Workload Management Dashboard for MeisterTask
Managing team workloads is a critical aspect of project management that can significantly impact productivity, employee well-being, and overall project success. In MeisterTask, the ability to visualize and manage workload across the organization will empower managers and team leads to allocate tasks effectively, reduce…
Text Alignment Options
I have just started using MindMeister for college and I LOVE it. However……. Being able to align my text differently, left, center, or right would be extremely helpful in personal preference and making my diagrams professional and polished.
This small change would have a big impact on the quality of the search results
Since Meisternotes has been more deeply integrated, the search results are unfortunately very confusing. There was a lot of criticism of this at the time, as it felt like a big step backwards. Despite the many criticisms, unfortunately nothing has changed to date. Maybe you at least have the option of coloring the arrows…
Automatically sort columns
I would love to see an upgrade to sorting on columns. Right now I have to select the three dots, sort column, and for example due date. If I add a new due date to any task or move a task from another column, I have to repeat above process. That is pretty annoying and could be implentend relatively easy as column-specific…
Density setting like Gmail - with options like default, comfortable and compact
This would allow for good looking spacing on some maps (default) and the ability to tighten spacing / fit more info in a smaller space on crowded maps.
MDX file rendering
Hey Guys, I have a suggestion that I would love for you to consider. It would be amazing if you could enable support for rendering MDX files in nodes. As a coder, trainer, and social media influencer, I heavily rely on MindMeister to share my ideas with the world. However, I find the current nodes a bit limited in…
Tags für Seiten in MeisterNote als Sortieralternative
Problem: Wir bauen gerade eine Wissendatenbank in MeisterNote auf. Je nach Perspektive wäre es gut, wenn einzelne Unterseiten gleichzeitig verschiedenen über- oder untergeordneten Seiten (oder gar einer anderen Notiz) zugeordnet werden könnten, weil es mehrere Bezüge zueinander gibt, die sonst nicht abbildbar sind. Lösung:…
A mind map creator keeps sending me link to get his mind map but never arrives
A mind map author creates a mind map for his listeners at the beginning of every month, but it never arrives to my account. He seems to be using the right email accoun but now I wonder. Here is the email I get to me: I click on either link and this is what I get: It says that it cannot find the linked item. The mind map…
[RESOLVED] Sharing a mindmap
Once I click in the share button the screams stay loading forever and I can't share my mindmaps. I'm in the paid plan and I've send an support ticket abot ten days and I still not having the answer. I need help to fix it as fast is possible because I need this for work.
Mehrere Personen ODER Beobachtete Tasks in Agenda
Wir haben einige Tasks, die von mehreren Leuten bearbeitet werden. Aktuell kann man den Task ja nur einer Person zuweisen, deswegen ist der Rest bei uns als Beobachter eingetragen. Wenn man bei einem Task Beobachter ist, wird dieser jedoch nicht in der Agenda angezeigt. Es wäre praktisch, wenn man entweder den Task…
Markdown textboxes and annotations shown on map
I would like the option to have formatted annotations and notes on the mind map (with all the formatting and title options available in notes) that are open all of the time, similar to how images can be shown on a map. The note icons to open them are very tiny and not really useful to see information quickly. For my…
QoL: MindMeister, move the column on centre right screen to the left
move The column with 'action' 'style' 'icon' 'layout' & 'themes' on the right of the mind map to the left so when you are working on a smaller screen, it does not cover the new sentences you are typing up.
I can't delete a map once created -
Latest version of chrome - the dev tools shows a server error/500 - I'm not seeing an id included with the POST data, or as part of the URL as far as I can tell - and the 500 goes away if I include the idea_id within a $curl -D command, however, it still doesn't delete.. not sure where this post belongs, if I'm off - I…
[Already offered] Format Painter (for Style)
I would like to suggest a formatting brush feature for the style of tree node / child, similar to the classic Microsoft Word Format Painter". The user can be able to copy a parent style (shape, border and line type) to the child node. This would optimize time for mind maps that have some style standardization, for example.…
Possibility to export in JSON
for me mindmaister app and website is very useful and well maintained for create very intuitive mind maps, im a software developer and for export the data of my maps would be so nice to have the possibility to export in a JSON format file.
