Meet the Community - Introduce Yourself! 🤝

Hi everyone, and greetings from Meister's Vienna office! 🙂👋 My name is Andrew and I'm a Community Manager here at Meister.
I couldn't be more thrilled to help build this Community and create a space for Meister Users to collaborate, share best practices and shape the future of our products!
If you'd like, you can use this thread to introduce yourself and share a bit about what you do, where in the world you do it, and how you use the Meister Suite.
In fact, feel free to share any other information (or even a photo) you'd like other users to see! We're a very dog-friendly office here in Vienna, so extra points to anyone who posts a pic of one of their four-legged colleagues.
P.S.: An unseren deutschsprachigen Kolleg:innen: keine Sorge - bei Meister sind wir alle zweisprachig, also stellt euch gerne auf Deutsch vor!
In the meantime, check out this pic of our beloved Meister dog, Peanut:
Hey everyone!👋
My name is Miša and I'm Meister's Community Content Manager. I'm honored to be a part of the Meister Community from its birth 👶 and incredibly excited to see how it grows as more and more of you join.
I can't wait to meet you all, share MeisterHacks, pass on inspiration and develop a tight knit network of productivity-loving, Meister-design-appreciating, feature-fanatic faces.
So please join in - introduce yourselves below, add a picture, maybe even embolden a few words if you're feeling experimental, and I'll see you again very very soon! 💕
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Hi all!
My name is Caleb, and I am a Customer Success Manager here at Meister. This means that it's my responsibility to make sure you, our users, are getting the most out of the products we offer!
I am beyond excited to share some pro-tips, cool ideas I see in use, and to create a loving community of users sharing their best-practices.
In my free time, you can find me traveling to far corners of the world, trying new food, or playing with our two Peruvian (former) street dogs!
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Hallo zusammen!
Ich werde mich auch einmal kurz in der Runde vorstellen. ☺️
Mein Name ist Thomas und bin Customer Success Team Lead hier bei Meister.
Seit etwas mehr als 3 Jahren bin ich nun bei dem wundervollen Unternehmen tätig und kann es kaum erwarten, euch jetzt auch über unsere neue Community-Plattform kennenzulernen. Hier können wir uns miteinander austauschen, ihr könnt Best Practices miteinander teilen, und wir können gemeinsam den Weg für die Zukunft gestalten.
Ich bin sehr gespannt, welche erstaunlichen Ideen von euch kommen und was ihr mit uns allen hier in der Community teilen werdet! Sei es, wie ihr unsere Produkte im täglichen Leben verwendet oder welche Funktionen ihr gerne in Zukunft sehen würdet. Gemeinsam können wir so unsere Produkte noch besser gestalten und bestimmt auch ein oder zwei Dinge voneinander lernen. 😊
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Hello team, my name is Andres D'Andrea, and I'm a Meister Advocate since 2021 when Raphaela Brandner introduced me to the Meister Partner program.
I'm located in México, my audience is mainly in Spanish for Spain and Latin America, and I'm super passionate about 2 things:
- Spreading the Kanban methodology as a way of life
- Teaching people how to market their products and services through content
MeisterTask, MindMeister, and more recently, MeisterNote have been key assets in that regard.
I'm pleased to join you guys, and even more to help you in any way you see fit.
Since you love dogs, I'm attaching the coolest dog I've ever seen in my life. Enjoy!
P.S. can I post in Spanish for the Spanish speaking members inside this forum?
Best regards from México.
Follow me on LinkedIn and: - Digital Solutions For Your Business.
Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.
GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.
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Ein herzliches Hallo aus Oberösterreich♥️!
Mein Name ist Dieter Hofer und ich bin seit April 2020 Expert Partner und natürlich begeisterter Anwender von Meistertask und Mindmeister. Nachdem nunmehr seit einiger Zeit MeisterNote zur Verfügung steht, nutze ich auch dieses tolle Tool täglich. Das geniale für mich ist neben der Einfachheit, die Übersicht und die zuverlässige Verfügbarkeit der Meister Tools.
Ich freue mich auf regen Austausch hier in der Community, auf viele tolle Erfahrungen und Aha-Erlebnisse, da ich bei weitem noch nicht das volle Potential ausschöpfe. Also kann ich selbst als alter Profi im Digital Business bestimmt noch was dazulernen.
