🤓 MeisterHacks: Weekly Planning with Agenda
We've already sung the praises of Agenda but did you know that Simply add pins for each day of the week and drag your tasks from the left to the day on which you should work on them. It's really that easy to create a personal daily calendar!
🤓 MeisterHacks: Take the Shortcut
MindMeister offers a variety of shortcuts, covering basic, advanced and everything in between. In fact, there's almost a shortcut for every functionality. I really recommend you take some time to get to grips with these shortcuts so that you can create professional mind maps without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.…
Projekt löschen, obwohl kein Zugriff mehr besteht
Hallo liebe Community, ich habe ein Projekt dupliziert und es neu mit mir als Projektinhaber erstellt. Auf das "alte" habe ich keinen Zugriff mehr, da der Ersteller nicht wie ich einen Pro Account hat. Ich möchte es aber aus der Ansicht entfernen bzw. löschen. Wie geht das? 🙁 Vielen Dank im Voraus und beste Grüße aus Berlin
🤓 MeisterHacks: Tags und Checklisten in ein neues Projekt mitnehmen
Du möchtest bestimmte Tags und Checklisten in ein neues Projekt mitnehmen, aber nicht gleich ein ganzes Projekt duplizieren? Dafür gibt es einen ganz einfachen Trick: 1. Eine neue Aufgabe im bereits bestehenden Projekt erstellen und jene Checklisten und Tags hinzufügen, die du gerne in das neue Projekt mitnehmen würdest.…
🤓 MeisterHack: Unteraufgaben in das eigene Board verschieben
Hallihallo liebe MeisterTask Community! Mit der jüngsten Einführung der Unteraufgaben möchte ich gerne meine Lieblingstipps für diese neue Funktion teilen: 😎 Mir zugewiesene Unteraufgaben kann ich in mein bevorzugtes Board verschieben. Der Projektmanager der übergeordneten Aufgabe wird weiterhin einen klaren Überblick über…
🤓 MeisterHack: Move Subtasks to Your Own Board While You Work On Them
Good morning, MeisterTask Community! With the recent subtasks release, I wanted to take a minute to share one of my favourite tips for this new feature: Your project manager will continue to have a clear overview of tasks and their subtasks on the team's board, while allowing you to work in the way that suits you best.…
Besitzrechte am Projekt ändern
Ein Kollege ist Besitzer eines Projektes, jedoch scheidet er bald aus dem Bereich aus und nutzt nur noch die Basic Variante. Ich habe MeisterTask Pro und er will das die Besitzrechte am Projekt auf mich übertragen werden. Wie geht das? Denn beim Duplizieren ist er ja immer noch Besitzer der Projektes. 😕 Vielen Dank im…
[CURRENT BUG] Using bold changes topic width.
Cada vez que crio um tópico, seja célula filha ou célula mãe, e vou utilizar o negrito (Ctrl+B) ou (**), sempre desconfigura a estrutura do meu tópico, gerando apenas a frase marcada em negrito deslocada do restante do texto (como na imagem). Quando tento formatar o padrão para que fique uma estrutura organizada saem mais…
🥇 Badge of the Month: Productivity Tips/ June
Hey, badge collectors! Welcome to June's Badge of the Month! As part of our Rewards Program, Badge of the Month gives you an easy way to connect with others and earn a new badge. Your answers don't have to be Meister-related, we'd just like to hear from you 😃. Want to know the rules? Check out this post. Already know the…
🤓 MeisterHack: Add Depth to your Map with a Color Legend
Hey Community 👋, One of my favorite things about MindMeister is how much detail you can add. With notes, connections, comments, attachments, there's a wealth of information you can present within a single mind map. Recently, I came across a way of adding even more detail: Check out the image below for an example from @Olaf…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Use the Move Tasks Automation to Create Accountability
Hey, Automations save you time and let you focus on more important things, but did you know they can also increase accountability and responsibility for tasks? Let's look at a specific example: Cross-departmental meetings are often big and confusing - It's easy to get lost in them and leave without clear action items…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Use "Show as Boundary" to Distinguish Between Different Points
Hey, Mind maps can become overwhelming when you have ideas scattered all over the place. To bring some structural organization to your ideas, try to: Check out the picture below to show how @Olaf Roeb has used this feature in his brilliant shortcuts mind map: You can see that the Learning Process on the right is a…
🤓 MeisterHacks: See an Overview of all the Tasks in a Note
Hey, Some notes, such as meeting minutes, end up with a lot of delegated tasks. Want a quick overview of what needs doing by who? This is valuable especially in longer notes with lots of action items. Scroll through all related tasks and their assignees with ease! Did you already know about this? Let us know in the…
💡 MeisterHacks: How To Enable Dark Mode (thanks @Eva Schindler)
Hi! There's been some requests recently to get #DarkMode available as a native feature in the Meister Suite. I want to share a great tip I got from @Eva Schindler to get this functionality when I told her how my eyes hurt after long periods working on MeisterNote's user interface. The solution pointed by Eva was a web…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Use Headlines in Your Notes to Automatically Create a Table of Contents
Hey, Did you know To access it, simply click the Info (i) button on the right. I love using this feature for quick and easy navigation, especially in longer notes! Hope it helps, Eva-Maria
🤓 MeisterHacks: Using Checklist Templates
Checklist templates are a really exciting feature (at least I think so), but it's not always easy to know when it makes sense to use them. To help, we've broken things down into two key use cases: When do you use checklist templates? Got any tips to share? Screenshot your templates and share below - I'd love to see!
