature while presenting meister maps. I rather present maps freely in my way using the focus mode than the default present mode that meister offers, and the possibility to zoom in a topic with a click would be amazing 🙂 also while having the topic on focus pressing ctrl + 0 or something like…
ability to hide formatting bar in topic notes
they're not that fashion to be shown while presenting something in meister maps 🙂
[Already offered] Format Painter (for Style)
I would like to suggest a formatting brush feature for the style of tree node / child, similar to the classic Microsoft Word Format Painter". The user can be able to copy a parent style (shape, border and line type) to the child node. This would optimize time for mind maps that have some style standardization, for example.…
Track Changes
I am working on a Mind Map in MindMeister with several members of my team. It would be great to have a way to "track changes" similar to "suggesting" mode in Google Docs. I understand I can restore a previous version, but even doing that does not allow me to easily see what my colleagues have added/edited since the last…
mixed export page format
I work with people in min I use mindmeister with clients on a horizontal computer screen, so the mindmap is formatted horizontally, with each subtopic on either side of the central idea (see attachment). But then I want to print and export it with a vertical orientation for the outline. So, I'd love to export the map…
Ability to set custom zoom level for presentation mode and keep it constant
There has been a change so every element now shows at 2000%+ zoom level If the zoom is set at 400% for example it should stay at that level for all elements
Please bring back the website sitemap template!
[Delivered] Shortcut (or simply enable ESC) to close the Note Window
I can quickly add a note doing ALT + SHIFT + N, but if I can't close the note from the keyboard than it's useless
Course creation progress Template
Hi, Would Meister create a template for those who create courses I currently have my template but it would be great to see some templates so we can use them to manage the progress and control our course creation.
Bezeichnung von Links im Anhang
Hallo meister-Team, ich arbeite innerhalb von mind meister gerne mit Links in Anhängen. Hier wäre es ein Traum, wenn die angezeigte Bezeichnung individuell geändert werden könnte. Aktuell zeigt es mir die Anhänge wie folgt an: Hierbei hat man dann jedoch immer das Problem nicht zu wissen, was sich hinter dem Link verbirgt.…
Manual adjustment of the date for a due date | Manuelle Anpassung des Datums bei einer Fälligkeit
English: Since we work a lot with dates, it would be great if you could enter specific dates when they are due without always having to click on the corresponding months. As with the time. German: Da wir viel mit Daten arbeiten wäre es super, wenn man bei der Fälligkeit auch konkrete Daten eingeben kann, ohne immer die…
Embed a map without publishing it
Embed without indexing it and publishing it to the global meister community.
Possibility to export in JSON
for me mindmaister app and website is very useful and well maintained for create very intuitive mind maps, im a software developer and for export the data of my maps would be so nice to have the possibility to export in a JSON format file.
Export the Maps to Excel Sheet
It would be Good, If we could Export the Maps to Excel Sheet
Export Different Levels - Maps
It would be Good if we could Export Maps at different Levels.If in Excel , it would be much good. Example : Mind Map - All Level 3 Downloads not level two nor level 4
Share Folder of Mind Maps
I am creating a group of Mind Maps to help our college interns understand work-related concepts Sharing multiple Mind Maps is a workaround and quite cumbersome. It will be easier to share a single folder of all these Mind Maps Thank you
New template: Product Backlog
A template for people trying to structure a business idea (all-in-one-place). To log features in a product backlog, ideas for UI, website, logo, functionality, whatever basically.
Restore after crash
There should be a feature where when your computer crashes it resets to the last stable version
Offline Mode
Please create a feature in which the MindMeister browser interface updates a file stored locally on my PC or mobile device instead of the online server. My concerns are about storing my data on your servers and editing maps on my mobile device is very spotty when my cell signal is weak.
[DELIVERED] 💡Feature Request: Custom Themes in the New Editor
One of our most requested features for the new editor is reintroducing customizable and saveable themes for your mind maps: selecting individual options such as topic background color, line color, and more. The MM team is super welcoming of feedback as they begin designing and implementing the feature - please feel free to…
Administracion del tiempo y Aritmetica simple
Seria interesante poder contar con alguna plantilla que aplique la teoria de eisenhower #Tambien seria conveniente evaluar poder agregarle a las secciones la posibilidad de agregar una casilla numerica dentro de la misma pestaña, que permita ejecutar funciones basicas como [sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir]..
Ability to seamlessly create a legend for the mind map
Grant ability to create legend for the mind map so we can assign colors to mean something.
Integrate into Loop, Notion,
It will be great to integrate into wiki tools such as Loop and Notion.
More font sizes, and the ability to change the size/font/colour of the mind map all at once.
shortcut to create links in notes
for somebody who's not used to markdown, writing links in that way is really annoying. "ctrl + k" is a very common shortcut for creating links in many platforms, it would be nice to work in mindmeister too.
Ability to write a fraction
I use mindmeister in my math classes. I miss the ability to write fractions, my students get confused when they see 1/4 * 2/3 - it would be great to see fractions implemented in mindmeister.
More Shapes
I'm working on building a flow chart. I'd like to see the option for a diamond and parallelogram.
💡Feature Request: Gantt Chart template (Timeline) in MindMeister
Hi together, @Cornelia Patscheider gave me the idea with her post about Canva that it would be cool to have such a Gantt Chart template in MindMeister. Would love to have it in MindMeister! 😉