Anybody use MindMeister for teaching? EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner
edited November 2022 in Ask the Community

This is just an opening question,

How many of this community use Mindmeister for teaching in their Universities ?


Best Answer


  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Hi, I've taught with MindMeister at the high school and university level!

  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Just saw your intro, David 😀 I'd also be interested in learning from more educators using MindMeister. It's one of the few digital learning tools that's lasted beyond the initial covid remote learning rush. I've mostly used it in seminars and smaller classes, especially in remote synchronous settings. Much easier to get students on board and get buy-in when we can actually use it to organize a brainstorm or discussion live. I've also started using it this quarter for presenting in a much larger lecture class.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hi and happy Monday!

    We have lots of resources to help you get started with MindMeister. In our Help Center, we have a whole section of short articles to help you explore MindMeister. We also have two best practices articles with information on collaboration and brainstorming, and a load of video tutorials you can browse.

    Specifically for teaching we currently have: Lesson Plan template, Masters Thesis template, Course Syllabus template, Mapped by Meister Collaborative Work template.

    It might also be worth exploring our MeisterHacks series for useful tips.

    @Tatiana Torres, @Rafael Martínez Campoblanco, @Bertrand Casaert may also be able to share suggestions as they all use MindMeister for educational purposes!

    Let me know if I can help any further!



  • Bertrand Casaert
    Bertrand Casaert EN Basic, EN Pro Posts: 8 Beginner


    I am a techno-pedagogical trainer for primary education and mind maps are an integral part of my training. When I was still in my class, my students loved to build them to synthesize the courses before memorizing it.


  • Arnaldo Mefano
    Arnaldo Mefano EN Basic, EN Pro Posts: 2 Beginner

    I use MindMeister for teaching

  • Tilman Möller
    Tilman Möller MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 27 Star Contributor
    edited November 2022

    I use MM, but more so so so 1 l Eiscreme Bett, Schatz and more MT as lecturer for „Entrepreneurship“ . We Collect lab startup ideas on a Board and subsequently add Marketing, Financial and other Elements of a simulated Business Plan / pitch. And by the way, Students learn co-creation plus Kanban-supported working :-)

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hi all!

    I know you're talking about MindMeister here but I just wanted to reach out and share the link to this MeisterTask template.

    It shows a project board for a university class and includes professor and student contact details, upcoming events, important information (such as registration and careers advice), modules and assignments. It helps professors maintain an overview of their students (and a way to share information with them all instantaneously), and helps students with time management and organization.

    I'd be really interested in your thoughts and feedback!



  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor


    Nice to meet you @Arnaldo Mefano, @VanishingHat and @Tilman Möller, what do you teach?

    I was thinking it might be an idea to make a mind map on which we could collaborate and share our tips and ideas for teaching with MM? Would anybody be interested? Could be a great living document!

  • Arnaldo Mefano
    Arnaldo Mefano EN Basic, EN Pro Posts: 2 Beginner

    Hello Emily. I use it to teach digital marketing, marketing automation and the use of mind maps.

  • Tilman Möller
    Tilman Möller MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 27 Star Contributor

    HI @Emily I am teaching entrepreneurship. My students are developing virtual healthcare innovation startups in this course. I use MT (not MM) for structuring initial ideas and further on to build business plans acc.

  • Tatiana Torres
    Tatiana Torres EN Pro Posts: 28 Star Contributor

    Me, all day, every day! I use to plan my lessons, create interactive activities, presenting mode, give examples, and as a good curated content (more teaching resources) for my students before and after class.

  • Andreas Dünisch
    Andreas Dünisch DE Basic Posts: 1 Beginner

    Guten Morgen miteinander, in meinen Konfi3-Kursen benutzte ich auch Mindmeister über Laptop und Beamer. Um mit den Kindern Ideen und Gedanken zu sammeln. Ich bin auch immer auf der Suche nach coolen Methoden. Danke!

  • Garland Coulson
    Garland Coulson EN Basic, EN Pro Posts: 1 Beginner

    I teach time management workshops using MindMeister both online and live.

    "Captain Time" Garland Coulson

    Author of Amazon Best Seller "Stop Wasting Time"

  • EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Hi all,

    Thanks for all your comments about using Mindmeister for teaching.

    It's interesting to know that you all use it, but it seems like most use it differently. If I can give you an example. At our University we have a limited amount of paid licences, which are given to the tutors to use with here students. We don't use the blanket licence model which gives all studens paid licences. (there is to many)

    The tutor will create the basic core mind map, (normally with one topic in it) and then shares the link with all their live class on the day, explaining what they want their students to create. This means that the students dont have to use their limited basic accounts to input/ build the mindmap.

    Admittedly this method is a bit clunky, and does have its limitations, but it works well enough.

    Does anyone else use this method with their students ? or do you think there's a better way to distribute the limited paid licence model ?



  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Hi thanks for sharing this info. I'm interested, do you have an actual mind map template you could share with us? I mean something a tutor may share with students to work from?

  • EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    Hi Emily,

    We don't have a standard template, because its used by a variety of subjects / faculties. But just like all mind maps the basics always starts with a core foundation topic.

    We have had some good results, but I'm looking for a better way of using it with students.