Außerdem kann ich vermutlich auch dem Einen oder Anderen ein wenig weiterhelfen, da ich bei meinen Unternehmern und Selbständigen immer mit Fragen zu diversen Tools und Techniken konfrontiert werde.
And if you have any questions in english, please do not hesitate to ask me. Usually I understand a lot and if not, I´ll ask my lady, because she`s teaching Business English. So you see, we´ll find a way to talk or write 😉
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Hi Everyone!
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia. My name is Cathy.
I've been involved in the Partner Program since June 2020 and watched it grow and develop. Really looking forward to getting to know everyone in the Meister community.
I've been involved in IT for quite a few decades and training for about the same time. I run a Boutique IT Training company specializing in Microsoft and Project Management Online Training.
Congratulations to everyone at Meister for creating the online community.
p.s. Best part of my day has to be morning coffee, latte or expresso.
Regards Cathy 😊
Cathy Fanning
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Hi everyone!
My name is Raphaela and I lead the partnerships team at Meister. I've been with the company for nine years and have always loved connecting with our partners and customers to learn more about how they use the Meister tools and to exchange ideas.
I'm very excited about this new platform and hope that it will help us create a thriving community and facilitate knowledge sharing on a completely new level!
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Hey everyone!
My name is Jana and I'm a co-founder of a young company in Würzburg driving data-driven sustainability.
I had the honor introducing the tools Mindmeister and Meistertask at my first employer and became a huge fan 😁 therefore I immediatly thought about using those tools again the moment we startet planning and organizing the new company!
The first 10 minutes of my day always start with coffee, sport & my Kanban board (best rhyme ever...)😂
I am thrilled to be part of the new community and looking forward to any discussions, questions or any kind of conversations 😊
Greets Jana
P.S.: unfortunately I don't have a dog... yet... 😉
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Wow - so great to see so many new faces from users and partners (and their four-pawed companions 🦴) in the community! 👋
As you all belong to the pioneer group of community members in this earliest phase, we'd love to hear more about what you'd be most interested in seeing in this community space: Feature requests and early looks at product roadmaps? Q & A's with other users? Best practices and project/mind map templates?
if you get a chance, go ahead and let us know in this thread what you'd like to see in this thread.
Thanks, and have a great weekend everyone!
Best- Andrew
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Hello everyone!
I'm Jakub and a MeisterTasks and MindMeister user. Together with my colleague I started to introduce the tool in my company - in fact we work in puplic service so we have a special community to handle with.
I work in Germany, so feel free to write to me in German, too.
I am interessted in giving feedback to actuall and planed features. :-)
Best regards / beste Grüße,
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Hello new and wonderful community!👋
My name is Jelena and I'm a Product Manager at Meister. I'm very excited for this space and happy to be part of it in an early stage. I am also super eager to learn from all of you, your insights and your suggestions, so I might jump on some of your comments to propose 1:1's to increase our empathy towards you 🤗
Looking forward to meeting many of you! Have a lovely week 🤓
Cheers - Jelena
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Hello All,
My name is Arthur Jones. I am based in America and reside in Tucson, Arizona.
For many years I was a technology salesperson.
One of the skills I learned during my tech sales career was how to take an intangible idea and make it real by creating a visual story in real-time on a whiteboard.
Whiteboards became my go-to for engaging my prospects and customers in brainstorming ideas or working to gain alignment about a job to be done.
Then I discovered digital mind mapping (my introduction to digital mind mapping tools goes back nearly 20 years).
I've been a happy MindMeister user for over ten years and part of the ambassador program for three.
I look forward to joining the conversation, keeping up with what's new at MeisterLabs, and learning from each of you what works for you when you present MindMeister solutions to the people in the markets you serve.
Arthur Jones
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Hey there 👋
My name is Fiona and I'm a Customer Success Manager (CSM) here at Meister for 1.5 years now. My job is to make sure Meister users are having a great experience with our products (AKA achieving "success"... geddit? 😏)
Within the CS team, I specialise in the Education sector, meaning I work with lots of schools and unis and I understand what makes you learners and educators tick 🤓. Feel free to check out my academia-inspired MindMeister map and MeisterTask project to get an idea of how Meister products can help you get laser focused with your uni work (and write a comment if you feel so inlcined!)
