Right Shift Key on My Computer not working normally, opening
Within Node's "Add Note" section, I am wanting to perform the simple task of adding a question mark (?) to my text. I typically use the Right-shift key to add a question mark, as it is close and feels natural. However, whenever I click the right-shift key, the "Note section" is exited and instead several popups appear: 2…
What does 'mind map isn't in the correct for format' mean (iOS)?
I've just downloaded the app on my iphone (latest version of app) and I'm trying to view any of the Mindmaps I created on my desktop on the app. However I am getting the error message 'the data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.' Why is this? Thanks in advance
How do I get the previous version to work?
Hi! Yesterday I used Mindmeister to make a mindmap. It was not a lot of work but there were a LOT of good thoughts in there. I closed the mindmap once before and got to work on it later without a problem. I checked previous versions, and there was a timetable which I could click. Imagine my surprise, when I gotten a paid…
Checklist count is not displayed on the Ticket card
I have created a task with 20 checklist items. I cannot see the 20 count on my card. Everytime i have to click on card to see number of checklist items. This was displaying till yesterday and i haven't changed a single setting.
How to upgrade my plan with change?
Hello everyone! I would like to Upgrade my plan (Now it's "Personal") to "Pro". How do I do this and get the price difference? When I try to upgrade my plan I see a discount of $37.69, but it's not on my bill. Has anyone had this problem?
I worked on a map for hours and all the data got lost as soon as I upgraded my account
I worked on a map for hours and all the data got lost as soon as I upgraded my account. I am so frustrated because I have an exam in 4 days and I spent hours building a map that I can no longer find. Is there a way the technical team can go into my account and find it for me???
Какое максимальное количество майнд-карт я могу создать?
Мне известно, что количество тем, которые можно сохранить в одной майнд-карте, составляет 10000. Если я превышу это количество, я потеряю доступ к майнд-карте. Также мне известно, что для лучшей производительности майнд-карты лучше всего поддерживать количество тем менее 500. Вся вышеперечисленная информация касается тем…
Какое максимальное количество майнд-карт можно создать?
План Личный. У меня около 2000 карт. А нужно создать еще как минимум столько же. Есть ли у mindmeister ограничения по количеству майнд-карт?
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't get in my profile 😲😲😲😲😲😲
I have two profiles: 1. An OLD PERSONAL ONE, which is basically empty (and which I use now to connect) 2. A NEW PRO one what uses another email address than the first one. And for some reasons I can't get into the PRO one anymore. These are the issues I run into: 1. My password doesn't work anymore, not even some older…
[RESOLVED] Sharing a mindmap
Once I click in the share button the screams stay loading forever and I can't share my mindmaps. I'm in the paid plan and I've send an support ticket abot ten days and I still not having the answer. I need help to fix it as fast is possible because I need this for work.
Can the size and style of fonts be changed?
Hi Community, Just had a question from a client. "Can the size and style of fonts be changed"? Thanks everyone.
What is the keyboard shortcut for full-screen mode of an image in mindmap
I add images to mindmap. But majority of information inside the image is condensed. Hence I have to resort to full-screen mode to read it. What is the keyboard shortcut to go to full-screenmode inside a mind-map. ?
Should notes be saved when written via the app?
In my pc i can write in a note, close the note and if i open the note it is saved. But if i do exactly the same on my phone it doesn't save. Why this happend, i literally lost hours of writtinf just because doesn't save my work. My smartphone is a google pixel 6.
Access and modify the map without connexion
It could be intresting to have an "without connection access" where we can modify mindmaps and where they syncronise when we have the connection back
Why Can't I Save Text Preferences?
Hello, I am trying to format my mindmap with the font settings shown on the left of the screenshot. However, when I make any sibling or child, it changes to the serif small font. How can I permanently set it so I always have the sans serif large font? Thank you all!
How do I change the order of Child Sections?
There does not appear to be a way to set the order of child sections so that they appear in the desired order in Outline mode. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
[RESOLVED] Why do attached images not appear in pdf export?
Dear supporter, I want to keep my written mindmap in paper format, but when I press the print icon →save as pdf, the attached image is not reflected. Is there a better way to do this? My goal is to be able to view my mindmaps created with MindMeister for backup purposes without having to open the MindMeister website. Best…
Adding / Removing Users
I have a member of my team who tried signing up with 2 different email addresses and now our team is showing a duplicate with his name that I would like to remove. When I look at My Team only one of the users show up and there are some other's who are missing. How do I remove the duplicate and and the other users to My…
[CURRENT BUG] Using bold changes topic width.
Cada vez que crio um tópico, seja célula filha ou célula mãe, e vou utilizar o negrito (Ctrl+B) ou (**), sempre desconfigura a estrutura do meu tópico, gerando apenas a frase marcada em negrito deslocada do restante do texto (como na imagem). Quando tento formatar o padrão para que fique uma estrutura organizada saem mais…
When I was editing a collaborative map with all my colleagues, I received the warning: "Something went wrong" and absolutely everything was deleted, when I tried to restore from a previous version, I received the warning: "Resource not found" and so far I haven't been able to restore it, it's an important work for the…
Any help for an error using a map in Chrome?
I am trying to restore an earlier map version but I keep getting the error "Resource not found". This happens in Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Any idea where I can go to get some help with this? Thanks
Undo bug -> forced reload -> loss of content -> workaround paywalled
I'm trying out MindMeister for the first time for about 30 minutes, on a Windows 11 PC running Brave browser (continuing after 10 minutes on an Android phone), and just had a terrible bug and content-loss situation. This is: An inability to undo deletion resulting in loss of data + A paywall restricting access to solution…
❓Where to find support requests within online account?
Hello, can anyone direct me to where I can view my support questions within my account? For the life of me I cannot seem to find that. I have several questions and it seems hit or miss as to whether the zendesk responses get routed to my deep spam folder (despite whitelisting). I'd just like to know where I can view these…
Why is the order of topics being rearranged when going from overview to map?
When I type in all my topics in the outline, then I view it in the mindmap mode, the order of toipics is completely rearranged. I then have to manually rearrange everything. This becomes too tedious for big maps containing multiple topics, subtopics. Is there a way to go around this problem? Am I doing it wrong?
How can i make my mind map more professional?
Can I combine mind maps from several accounts into one?
Hi! I have several accounts and I am planning to upgrade my plan to integrate all my maps in one same account. Can that be easily done?
Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one topic in MindMeister?
Hi everyone! Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one element in MindMeister? I've tried but failed. It would be useful not to produce lots of small tasks in the Map but to group them in one element. If it is currently not possible, does anyone else need such possibility? :) We could ask the…
Is it possible to add a gap in a single task on the Timeline?
Hi everyone! Could you help me, please. I'm deciding whether to upgrade to business plan because I'm interested in Timeline option. But first I need to know whether is it possible to insert a gap in the same task? For example, one task is being done from 25 to 26 June and from 29 to 30 (see picture below). Is it possible…
Filter by Month
Filter that sorts the tasks by the month they were created. That would save so much problems, and would be more understandable.
Filter of finalization by date
Filter that sorts the tasks by the date of finalization. That would save so much problems.