    Any ideas or examples would be welcome.



  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hey everybody!

    I really loved reading this thread - it seems we have a lot of educators amongst us!

    I'd love to help you all get the most out of the Community and this smaller community of MindMeister educators. I put together a quick survey (5 short questions) for you to share some of your wishes, thoughts and ideas.

    If you have some time, I'd really appreciate it if you responded! Here's the link.



  • EN Basic Posts: 6 Beginner

    OK I have filled in your survey.

    Hoping we can get some similar answers from others. I am trying o move forward with Mindmeister, but it looks like colleagues are continuing to use it in a very flat basic way.

    This does currently work for us, but unless we develop its use to become more engaging for the staff and students unfortunatly it won't grow.



  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin


    Thanks for your feedback - We will try to collect some examples and best practices by reaching out to others! I know @Rvitaris has used MindMeister extensively, and has also used it to teach aspects of law to trainees. Perhaps he has some creative solutions/ ideas? Similarly, @Tatiana Torres it'd be great to hear how you use MindMeister to inspire your classes?

    I also browsed through what we already have in the Community and thought a few of the following might give you some inspo:

    • This template is a course syllabus. It's an easy mind map you can share with all students to give them an overview of the year and help them stay organised.
    • Here @Tatiana Torres shared how she presented her Master's Thesis with MindMeister - this has the potential to help higher education students and I'm sure Tatiana can answer any questions you have about the method she used in preparing.
    • This tip could be useful to tutors and students. Mind mapping around a video/ audio file. Quite a creative way to help students take notes - perhaps they could even build mind maps around recorded lectures?
    • This mind map template was created by an educator here at Meister. It is very extensive and uses a range of features to showcase the potential of the tool in academia. It shows how students can use the tool on group projects to present their research. Very inspiring!
    • Finally, maybe you'll find this webinar on MindMeister for higher education useful.

    You can always click the Education tag to find other related pieces.

    I hope something here helps, let me know if you have any questions!



  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin


    After writing that comment yesterday I did some more research because I was sure we have more content on this theme - my search was not in vain. I found some more resources which might help you

    1. Easy to Use Mind Map Templates for Teachers and Students - the title explains what this article covers
    2. Here's a webinar about lesson planning with MindMeister - could inspire your colleagues
    3. Slightly different angle but a template for how teachers can group their students

    Then I found some brilliant case studies of how MindMeister is used by different universities!



  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Thanks @Miša - I'll put the survey on my list of to-dos for today. And thanks for sharing the resources. It's nice to have them all in one place!

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    @schade_chr Here's the thread that might be of interest to you! (and a load of other users in education!)

  • schade_chr
    schade_chr EN Basic Posts: 2 Beginner

    Thanks @Miša for the insightful reply and for guiding me to this general thread.

    I will be offering online and hybrid courses in an LMS and want to use a map as an alternative way of organizing the main elements of an entire course in a format that the student can then keep and expand upon personally. See it as a note starter.

    This would not just be a template, but will contain high-level elements of copyrighted content that I am publishing to my students in this manner, so making it a public map will defeat the purpose.

    I guess that means that the only way to achieve this is to invite each student individually to the map with read-only privileges and they can then copy the map and use it later.

    Also there is the issue of changes to the course material, which would then require the student to re-copy the map.......

  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    Hi @schade_chr and welcome to the teacher thread!

    You could also create a share link and just bulk email this to your students? You can edit to give those with a share link either edit or view-only privileges and you can see the list of users (students) who actually open the map in the members list.

    Students could then duplicate the map to their own account and personalize it.

    Does this sound like a potential solution?



  • Bertrand Casaert
    Bertrand Casaert EN Basic, EN Pro Posts: 8 Beginner

    Dans le cadre du déploiement des infrastructures Numériques des écoles, MindMeister devient outil important de visualisation des besoins. Après cela, nous structuons ensemble l'Environnement Numérique de Travail de l'établissement. ;-)


  • Martha camacho
    Martha camacho MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 14 Star Contributor

    Hola @Tatiana Torres ! me encantó tu video y tu explicación muy completa sobre todo lo que se puede hacer con mapas mentales (y tu playera de Meister❤️). Increíble que hayas usado un mapa mental para la defensa de tu tésis… no se me hubiera ocurrido tampoco! 🤩

    Gracias por llevar MindMeister a más personas hispanohablantes y por guiarlos a través de la creación de mapas mentales para que vean que esta forma de organizar temas aplica a la educación pero también a cualquier industria o proyecto.

  • Tatiana Torres
    Tatiana Torres EN Pro Posts: 28 Star Contributor

    Hola @Martha camacho muchas gracias, claro que si, amo mi playera de Meister también jaja te invito a conectar en redes sociales asi conoci también a mi amigo @Andres D'Andrea saludos!

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    @Tatiana Torres me encantó la manera como sorteaste el imprevisto del corte de internet por las lluvias y, aun así, todo salió bien gracias a que estaba todo en la nube de Meister.

    Muy gracioso también lo de "Doña Mapas Mentales" 😆

    Espero que pronto todo se normalice en Perú con las lluvias.

    Te mando un fuerte abrazo, y felicidades por la presentación 🥳


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