Bug: Order in Outline view differs from export

charlesjmorris EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

Hello all,

I re-ordered my top-level topic titles to match the order that I want according to the outline view. It isn't completely obvious since they are displayed in a circle around the center (if you have enough top-level topics) but it seemed to be intuitive enough (from the top-left to bottom-left, then top-right to bottom-right). So everything looks good if I look at Outline view.

However, when I export to a PDF, the order is different. Now the topic at the top-right is listed as "1." and my Introduction (topic at top-left) is "5." The ordering in the export seems to go from top-right then clockwise?

Shouldn't they be consistent?

OS: Windows 11, Browser: Edge 119

Best Answer

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business, DE Advocate Posts: 662 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @charlesjmorris ,

    thanks for reaching out! You are right, unfortunately the order doesn't match at the moment 🙈 This is a known issue and you are totally correct, it should be consistent.

    I would advise to correctly order all topics in the mind maps layout and then export it into a PDF.


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper DACH Partner, MT Tester, DE Business, EN Advocate Posts: 1,392 Community Leader

    Hi @charlesjmorris,

    You may have a look at these posts from Miša and me.

    Best, Jörg

    Als Experten-Partner von Meister führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Workshops für die Integration der Meister Software durch. Hier in der Community freue ich mich auf den Austausch mit Euch und helfe bei Fragen zu MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister gerne weiter.

    Weitere Informationen findest Du auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.

  • charlesjmorris
    charlesjmorris EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Thanks for the response, Jörg. I looked at both of those articles but didn't see anything about the relationship between the order in Outline mode and the order shown in the Export.

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper DACH Partner, MT Tester, DE Business, EN Advocate Posts: 1,392 Community Leader

    Hi Charles,

    sorry for the confusion 😊 I see what you mean.

    I'll tell the team about your reported issue.

    Als Experten-Partner von Meister führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Workshops für die Integration der Meister Software durch. Hier in der Community freue ich mich auf den Austausch mit Euch und helfe bei Fragen zu MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister gerne weiter.

    Weitere Informationen findest Du auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.

  • charlesjmorris
    charlesjmorris EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Thank you very much!

  • charlesjmorris
    charlesjmorris EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Thank you for the confirmation. I'll work around it for now.