One of my favourite parts of the job is speaking directly with our users and getting to know them. I also love exploring the different ways MeisterTask, MindMeister and MeisterNote can be adapted for my customers goals and seeing the creativity of our users in setting up their innovative maps, super-efficient projects, and beautiful notes.
I'm delighted to see this community grow and to #workbeautifullytogether!
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Hello everyone!
I am Rafa and I am joining as a Meister Expert Partner from Peru. I have been working in virtual education for several years. I currently lead a team with professionals from 19 countries and we always use MindMeister to organize our ideas and projects. I am also a postgraduate professor where I use the platform for collaborative work. It's great.
We are still connected at
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Hi @Rafael Martínez Campoblanco Welcome! Looking forward to collaborating with you.
Cathy Fanning
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Hello @Rafael Martínez Campoblanco, good to see people from Latin-American regions joining this community. Bienvenido!
We started a tag called Español a couple of weeks ago, for content in Spanish. You're welcome to add some more in the future.
I have good friends in Peru and I just added you to my LinkedIn network.
Wishing you all the best!
Andrés D'Andrea
Follow me on LinkedIn and: - Digital Solutions For Your Business.
Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.
GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.
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So glad to have another educator in our community, @Rafael Martínez Campoblanco! Welcome!
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Bonjour à toutes et tous.
Je suis enseignant de formation (instituteur primaire) et actuellement conseiller techno-pédagogique au Conseil de l’enseignement en Belgique. Passionné de recherche pédagogique, neurosciences et de nouvelles technologies.
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Bonjour et bienvenue @Bertrand Casaert 😃! We already have quite a few interesting posts about educational use cases in the Community. You can check them out here: Embedding Audio Files, Educational Mind Map, Course Syllabus Template, Academic Research Project Board. I hope you enjoy!
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Hi @Rafael Martínez Campoblanco Welcome aboard!
Cathy Fanning
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So awesome to meet you and everyone else here! 👌🙌
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Hello everyone...
Am Vivek Khandelwal from India!
I got introduced to the 'World of Meister' during the pandemic and since then...I feel that we are great friends to each other.
I've been an advocator tool for many people - being part of the prestigious partner community gave me the power to bring in exposure to other people as well.
I keep spreading positive vibes in as many ways as possible.
Delighted to be here and looking forward to drawing inspiration from each one of you here!👌🙌
Sharing some of the ways in which I keep talking about our products:
Your feedback will be awesome to have 🤝
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Hi @Vivek Khandelwal and welcome! It's great to have you here and hear your Meister story - I think the value of Meister tools really became apparent for a lot of people during the pandemic and now in the post-pandemic world!
I can't wait to see more of your maps and templates, feel free to share them in our Tips and Templates category where you can also see those others have created!
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Will be happy to do Misa!
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Welcome @Vivek Khandelwal, this is a great community.
Looking forward to learning from your expertise.
Best regards 👍️
Andrés D'Andrea
Follow me on LinkedIn and: - Digital Solutions For Your Business.
Technopreneuring.Com - Optimize Resources. Maximize Results.
GestionOperativa.Com - Optimiza Recursos. Maximiza Resultados.
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Hi @Vivek Khandelwal Welcome to the community! Enjoy.
Cathy Fanning
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Thanks, Cathy for your warm welcome 🙌
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Thanks Andres 🤝 Likewise for me too!
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My name is Gabi and I'm a new member at meister community.
I'm working with my company in health-management consulting and solution provider for other companies which are willing to change the workworld of their employees to a better and healthier world.
MeisterTask is our brandnew tool to manage our processes and ressources of time for all the people, who are working with us.
I hope to find here at meister community tips and tricks for my work and also can share my experiences with other community members.
Thank you much and best regards, Gabi
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Hey and welcome!
Your background sounds very interesting, and I have faith MeisterTask will be able to help you manage your processes and resources to create a better and healthier world ❤️.
Feel free to explore the Get Inspired section in MeisterTask for tips, tricks, best practices and templates, and don't hesitate to ask questions!
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