Fehler bei E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen
Hallo Community, vielleicht komme ich ja hier weiter oder finde über diesen Weg Gehör bei Meister: seit längerem haben meine Kollegen und ich das Problem, dass unsere Benachrichtigungseinstellungen bei MeisterTask immer wieder entfernt werden. Wir haben den Fehler mehrfach gemeldet, nach langem Hin und Her im Dezember 22…
Why have I suddenly lost the ability to edit a map?
Lost Edit access. I am administrator of a map. Have suddenly lost the ability to edit the map. Other maps can be edited, but not this specific one.
When will the new presentation mode be active on my account?
I can't activate the presentation mode. It's not showing up.
I forgot a step. How can I add it now?
This is probably an easy to answer issue: I created a workflow and I suddenly realized I need to add one child in the middle of my map. How can I do that?
Has the magic wand feature been removed from Mindmeister?
Hi. I have been using Mindmeister for quite a long time. However for the last 1 year, my usage had got down. I want to kickstart the usage again for my competitive exam preparation. But I am noticing that magic wand feature which used to be there for getting image and text from internet is currently missing. Anyone have…
Why are changes not being saved on the server?
After making mind map on certain topic , when i go to close tab , it shows me an alert like "Some changes have not been saved on the server " , Please tell me how to save my complete mind map (and my internet is working properly)
[RESOLVED] What to do when saved map URL is no longer working?
I created a file last summer. I have the URL. It's simply gone. No longer takes me to a mind map but to the grid of all my mindmaps. I am sick over so thought I'd ask her if anyone else has experienced this and if anyone at Meister could respond with guidance.
Why are all my mind maps missing?
I have gone into MM and ALL my detailed maps have gone?!?!? Please help?!?!
Inconsistent prices for subscriptions
Hey, y'all. Brand new here, but I noticed something the other day that has left me really confused. The math just really doesn't add up here. I was trying to email support, but I couldn't find a way to do that (no "Contact Us" page or anything like that). On iOS, where Apple infamously takes a 30% cut of all transactions,…
Revision History? Accidentally Deleted a whole child Topic Cluster- Not showing in History
I accidentally delted a whole child cluster. I went through the previous versions… nothing. Using undo didn't work. I upgraded to see if I could revert back to a previous version.. nothing. The version control doesn't work. I've now lost hours worth of work. Can't contact support… where is the support line?
How Can I Print a Wall Size Map?
I want to create a mindmap scaling to 8 feet tall and likely 20 feet long. Anyone know how to scale the map so I can be sure everything fits? I assume I can export as pdf
How to provided a descriptive name for an attached URL?
I'm a software engineer and use MindMeister for my studies. I work with numerous technologies and languages. Some of my mind maps can get rather large, so I break them down by topic. If I right-click on any node in a map, I have the option "Create as Map." This creates a new map, and the "attachment" is the name of the new…
Soll ich die Meister-Community fragen oder den Support kontaktieren?
Du hast eine Frage zu MeisterTask? Unsere Community ist eine hervorragende Ressource, um Fachwissen auszutauschen und Antworten auf Fragen zu den Meister-Produkten zu erhalten. Wenn Du einen Ratschlag oder Feedback suchst oder auf ein Problem stößt, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass jemand aus unserer Community eine…