MeisterTask App für Linux mit einem einfachen Trick
Viele Nutzer von MeisterTask nutzen Linux als kostenfreie und leistungsstarke Alternative zu den üblichen Betriebssystemen. Ich habe des Öfteren mitbekommen, dass sich viele Linux-User ebenfalls eine MeisterTask App wünschen. Dieser Wunsch lässt sich schnell erfüllen. Denn Linux bietet von sich aus bereits die Möglichkeit,…
MeisterTask App for Linux with a simple trick
Many MeisterTask customers use Linux as a free and powerful alternative to the usual operating systems. I have often heard, that many Linux users would also like to have a MeisterTask app. This wish can be fulfilled quickly. Linux already offers the possibility to create so-called web apps. This website describes the…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Create a Calendar in MeisterTask
Hey, In this post we talked about creating a weekly plan in Agenda, but you can also Although this leaves you with 12 sections, it gives you a strong overview of important events and campaigns throughout the year. MeisterTask is both easy to navigate and easy to edit. This means you'll always be able to quickly find what's…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Turn Ideas into Action
Hey! Mind maps are so brilliant because of their versatility - you can use them to jot down scattered thoughts, find new ideas, organize your days and plan your projects. With MindMeister, you can take these processes to the next level without ever leaving the mind mapping tool. Simply click the ellipsis (...) on any topic…
🤓 MeisterHacks: creating a mindmap while watching a YouTube video in MindMeister
You can embed a Youtube video in the center of the map and then note useful information around it as you listen. You can check out an example here:
🤓 MeisterHacks: Making Presentation Notes with a Bulleted Outline
Making a mind map can help you get your thoughts in order when preparing for a presentation or speech. However, some users find it's not that easy to read from a mind map during a presentation. Outline mode lets you turn your visual mind map into linear form, making it ideal for presenting. Do you already use outline mode?…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Highlight in Company Colors
Hey, I just wanted to share a quick tip for more professional notes and presentations in MeisterNote: When highlighting, most people go for the standard yellow which makes sense because yellow provides a striking contrast. However, thanks to our clever design team, you have many more stunning shades available to you in…
MeisterHacks: Using a "fill in the blank" by hand template to gently introduce people to MM
From time to time we may want to use a mind map in meetings with non-mind mappers, many of whom have never even heard of the mind map. Some of them will be tech-averse, and might be put off even at the suggestion of using software (or its web-based equivalent) with which they are unfamiliar. I will prepare a blank mind map…
⚡️ Introducing the MeisterHacks Badge
Hey, A few weeks ago, we introduced our Rewards Program. Today, we're expanding it! As our users know our products inside out, we'd like to invite you to share your: ✅ Tips ✅ Tricks ✅ Advice How to share your tips Head over to the Get Inspired category for MindMeister, MeisterTask or MeisterNote. Start a New Discussion.…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Turn a Topic into a New Mind Map
Hey! Have you ever had an idea that's so good you just need to explore it in a new mind map? Or maybe you've been making a mind map and it's getting so cluttered you want to make a new one? Well, Simply: Click the ellipsis on the topic you want to convert. Click the ... More icon. Click Create as Map. Choose your…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Multiple Checklists
Hey! I've already shared a few MeisterHacks on checklists and checklist templates, but my appreciation for the endless scope of this feature doesn't end there. Some tasks are complicated (almost like mini-projects) - With these, it's great to add a checklist for each aspect that needs to be completed. This way, you really…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Integrate MindMeister and MeisterNote into MeisterTask even without the bundle
Hi guys 👋🙂 A little hint for all pro and business users of MeisterTask: You can of course also use MindMeister and MeisterNote in the basic version and include them in projects. If you click on your avatar in the top right-hand corner of MeisterTask, the MindMeister and MeisterNote icons appear in the context menu. Click…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Be Presentation Ready
Meeting notes are notoriously scruffy - most of the time, you won't be thinking about adding headings and line separators for example. But you never know when you might suddenly be asked to present notes you made during a meeting. To make sure you're always ready: This will make it easier for you to convert your notes…
🤓 MeisterHacks: Getting an Overview of Project Activity
If you've been off for a few days, it's easy to feel totally out of the loop. Your emails might not help you catch up because they'll be full of notifications about anything and everything you're involved with. Did you know that you can You can view Project Activity by clicking the Activity and Filters button below your…