[Delivered] Active filters with closed sidebar for MeisterTask
Summary: Improvement of the filter functionality to keep applied filters (e.g. tags) in a project even if the filter sidebar is closed. This improvement aims to optimise screen space, especially for users with small screens, while at the same time highlighting the active filters with a prominent notice at the top of the…
This small change would have a big impact on the quality of the search results
Since Meisternotes has been more deeply integrated, the search results are unfortunately very confusing. There was a lot of criticism of this at the time, as it felt like a big step backwards. Despite the many criticisms, unfortunately nothing has changed to date. Maybe you at least have the option of coloring the arrows…
Ability to create a timeblock for scheduling work on a task for integration with calendars
Can we create time blocks for working on tasks to improve usability with the calendar integrations? These time blocks can also work with the time tracking feature, and a report can be generated to show whether the time allocated vs. the actual was over or under the allocated time to improve productivity and identify…
Implementation of all expansion and all folding functions
I want to collapse the entire tree to make it easier to see, not collapse the core. If you can develop them one by one, it will be easier to explain when you share ideas with your peers. If you add the ability to expand all, you can get it back even after it's all collapsed. If possible, it would be great if you could…
Canceln/Verwerfen einer Unteraufgabe
Trotz guter Planung, manchmal ergibt sich bei der Bearbeitung einer Karte, dass einzelne Unteraufgaben nicht mehr so sinnvoll sind, wie ursprünglich geplant. Deshalb könnte man sie entweder löschen, oder, und das ist die Implementierungsidee: Canceln. Warum sollte man Unteraufgaben canceln können und nicht direkt löschen?…
View the task title in Notes
Hello everyone, the new app update for MT/Notes is great. Finally you can edit the notes directly in the app. I noticed that the titles of the tasks are not displayed in Notes: It would be great if this could be customized. Because it is very tedious because you have to open each task first before you can see what task it…
Anzeigen vom Aufgabentitel in Notes
Hallo zusammen, das neue App-Update für MT/Notes ist super. Endlich kann man die Notizen direkt in der App bearbeiten. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Titel der Aufgaben in Notes nicht angezeigt werden: Würde es super finden, wenn dies noch angepasst werden kann. Denn so ist es sehr mühsam, da man jede Aufgabe zuerst…
💡Feature Request: Transfer Project Ownership via Settings
It is possible to transfer project ownership by getting in touch with support. However, some users have asked for this option to be enabled within settings, allowing users to transfer project ownership independently. Have you got experience with transferring ownership? Would you like to see this feature developed? Add your…
Suggested Feature: Outline view in MeisterNotes
Do you know the outline view in Microsoft Word ("Gliederungsansicht" in the German version)? There is an option in this view, to select the headline level up to which the content is displayed. If it would be possible to integrate such a view filter into Meisternote, that would be great. Because this would allow the size of…
Export and import feature for folder structures in the project menu for better team collaboration
I am often asked by my clients why it is not possible to access an identical folder structure as a team, which ideally also contains the projects they are working on together. I hereby propose a corresponding feature that enables users to export and import folder structures and, if necessary, include joint projects…
Bread-crumb in the search results
As a user, I want to see the exact location of the cards which are shown on the search-result page so that I know where the card is located. Currently: Search result (no bread-crumb for the columns, only for the project "Bestellungen". And "Bestellungen" is less important than the information on the columns, because I know…
Markdown textboxes and annotations shown on map
I would like the option to have formatted annotations and notes on the mind map (with all the formatting and title options available in notes) that are open all of the time, similar to how images can be shown on a map. The note icons to open them are very tiny and not really useful to see information quickly. For my…
Filter function - only show "due date today" tasks
I think it would be great if there was a filter that would only show tasks that are due. This would give you a better overview of all the tasks that are due. And having an “empty” board/agenda every now and then would also feel good. ;) Best, Rooster
Filterfunktion - Nur anzeigen von fälligen Aufgaben
I würde es super finden, wenn es einen Filter geben würde, mit dem man nur fällige Aufgaben anzeigen könnte. So hätte man einen besseren Überblick über sämtliche fälligen Aufgaben. Und ab und zu ein "leeres" Board/Agenda zu haben gäbe auch ein gutes Gefühl. ;) Beste Grüsse, Rooster
