Can I export mind map to PDF or image with the clickable topics?

shruthi chinnapla
shruthi chinnapla EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner
edited June 2023 in Ask the Community

I have created a mindmap, added the topics, and attached a link.

Can I make by topics clickable?

Best Answer

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,497 Community Leader
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @shruthi chinnapla and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    Your question is indeed an interesting one. Actually, there's no function for clickable topics in exported (PDF / image) mind maps. You can of course edit PDF's and images in related programs like Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop, or in corresponding open source alternatives, to insert clickable links.

    If you'd like to see a feature for a corresponding export in MindMeister, please feel free to submit a feature request. I'm pretty sure, you'll get a lot of votes for it 😉

    Best, Jörg

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