Automation of tasks wtih subtasks
I love the automation of tasks. We have different complex tasks often two times in the year. already use the repating task feature for some of them, so I don't forget the start that task again. I have some tasks with ~ 5-10 subtaks and would love to have them repeated. At the moment I can neither repeat the task with the…
Feature Request - Automation: Pin to / Remove Pin
Add the ability to add a "Pin to" Agenda section thru automation.
Plans to Integrate AI into Meister Tools?
Dear Meister Community Members, I would like to know if there are any plans to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into Meister's tools, particularly MindMeister. I have noticed that many competing tools are starting to combine mind mapping with AI to enhance the creation of educational content, including image search…
"If -> Then" automations
I'd like more freedom in usage of automations. For example, there is an automation where if the task is added to column , it updates the due date. But I'm wanting to change the due date and have it move to a different column. Also it has 1 where if you add task to column, it adds a tag, where I want to add a tag and have…
duplicate a project into the future (yearly)
Hello everyone, we are trying to use MeisterTask for a lengthy project spanning roughly three years. We will work on similar projects in the future. So I would like to duplicate the existing project and automatically project it one year into the future. To illustrate: the first project will be from 2025 to 2027. The future…
Use (customized) fields to calculate values of other (customized) fields and to sort tasks
As a product owner I want to use customized fields to manage requirements value driven. Therefore I want to use calculated values in customized fields by using values/scores and fields representing benefits, effort, priority and remaining days till due date. The customized fields and their values should also be…
Checklisten-Einträge mit Fälligkeit und Verantwortung - inkl. Automation
Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn Checklisten-Einträge eine eigene Fälligkeit und eine eigene Verantwortung (Zuweisung an Verantwortlichen) erhalten könnten. Zusätzlich wäre die Automation wünschenswert, dass die Verantwortung der Karte automatisch je nach Bearbeitungsstand der Checkliste zugewiesen wird: Beispiel: Eine…
Automating assignment of a section to a new task
I added MeisterTask to my Outlook today. I've been a MT user for years, but only took a look at the integration this afternoon. My problem, is that I work almost exclusively from my Agenda page. I use the Sections on that page (I have Focus, Next Jobs and Hold) to organise my daily work tasks each day. There appears to be…
💻 On-Demand Webinar: Mastering Automations in MeisterTask
Ever feel like you spend more time managing tasks than actually doing them? Most MeisterTask users know that Automations are a powerful tool for promoting efficiency and reducing organizational overhead, but their full potential often goes overlooked. Join Customer Success Manager Marlene Lechner and Community…
Watcher Automation
I would like to see an automation where I can also assign a watcher to a task, not just the assignee. It would help in larger groups to assign a task to a user plus their PM. My current workaround is to have a section for a new task with automation for assigning the PM and then if the task is moved to the person's bucket…
The possibility to pin tasks in the focus column via automation
Hello, it would be very useful if there was an automation through which we could pin tasks in the focus column. Best regards, Benjamin
is it possible to pin a task in the focus column via automation?
Hallo, ist es möglich eine Aufgabe in der Spalte Fokus per Automation anzupinnen? Kann mir jemand helfen? Viele Grüße, Benjamin ==== Hello, is it possible to pin a task in the focus column via automation? Can someone help me? Best regards, Benjamin
Automation tasks disappeared - What do I do?
Hello everyone I've been away for a month or so, and now got back to work, and noticed that all my automations (tasks) have completely disappeared Can anybody advice what has happened and how to fix that? Where were a lot of important automation that I've used.
Is it possible to embed a Mindmeister mindmap into a Google Doc?
I have linked Mindmeister to my Google account and would love to put my mindmaps into a Google Doc - not just a link - so that I can add tasks across the mindmap/pageless doc. The tasks in my Google docs currently ping through to Sunsama - the one app that is absolutely essential. Not getting along with Meistertask and…
Feature Request: Prevent Duplicates in Automated Checklist Creation
I have set up multiple automations where checklists are added to tasks based on certain triggers. However, I have noticed that if I move a task to a different column and then move it back, the same checklist gets added a second time, resulting in duplicate checklists. It would be highly beneficial if MeisterTask could…
Automation for checklist items
Hey, I would love to have automation for checklist items. To do some action based on the state of my checklist. Something like this would be just great: "When all checklist items are marked as done, mark the whole task as done and move it to a specific column."
