MindMeister updates: map out your ideas even faster



  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,018 Community Admin

    Hi @Mark Mosher , please follow the instructions here to add a hyperlink. This is still available and easy to use, but a little bit hidden now, unfortunately.

  • Tatsuhito Koya
    Tatsuhito Koya EN Pro Posts: 15 Active Contributor

    I don't see the full screen option to enlarge the attached image anymore. The current workaround is the use of the browser's magnification option, but this is kludgy.

  • Mark Mosher
    Mark Mosher EN Pro Posts: 12 Active Contributor

    Yes, I figured that out, but I'd also still like the ability to do this the old way before this update.

    Mark Mosher
    Boulder, CO, USA
    - Sr. Manager Global IT : Web Technologies & Citizen Dev Power User Guidance at Arrow Electronics
    - Composer, Electronic Musician & Multimedia Artist: https://markmoshermusic.com
    - Event Producer & Founder of the Rocky Mountain Synthesizer Meet: https://rockymountainsynth.com

  • Mark Mosher
    Mark Mosher EN Pro Posts: 12 Active Contributor

    Can you please offer a setting to make these controls bigger. My old eyes can barely make out the icons. Thanks.

    Mark Mosher
    Boulder, CO, USA
    - Sr. Manager Global IT : Web Technologies & Citizen Dev Power User Guidance at Arrow Electronics
    - Composer, Electronic Musician & Multimedia Artist: https://markmoshermusic.com
    - Event Producer & Founder of the Rocky Mountain Synthesizer Meet: https://rockymountainsynth.com

  • Gui. C.
    Gui. C. EN Basic Posts: 9 Beginner




  • Gui. C.
    Gui. C. EN Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    One more thing: The maps inherited the last setting you created, so you cannot change old maps either way. They stuck at the last position before the update 🤦‍♂️

  • Padraic Fogarty
    Padraic Fogarty EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here
    edited October 5

    While the new approach to access topic options does make it quicker and easier to access options, the communication of the changes has not been great. For example, the menu option to paste links has been removed. I had to do a lot of searching to find Mark Jack's post of 01 October with a solution to this problem. I find the new solution to be more efficient but would have appreciated if guidance was more accessible. The guidance on Using MindMeister has not been updated to reflect the recent changes.

    It is also clear from recent posts that there are a number of other issues and bugs in the latest release that need to be addressed.

  • Tatsuhito Koya
    Tatsuhito Koya EN Pro Posts: 15 Active Contributor

    I just found out the image alignment option is no longer available. I need this option back.

    I feel this update really broke MindMeister's true strength. I always liked Mindmeister's minimalistic and non-intrusive user-interface design that allowed me to focus on what I needed to do most: brainstorming by mind mapping.

    I use a different mind mapping tool whenever I need more flexible layout options. However, when it comes to creating pure mind maps, the other tool's user interface is not as good as MindMeister's (before this update). I could create mind maps as quickly as I brainstormed using MindMeister. With this update, I had to slow down because of its new intrusive interface and loss of previous features.

    Instead of more visually appealing tools. I would rather like to see more support for Markdown syntaxes and more keyboard shortcuts to speed up my brainstorming process.

  • Jason Vidmar
    Jason Vidmar EN Pro Posts: 5 Beginner

    Agree 100% with all the comments here on the utility of supporting Org + List mixed layout styles (for master node and sub-nodes). This was also essential to my workflow, and without it, it is nearly impossible to create manageable mindmaps that represent both wide and dense information (which was a key feature anchoring me to MindMeister all these years).

  • Jason Vidmar
    Jason Vidmar EN Pro Posts: 5 Beginner
    edited October 7

    You worded this very well, Christine. I like your designation of how mixing layouts (such as org + list) was essential for "creative and structured thinking"…which I had separately referred to as representing both "wide and dense" information. This capability was also essential to my usage of MM…and feels like a dramatic loss without it.

  • Richard Vitaris
    Richard Vitaris EN Basic Posts: 51 Star Contributor

    I could not agree with @Mark Mosher more strongly and thank him for taking the time to draft his detailed response and proposal.

