ability to rename attachments, to give them a name more friendly than a big url.
The new design of Mindmeinster is soberb! Modern, easy to use and with more vibrants colors. However, one thing that I am particularly missing is the Floating Style Box that used to be available at all times within the GUI. In the new Mindmeister design the Style Box is available ONLY when you click in a knot/bubble. That…
It would be much easier to use the outline if I didn't have to drill down the options to view the details of the branch. How about <Ctrl-1> for one level, <Ctrl-2> and so on.
I would like to suggest a formatting brush feature for the style of tree node / child, similar to the classic Microsoft Word Format Painter". The user can be able to copy a parent style (shape, border and line type) to the child node. This would optimize time for mind maps that have some style standardization, for example.…
Long time user, first time requester. The update of Mindmeister was mainly great. However, some glitches are apearent. Before the screen moved along with the node as you were writing which was great. Now you write and text disappears on the edge so you have to drag the map to the side. Is a MAJOR inconvenience!
I would love to see a zoom-in zoom-out shortcut.
Hi, today its far to many clicks to get to the option to create a connection line, i like that to be as accessible as the current + icons that show on right side and bellow a bullet/bubble when its active. how about adding a green arrow with a line just like the + icons but above the bullet/bubble. As a user of your tool…
I don't know if it's available on the new version yet but being able to play the timeline of changes like you were able to do with the old version.