Why am I unable to enter text in a note?



  • Burton Everist
    Burton Everist EN Basic Posts: 25 Beginner

    I do have to stop this and do other work. I was just starting new people as collaborators but I think I should start them on another program, perhaps ayoa.

  • Burton Everist
    Burton Everist EN Basic Posts: 25 Beginner

    I would, however, appreciate an answer as to what will happen to my maps, and, also, is there a way they can be exported so another map program can import them? Please, do have the courtesy to answer.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi Burton,

    An upgrade would make no difference as your plan should also be able to add notes.

    The screenshot doesn't show any issues in the dev console, which is even stranger.

    If you could provide us with a screen recording, that would be ideal.

    I've added a chrome example to this message.

    Of course, yours can be in safari. This will help us see the error.

    Learn about exporting your mind maps here.

  • Burton Everist
    Burton Everist EN Basic Posts: 25 Beginner

    Thanks again. I will try to close the accounts. And I will resize the images! This system works much better than "help" had some time ago! Great!

  • Burton Everist
    Burton Everist EN Basic Posts: 25 Beginner

    Thank you. Just to be safe my account shows two subscriptions, PRO and BASIC. Since there is a good warning that closing the subscription will delete all my maps, is it safe to delete the BASIC subscription?

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin


    To avoid the loss of mind maps, please export them (find out how here). You can then import them on your other account.