    MindMeister needs to pay serious attention to what Mark is saying and to the concerns of its power users. Your competitors, especially XMind, have their act together while MindMeister takes one or two steps backward for every step forward.

    Your iOS product is a disaster and now you are destroying your new editor. If you don't begin fixing these serious problems, your loyal users will give up on you. I considered leaving but ultimately renewed. If I don't see things moving in the right direction, I won't renew again.

  • Artur Mirecki
    Artur Mirecki EN Pro Posts: 1 Beginner
    edited October 7

    The last update is horrible. The Insert key doesn't work, and adding new topics using only a mouse? Are you for real? Just restore the previous version. For me, adding more functionality serves only one purpose: to justify to users the decision to increase prices. Meistertask approach ?

    Here you have mail from meister.co (Sep 12th):


    Updates to your MeisterTask subscription

    Hi Artur,

    Over the past few months, our team has been diligently working to enhance your product experience. To continue to provide you with a top-tier product and service, we’re making adjustments to our pricing structure.



  • Jorge Carrasquel
    Jorge Carrasquel EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

    MindMeister is an application that I love. In fact, it is vital for me. However, as I see in the comments, the recent changes have made the application quite difficult to use. One of the wonders of the application was the shortcuts, which have now become unmanageable. Having to use the mouse to open a dialog box to insert notes is terrible. Worse still, there are now two separate commands to attach a link or upload a file. Previously, both actions could be done with a single command, which was wonderful. Please, I prefer the application as it worked a year ago. It was perfect

  • Gui. C.
    Gui. C. EN Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    I'm anxious to hear from @Mark Jack

  • CJ Forse
    CJ Forse EN Basic Posts: 2 Beginner

    Hey, @Mark Jack, and team! Thank you for having an awesome tool.

    Can y'all let us know two things:

    1. Do you plan to return the org chart + list mixed layout styles feature?
    2. If so, will it be within the next two weeks?

    I hate for this to come off as a lame, disgruntled customer threat, but if this feature doesn't return soon, I'll have to move my company to another tool.

    Unfortunately, the mixed layouts are essential.

    Thanks, all. I really appreciate all your hard work. I've been gushing over MindMeister for over a year.

    However, I'll be moving us off of MindMeister next week if I don't hear back. 😪

    If anyone reading this has a good recommendation, please let me know. We're currently looking at Miro.

  • Oliver Wich
    Oliver Wich MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 80 Star Contributor
    edited October 8

    I have been using Meister for 6+ years with up to 100 users in my team. I am still the biggest Fan and Meister does an amazing job, BUT some changes (like this one) are absolutely incomprehensible for me.

    Agreeing with everything said above. We didn't get any information about upcoming Updates and were not asked if these Updates make sense… In German we call that "verschlimmbessern". It means "to make something worse in order to improve it"😥

    I think the thoughts behind the update are good - make things faster and easier!! Love That, but faster doesn't mean to delete features. A light Version can be fast, but when i "have time" and want the full potential, it should be available and not completely deleted.

    Question: Why don't you build a switch between a "light mode" for new users and a "pro mode" with all the functionality for experienced users?

    By the way: The new focus-mode update doesn't make any sense at all. The Items that are faded out are so tiny that there is literaly no difference between normal mode and focus mode 😂

    Uspkilling Enthusiast. Empowering a new Generation of Legal Experts.

  • Nima Shokouhfar
    Nima Shokouhfar EN Basic Posts: 20 Beginner

    I agree with this point 100%:

    vbnetCopy codeLet's say only 9% of users take advantage of customizable node layouts, so you decide to remove the feature (as you just did). However, what if that 9% consists of hardcore power users who have been loyal for years and have created hundreds of maps using this feature?

    Indeed, I consider myself a power user who relies on advanced features. None of my students use the advanced tools on MindMeister by themselves, but they all benefit from the mind maps I create. So, I believe @Mark Mosher 's point is completely valid.