New Automation to move tasks
New Automation type to move tasks to other column if checklist point is completed.
Suggestions for shortcuts/shortcuts for faster operation
- To-do list: /o - Heading 1: Ctrl+Alt+1 - Heading 2: Ctrl+Alt+2 - Heading 3: Ctrl+Alt+3 - Heading 4: Ctrl+Alt+4 - Heading 5: Ctrl+Alt+5 - Numbering: /n - Code: /c - Info box: /b - Warning: /w - Tip: /t - Quote: /q - Icon: /i
Why is the order of topics being rearranged when going from overview to map?
When I type in all my topics in the outline, then I view it in the mindmap mode, the order of toipics is completely rearranged. I then have to manually rearrange everything. This becomes too tedious for big maps containing multiple topics, subtopics. Is there a way to go around this problem? Am I doing it wrong?
Automation to Move a task based upon scheduled or due date
When a project in a given section hits the scheduled date or due date, it would be nice to set up some automation to move it to a new section and/or trigger certain notifications.
Automation: Add an attachment
For our work it would be good if there was an automation that adds files (for example Word documents, Excel documents, PDFs, ...) to a card as soon as they are loaded into a new column. According to the training, this feature does not exist yet. Are there any considerations in this regard?
Pausierung von wiederkehrenden Aufgaben/Automationen
Hallo Zusammen, wir arbeiten viel mit wiederkehrenden Aufgaben, welche über die Automationen erstellt werden (tägliche, wöchentliche und monatliche). Aus gegebenem Anlass, wäre eine Funktion schön, bei der man die Automationen des zuständigen Mitarbeiters pausieren kann, z.B. bei Urlaub oder längerer Abwesenheit.
Set up due date of a task via Email link
I think it's a great idea that if we can set up the due date of a task via an Email link.
Can I add due date when creating a task via Email link?
Hi, Creating tasks using Email links is a great function. I just wonder if there is a way to set the due date of the task using Email as well? Thanks Neo
Is it possible to auto assign the new tasks to Project Owner?
I'm a R&D manager and creating many Meister Task projects. I'm creating tasks generally for me and after a while adding new team members. Everytime I'm setting myselft as the task owner after created a new task. And it takes too much time. Is it possible to make the owner as the task responsible for each new created tasks?…
transfering tasks between projects: newest task on top of the column
Hello MT-team, I often transfer tasks from other projects into the inbox in my own project. The only thing that I don´t really get, is why the new tasks appear at the bottom of the column, since I can´t see them very well. And it doesn´t help me to sort them by their date, since I would need to sort them by their "time of…
Automationen - Titel lässt sich nicht umbenennen?
Beim erstellen einer Automation (Wiederkehrende Aufgabe) wird ja als Bezeichnung "Aufgabe" vorgeschlagen, sonst konnte man diese Feld überarbeiten. Beim Versuch heute eine neue wiederkehrende Aufgabe zu erstellen, musste ich feststellen, dass dies nun scheinbar nicht mehr geht. Ich kann alles umbenennen jedoch nicht den…
⚙️ #SHARE - Your Best Automation
I'm always looking for ideas to improve my productivity. What is your Favorite, most Productive Automation ? I'll go first - I have a Reoccurring Task with my Morning Routine in a Checlist that I have set to run each morning Mon - Fri. This way, if I get busy, I can always return to make sure everything I need to do each…
Automation - Can i export a .csv?
Hello, i am trying to get an overview over all my automations. Is there a function similar to the export project as a .csv function?
Automation to send Mail to a customer
Hello, currently I'm working on an workflow with MeisterTask. But I'm not 100% shoure if MeisterTask is the correct tool for me and my team. So I want to automate a workflow which is triggered, when a customer registers for a seminar over a form on the website. After the registration we get a task (automatically generated…