🤩 Template: Master's Thesis

A couple days ago I was able to give a speech in front of 3 PhD professors to get my masters degree in virtual education.
Basically I needed to explain my final thesis in front of them, I decided to use MindMeister as it's not only better for me to use but also was different.
as you can see on my screenshoot I was able to summarize all my presentation and was simple to understand and also super helpful.
All the professors said Yes. Now I'm going to get my masters degree. I think this can help other students who are also doing a Thesis. You can explain all your research in just one Mindmap.
Congrats @Tatiana Torres ! I wish I had known about MindMeister when I got my degree.
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Did you present with focus mode and just scroll through? I've taught students essay planning with MindMeister but never thought to actually do a presentation in a similar style
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Fabulous idea @Tatiana Torres! 🎓
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Congratulations @Tatiana Torres 👏
Clearly structured presentations are enormously important for the audience to be able to grasp and understand everything better. And it seems to me that you have done a great job with MindMeister ☺️
Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich zwischendurch gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask und MeisterNote aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.
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Congratulations @Tatiana Torres and thank you for sharing - the mind map looks great. I love how collapsing topics in MindMeister allows you to make extensive maps with lots of information while maintaining clear and simple presentation!
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Just this one post helps me to take away four great ideas/concepts/methods:
@Miša : I didn't value the chance to collapse topics to guide and control the focus of the audience before you mentioned that; thank you. Great idea to begin, pause, restart after a break(=reorientation), and finish any presentation. When presenting physically in the same room, you might even print the collapsed "Intro" mode of the map and hand it out to everybody so that they can add handwritten personal comments and questions into the same visual structure they see on the board.
@Jörg Koper I strongly support your post and would add from an educative perspective: clear and more accessible understanding means way better memorizing and less energy needed doing just that in complex matters.
@Emily The focus mode might be one of the most helpful cognitive success-supporting features at all, adding to the effect of the clear structure mentioned by Jörg and the effect of collapsing outer branches until they are needed when the presentation dives into detail. Saw it in the expert-coassemble course and in at least two youtubes, but always forget to just keyboard ctrl+. Not only in presentations but also in brainstorming sessions.
@Tatiana Torres Maybe your choice of 10 topics is just a result of the structure of your speech, but I suspect even that part was intentional. More than ten might cause confusion and, with that, stress, and reduce your chance to control time and focus. It might also reduce the chance for the audience to eagle-eye the presentation from beginning to end whenever any participant feels inclined to do so. Super Great realization of methodology in presenting complex information.👌
**Thank you so much, everybody, love this community and highly profit from so many contributions. This one, in my eyes, is really outstanding, highly efficient groundwork, not just covering one of many features.**
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HI @Olaf Roeb I LOVE this summary you've made! It really emphasises the value of the tool in @Tatiana Torres' thesis presentation. And good point on the handouts! I think the clean and stylish design of MindMeister makes for brilliant handouts - I've suggested this to several users as a great way to make presentations more effective. I also love your idea of printing only the basic (collapsed) version of the mind map, allowing the presenter to expand in speech, and the audience to handwrite their own thoughts.
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Absolutely agree @Olaf Roeb 👍️
Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich zwischendurch gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask und MeisterNote aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.
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Yes, I used focus mode for it! and with my - and plus buttons on my keyboard to move around.
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Thanks again Tatiana, this is a really great model 😀
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Congratulations on the presentation - MindMeister's strength over the competition is the easy beauty of maps which can be showed off professionally. Very much looking forward to the presentation function.
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