Accordion feature as further new block for MeisterNote
Hi guys 👋🙂 Wouldn't it be great to have an accordion feature in MeisterNote, that can be opened and closed to have a further look into related information? Most notes and repositories have lots of topic related information, that could be sorted via the accrdion element. This would keep everything short and well-organised.…
[Already offered] Format Painter (for Style)
I would like to suggest a formatting brush feature for the style of tree node / child, similar to the classic Microsoft Word Format Painter". The user can be able to copy a parent style (shape, border and line type) to the child node. This would optimize time for mind maps that have some style standardization, for example.…
[Implementiert] Unteraufgaben in der Zeitleiste anzeigen | Show subtasks in the timeline
Es wäre sinnvoll, wenn auch terminierte Unteraufgaben in der Zeitleiste integriert werden. Derzeit erscheinen leider Unteraufgaben mit Angaben im Bereich "Geplant für…" nicht in der Zeitleiste. Das würde einen guten Überblick über alle Aufgaben geben und nicht nur für das große Projekt. It would be useful if scheduled…
Accordion feature for the task description area in MeisterTask
Hi guys 👋🙂 Often, when I write descriptions for tasks, I need to insert a lot of information below a topic. As a result, I usually have to scroll way down again to get to the next topic. Wouldn't it be great to have an accordion feature, that can be opened and closed to have a further look into the topic related…
Offline Mode
Please create a feature in which the MindMeister browser interface updates a file stored locally on my PC or mobile device instead of the online server. My concerns are about storing my data on your servers and editing maps on my mobile device is very spotty when my cell signal is weak.
Multiple select, cut/copy, duplicate, paste, or move
I am currently writing for a training workshop and I work on Mac (in case that makes a difference). If possible, can we have the ability to select multiple content blocks to either cut/copy and paste or, upon duplication, have the option to move them to any page or note within any top note? The feature to move tasks from…
Option to export and import checklist templates across projects
Hi there, I would love to see a feature that enables us to import and export checklist templates from every project we have already created. This would save a lot of time and make it much easier for us to work with checklists. A further option below "add checklist" could be "import checklist from …" Best, Jörg
¿Cómo puedo buscar por iconos?
No encuentro la opción de buscar por iconos
schermo gigante
Ciao! per sbaglio si è ingrandito lo schermo, non le singole mappe, lo schermo generale e non riesco più a cliccare il pulsante per fare dowload. Qualcuno sa come poter risolvere?
💡Funktionsanfrage: Startseite in MeisterTask festlegen dürfen (Erweiterung Einstellungen)
Gerne würde ich in MeisterTask direkt mit der Funktion Agenda starten dürfen. Quasi als Startseite nach dem Login. Heute öffnet MT in der Funktion Projekte / Übersicht. Mit der Möglichkeit, die Startseite in den Einstellungen (z.B. via Dropdown) festzulegen, könnten Anwender ihre Präferenzen (Projekte, Agenda, Berichte)…
[DELIVERED] Visible due date on tasks in MeisterNote
It would be very useful, if you could see the due date also on the task in MeisterNote. Or better, if you could direct set a due date by creating a task in MeisterNote. This way I always have to switch into MT to see the due date.
💡Feature request: Possibility to add watchers and due date in MN
It would be very helpful when creating a task in MN, you could not only assign the task, but also set a due date and also add observers. Currently, you always have to do this afterwards in MeisterTask, which costs additional time.
[Feature-Req] "Feature to Turn Off Automatic Line Wrapping or Specify Wrapping Points"
[problem] Mindmeister has a feature that automatically wraps text, but it often wraps at places where I don't want it to, and doesn't wrap where I do want it to. For example, I don’t want it to wrap in the middle of a list like '[A, B, C]' or an arrow '->', but I want it to wrap at punctuation marks like '。' and '、'.…
Zoom Shortcut
I would love to see a zoom-in zoom-out shortcut.
Integration of a preview-picture in the Header of a PowerPoint export.
Currently, when exporting a mind map to a PowerPoint file, no preview image is displayed in the header of the presentation. I'm pretty convinced, that most users would love to see this feature implemented in MindMeister in the future. What do you think, guys? Best, Jörg
I would like to see my last activity on the card WITHOUT having to drill in
I am in sales- lets say I have 50 live customers- meaning I have 50 cards. To find out where I am at with each one I have DRILL IN and see the last activity (interaction) that I had with that particular customer or project. If I could SEE THAT LAST ACTIVITY on the card- I then can see all my 50 contacts with CURRENT…