  • Mark Jack
    Mark Jack MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 9 Beginner
    edited October 8

    Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all these comments. We’re seeing them and they’re informing our upcoming iterations in MindMeister. A couple of notes on specific topics:

    • Ability to mix the org chart and list layouts in a map. We're working on bringing that functionality back by the end of the week. Watch this space!
    • Notifications about product updates. Please ensure you’re subscribed to MindMeister newsletters to keep up with the latest developments.

    Overall, we’re aiming to create a product that is straightforward for anyone to use, and super easy to get started. At times, finding the balance between supporting more advanced use cases and retaining that straightforward feel is challenging, but we’ll continue to listen to users like you all as we map out and understand those trade-offs.

    Thanks for your patience and continued support.

  • ■---▷ ● !
    ■---▷ ● ! EN Business Posts: 3 Beginner

    This function is indispensable in my work. Thanks, @Mark Jack

    @Mark Jack

  • Jason Vidmar
    Jason Vidmar EN Pro Posts: 5 Beginner

    Thanks for the update on this @Mark Jack! No doubt it is difficult to strike the right balance between increasing initial ease of use to attract new users to the product while continuing to satisfy the long-time / power users. But, it is comforting to know that the MM team is seeing the feedback and looking to make some adjustments (some more near-term, and some perhaps more planning-oriented). As others have mentioned, bringing back support for mixed layouts with org/list will be a huge corrective step for many. I do really like the ideas expressed by @Mark Mosher and @Oliver Wich and others regarding two separate modes, e.g., basic and advanced/pro, that could be used to appeal to both sets of users.

  • Nima Shokouhfar
    Nima Shokouhfar EN Basic Posts: 20 Beginner


    To be honest, I use MindMeister heavily every day and have hundreds of maps. I really like the new toolbar and interface compared to the previous one. The ease of access to tools has improved a lot, which I truly appreciate. The only issue I have is that Ctrl+F isn't working, and it drives me crazy. I think it would be a quick fix for you guys, though.

    Anyway, great job to the team! Keep up the good work.

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  • Nima Shokouhfar
    Nima Shokouhfar EN Basic Posts: 20 Beginner

    Overall, I like your new toolbar much better, especially now that I've gotten used to it. Please don't change it. The previous menu felt like navigating a maze, especially when it came to things like attachments. Now, you can access the same features with fewer clicks, reducing mental friction when doing tasks. While the UI muscle memory needs to be retrained, I definitely prefer this version.

    Another thing I appreciate is how you've separated the stylings in the new UI. In the previous version, there were too many elements crammed into one page, making it difficult to locate things. As a UX designer, I prefer this new approach—it's much simpler and more straightforward.

    The image control is much more intuitive now. Previously, you had to know exactly where to click to edit images, but now there's a dedicated button for it, making the process much more straightforward. You no longer need to be a power user to replace, position, or delete an image in your nodes. To be honest, it took me months in the previous UI to figure out how to manage images effectively. You've definitely earned points for this improvement!

    Among all the features you've added, the select box positioning of emojis is by far my favorite. In previous versions, this was absolutely frustrating and irrelevant.

  • theo west
    theo west EN Basic Posts: 25 Active Contributor

    Happy to hear that @Mark Jack ! 😌

    Warm regards

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,018 Community Admin

    Hi everyone,

    thank you @Mark Jack , for collecting all the feedback so far and keeping us in the loop of what's happening next! Mark has kept me internally in the loop as well, and we decided that going forward, I will keep everyone in this thread updated.

    I also want to thank the other Mark, @Mark Mosher, for his detailed and well thought out feedback. Very much appreciated! It is interesting to hear the perspective of a long-standing MindMeister users. Like Mark Jack said, it is indeed difficult to cater to new users and very advanced users at times.

    Thank you @Nima Shokouhfar for the positive feedback. That's great to hear that you like the new toolbars and interface! I could actually reproduce the issue with Ctrl+F and have forwarded the issue to the responsible team at Meister, so that they can further look into this.

  • Karl Ortenburg
    Karl Ortenburg DE Basic Posts: 6 Beginner