BPMN 2 Standard for Workflows
Hi, I am currently doing some discovery work for a new client in the US and have used MindMeister to pull together a flow of one of the simpler commodities they deal with. Even though they were appreciative of this, I wasn't. I have used BPMN 2 standard in a few other tasks I have had to perform and this is a very clean,…
Business Process Management
BPM is a globally used type of management process, which makes me really surprise to see it missing here. I love it and wanted to use the method as a personal-life management process, but the standard softwares such as Bizagi don't allows much customization… that's why i ended up here. I just joined today, so pardon me if…
MindMeister: Mention Person in Comment/ Personen in Kommentaren erwähnen
Hope I use the right keywords in English. I really like the @ function to mention colleagues. It is available in Meister Task and MeisterNote. I miss it at MindMeister when creating a big mind map in a team to organize and notify the responsible person. Ich nutze die Funktion des Erwähnens (mit @Name) gerne in den…
Tags in Mindmaps
Hallo liebes Entwicklerteam, ein Feature, dass mir in Mindmeister schon lange fehlt und was ich als sehr sinnvoll erachte - sind Tags für die einzelnen Knoten. Das Vergeben von Symbolen ist zwar auch eine Möglichkeit, aber manchmal wäre es gerade bei größeren Maps sehr hilfreich, wenn man für die einzelnen Elemente selbst…
Update of the connection tool
The connection tool is more important than you think in mind mapping. There should be a feature that lets you go to the other end of the connector highlighting to the connected cell/ text box. Additionally it requires a button to be visible in the presentation mode.
Button "Close All Topics" to close all topics at the same time on public maps
When my clients open my public map, all the topics are automatically open.. It's impossible to spend time to close them one by one for me and clients .. Thank You 😊
Sequentially opening up links in a mindmap to allow presenting complex topics
I'm a beginner. Love the program. I have started using it for presentations at our medical school. I would like to start with just the central node (title) and then open up the individual connections sequentially as I progress through a talk. I'm not aware this can be done currently. I know (and thanks to colleagues in a…
Export to Excel
It would be great if the hierarchical structure of the mind map could be written out as corresponding to the columns of Excel, with the most fundamental item in column a, the items connected from there in column b, and the items connected from there in column c, and so on. (I am writing using the translate function.)
Find / Filter (all) Mind-Maps of specific Members - BOOST Collaboration und Connection
Since collaborative Working is a USP of Meister: My Feature Request: Make Mind-Maps searchable "by team-member". In Large Team everyone is sharing maps. It can get cofusing very fast. What if you need the maps from a specific member or a department (fast)? The Solution: Search / Filter by People who created the map!😍 It…
Funktion "Alles zuklappen"
Ich benutze Mind Meister zum präsentieren von Ideen. Neben der bereits vorhandenen Funktion "Details einblenden / Alles aufklappen" würde ich mir eine Funktion "Details ausblenden / Alles zuklappen" wünschen, um den Ausgangszustand wiederherzustellen und meine Ideen Schritt für Schritt aufklappen und präsentieren zu können.
Editing size/shape of text box
Some of my child/sibling topics are quite large/detailed and they end up being soooo long and messes up the shape of the map, it would be great to be able to edit the shape of the box e.g. rectangle it/make it a square to better suite the shape of the whole mindmap. This would make the whole map more readable and easier…
Use MindMeister for content creation
Right now creating content is key especially short-form content like TikTok or Reels format... I was wondering if we can use vertical mindmaps or something to share and create content and actually show the mindmap behind us or while we're explaining something.
In Mindmeister let any branch (node) become a block that can be called by other nodes
Among the many note-taking applications out there, such as Notion, Obsidian, LOGSEG, Roam, Remnote, and so on, calling Block is a common feature. This makes it easy for a user to change a Block in one place when calling to it, so that changes can be synchronized everywhere the Block is called.
New sort option: Popularity
Currently there are 4 basic sort options. A to Z, Z to A, Newest first and Oldest first. I propose a new sort option: Popularity By being able to sort your mindmaps by popularity in ascending or descending order you'd be able to see which projects are your most active (calculates on the number of hits the mindmap recieves)…
Spreadsheet-like functionality
The idea of integrating spreadsheet-like functionality with floating spreadsheet islands into the mind-mapping software could significantly enhance its versatility. By allowing users to paste structured data, such as tables or formulas (e.g., =SUM(A1:B9)), the software could automatically organize nodes into a grid-based…
Allow an element to have more than ONE parent
Currently an element is defined to have only one Parent. Is it possible to edit an element and specify an additional parent. For example one can start a node with one parent and then go through its context menu (style bar) and add more parents iteratively. So to define a node with 4 parents one can create the element in…
Auto Align should be default (or able to default ON)
The Auto Align function of a branch should be default or at least we should be able to turn it on by default in the settings.
Password protection for shared map
Hi. Please consider adding password protection when sharing the map via a link. Anyone with the link can access the shared map. Sharing a link with another layer of protection (password) would strengthen the sharing security level. It is essential because many customers don't have an active subscription to your service.
Improving Search Efficiency: Folders and Breadcrumbs for Better Mind Map Management
Another idea I've wanted to mention for a long time, but never did, is to add folders to the search bar as well. That would definitely earn my love! Right now, it's really difficult to track down where each mind map is located. A breadcrumb UI pattern would get even more love if you guys implement it.
Implementation of all expansion and all folding functions
I want to collapse the entire tree to make it easier to see, not collapse the core. If you can develop them one by one, it will be easier to explain when you share ideas with your peers. If you add the ability to expand all, you can get it back even after it's all collapsed. If possible, it would be great if you could…
Select, find and undo shortcuts in Outline mode
A super simple request. The ability to select all or multiple nodes in outline node. The common and useful shortcut "command/ctrl + A" is used to select all text in a single node, so how about "shift + command/ctrl + A" to select all nodes? This will simplify the process of remaking mindmaps when using AI to generate…
Quick Styles
Copy and pasting styles is useful (except for it also overwriting the line style) but I'd really like to have some global quick styles that I can apply to any node with a keyboard shortcut. For example: Alt + Shift + 1: Bold Red Text Alt + Shift + 2: Yellow Shape, Black Text Alt + Shift + 3: Green Border, Medium Weight Etc
Custom Default Template
I have been using this application for 15+ years and would love to have a option to create a new template or edit an exisiting template & then have the ability to save it as a Favorite or a default. This would save me time not having to recreate my preferred template with each new map.
locking nodes
Hello, I would like to lock certain nodes in a map. As a teacher, I want to add nodes labeled "Challenges" and "Benefits" to a map, and then share this map with my students. I want them to be able to edit the map by adding new nodes under "Challenges" or "Benefits," but I do not want them to be able to remove or modify…
Maping Process
A map of process should totally help.
Select default theme
Something really anoying is to have to select my favourite theme everytime I create a new map… The solution : be able to choose a theme as the default theme.
Connect Mindmaps / Conectar los mapas mentales
Obsidian (Another program) has an option called Graph view where you can connect your pages with one word and you can see them with this option in a big picture. This is an example: / Obsidian (Otro programa) tiene una opcion llamada "Graph view" donde se pueden conectar con una palabra las paginas creadas, y se puede ver…
Control-Backspace fails to work as in other applications #bug
Introduction In most applications, when editing text (even in this textbox I'm filling now in Chrome) the Control+Backspace shortcut deletes the full preceding word, putting the cursor right after the preceding blank space (or at the beginning of the text box if just one word had been typed in). Now, if I want to keep…