Hallo, gibt es projektübergreifende Tags?
Wir würden gerne Tickets kennzeichnen, für die beispielsweise die Mitarbeit eines bestimmten Dienstleisters erforderlich ist. Es sollte auf einen Blick zu sehen sein, an welchen Tickets dieser Dienstleister im Moment mitarbeitet.
Offline Mode
Please create a feature in which the MindMeister browser interface updates a file stored locally on my PC or mobile device instead of the online server. My concerns are about storing my data on your servers and editing maps on my mobile device is very spotty when my cell signal is weak.
Able to move Blocks to another Page or Note
Would like to be able to move (or copy/duplicate) Blocks from inside a note to another note or page. Tried dragging and dropping and checked to see if this was an option inside the block, but neither worked.
Better Duplication(?)
Hey there, Jerry again😅 I've again came up with a new idea that it might be beneficial to offer automations in MeisterNote, but in general, this type of automation could also be useful for MeisterTask. I use a section called "Team Resources" in the internal area. Within this section, there are what I call "Duplication…
Eine Notiz direkt in die Aufgabe integrieren.
Es gibt zwar die Möglichkeit, eine Notiz mit Meister Note im Anhang zu speichern, allerdings ist mir der Vorgang zu kompliziert. Außerdem werden die Anhänge nicht ausgedruckt! Eine einfache Info-Notiz, per Button aufrufbar um z.B. Teile oder Besonderheiten festzuhalten. Diese Notiz sollte sich auch ausdrucken lassen!…
display notifications in calendar app
Hi, I wonder if I is possible to display notifications in a calendar app (for example the macOS calender). I've integrated MeisterTask into my calendar, and scheduled tasks are already displayed. What would be great is if notifications - from a person mentioning me via @name - are also displayed in the app; just like…
display notifications in calendar app
Hi, I wonder if I can display notifications in my calendar app (macOS). I've integrated MeisterTask into my calendar, and scheduled tasks are already displayed. What would be great is if notifications - from a person mentioning me via @name - are also displayed in the app, just like calendar notifications if changes have…
Embeddable MeisterTask Project for Website
Our team often uses internal websites (e.g. Google Sites) to store all of our project management/project documents + info in one location, and I think it would be extremely helpful to have the option to embed a MeisterTask project page directly into the website so our team members can interact with and view the project…
Lokale Speicherung / Speichern in einer Cloud (onedrive, icloud)
Liebes Meister Team Ich bin Business Abonnent und schätze Eure Software sehr. Sie begleitet mich täglich. Das Kennenlernen dieser Programme haben mein Verhalten im Alltag verändert. Schade habe ich sie nicht schon früher zur Verfügung gehabt… Ich wünschte mir, dass ich die Projekte in Meistertask, die Mindmaps in…
Export in Word
Geschätztes Meisterlab Team Das Erstellen von Notes in Meisternote macht die Gliederung von Notizen und Dokumentationen sehr attraktiv und einfach. Und ich freue mich immer über die Gestaltung dieser Notizen Schon oft habe ich mir gewünscht, die in Meisternote schön erarbeiteten Dokumente auch in ein Word exportieren zu…
Renaming files
it would be nice if MeisterNote allows to rename files. As MeisterNote can be used as a repository or archive, it would be very convenient to allow renaming files uploaded to pages. Now, users need to download them, rename them locally and then re-upload the file(s) again. It's a small feature, but would save a lot of…
MindMeister Icon in new Side Bar
If you have an account in MindMeister, there should be an icon (shortcut) for MindMeister, next to Notes icon (shortcut). Currently if you want to open MindMeister you need to go to opposite part of the screen to "Account" icon, click it and in drop-down list there is a shortcut to MeindMeister.
Some recommendations
- I would like to see the possibility to drag parts around not only on laptops and computers but also mobile devices - I'd also like to have the possibility to scroll through the map on mobile devices as well
Pin notes and comments in map sharing mode
Hi, There is an option to pin notes in "Edit" mode when creating a mind map. This very convenient and would be helpful also when sharing the map with an "external" user (who is not logged into the system). Currently, the notes are opened in small windows in "Share" mode without an option to pin them. Thanks!