Ability to tag and filter nodes on a mindmap
I would like to apply one or more tags to a node in mind-map and filter the view of nodes to one or more of those tags. * Applying a rating to nodes and filtering the view to only nodes with specified ratings * Tag each node to a customer or person who raised an idea to make it easier to view the list by customer/person.…
[DELIVERED] Integration with Meister Note inside
Please, create an integration with these tools that allows us to create a meister note document linked to the task. This would solve the weakness of the meister task in relation to Notion and Trello where it is possible to create your documentation within the task.
How Do I Change my Mindmap's name?
When I first created a mindmap, it took on the first word I typed into it as the midemap name. How do I change this name or give it a filename? Thanks!
Possible Bug: "Resource Not Found" Error
Hi, I'm new to MindMeister A big part of my map just got erased as I was adding a new topic, with the text "Resource not found" appearing at the bottom of the screen. I just have a basic account for now. But it's definitely a bug of the platform, so I want my map back ! Do you know how I can do ?
Should notes be saved when written via the app?
In my pc i can write in a note, close the note and if i open the note it is saved. But if i do exactly the same on my phone it doesn't save. Why this happend, i literally lost hours of writtinf just because doesn't save my work. My smartphone is a google pixel 6.
Challenged by colours - hope to inspire
In July 2023 I was one of the presenters at a Biggerplate.com online event sharing my experiences using mind mapping for facilitating and coaching of team members and clients. In the presentation I briefly shared that I am challenged by colour so I excused the choices of colours in the presentation – despite nobody…
[Delivered] Change the Color of Completed Tasks in MindMeister Topics
Hi, I believe it would be greatly useful if an integrated from MT task was also highlighted/crossed out or marked any other way as completed in MM. It is way more comfortable while working on different tasks and directions. In case you manage to implement such a function I’ll subscribe and move all of my projects from…
📣 MindMeister Update: New Note Editor
Hi all! Wanted to make a quick announcement: The MindMeister team has just released a significant upgrade to the Notes feature in MindMeister: 🚀 What's New: The Notes feature in MindMeister has been upgraded into a robust WYSIWYG text editor. The note editor now enables additional text-formatting styles: Headers Bold…
Why can't I find my mindmaps?
I renewed my licens, but I can´t see the mindmaps. I always se my account info, even if I click "got to Mindmeister". What do I do wrong?
A great resource: TED Talk Mind Maps
Hi everyone 👋, do you love watching TED talks and mind mapping? I certainly do. Our partner @Liam Hughes from Biggerplate has a great collection of TED Talk mind maps to inform and inspire you! You can check them out below 👇
How do I stop MindMeister embed in Notion from asking for cookie permission everytime I reload?
Basically the question. EduPersonal user here. MindMeister embed in Notion is super annoying. It keeps asking for cookie permission everytime I reload the page. Clicking "Accept All" doesn't stop it. Anyone has a workaround for this? Thanks.
Insert custom background images in MindMeister
In the last weeks, I've had some situations where I could have needed an individual background for a mind map. It would be great to be able, to create a mind map with floating topics, that I can bring to desired positions of an image. This feature would give us back the opportunity to create mind maps with a feeling of…
Can No Longer Indent Bullets in MindMeister?
Hello! I frequently write notes inside of the map nodes. I also frequently use bullets to better organize the information. I can no longer indent bullets to create different bullet levels. All bullets are at the same level. This applies to both desktop and mobile (IOS) versions. See screenshots.
Compact mindmap option
Mindmaps get too big when expanded. Within Simplemind, you can view a lot of data in a compact view vs Mindmeister you have to scroll and zoom out to really see it with lots of branches
How can I change the "admin" of one mind map?
I need to delete my previous email account where my mind maps are storage, do you have any solutions to transport or put this new account as admin?
MindMeister Icon in new Side Bar
If you have an account in MindMeister, there should be an icon (shortcut) for MindMeister, next to Notes icon (shortcut). Currently if you want to open MindMeister you need to go to opposite part of the screen to "Account" icon, click it and in drop-down list there is a shortcut to MeindMeister.
How do I change the order of Child Sections?
There does not appear to be a way to set the order of child sections so that they appear in the desired order in Outline mode. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
Is there a way to make the comments stand out more with highlights or making the icon bigger?
Integration of a preview-picture in the Header of a PowerPoint export.
Currently, when exporting a mind map to a PowerPoint file, no preview image is displayed in the header of the presentation. I'm pretty convinced, that most users would love to see this feature implemented in MindMeister in the future. What do you think, guys? Best, Jörg
[RESOLVED] Why do attached images not appear in pdf export?
Dear supporter, I want to keep my written mindmap in paper format, but when I press the print icon →save as pdf, the attached image is not reflected. Is there a better way to do this? My goal is to be able to view my mindmaps created with MindMeister for backup purposes without having to open the MindMeister website. Best…
🚀 MindMeister Core Engine Update: Take our Survey and Share Your Experience!
We are thrilled to announce that we have recently rolled out a significant update to MindMeister's core rendering engine! 🚀 Here's where you come in: We need your feedback! Please take a moment to take this survey regarding your recent experiences with MindMeister: Thanks again for helping us create a better and more…
How to automatically divide a piece of text, consisting of sections A, B, and C, into many topics?
How to automatically divide a piece of text, consisting of sections A, B, and C, into multiple topics?
Add MeisterNote or Project link to MindMeister
We have some documentation at MeisterNote. Sometime I would like to link from mindmeister to a note in meisternote, instead of writing in the small note field. Is there a URL to link directly to a note? I'm also looking for a non public link to MeisterTask projects? Tasks have a link. Wir dokumentieren einiges in…
Why don't I have access to a paid account despite payment going through?
Good day, I paid for MindMeister, and it went off from my bank account, but now I don't have access to the paid Personal version, but it did subtract from my bank account? Please help, I have mindmaps I need to submit by Wednesday
💌 Feedback - Teile Deine Gedanken mit uns und gewinne! 💸
Liebe MindMeister-Community, Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig! Wir möchten mehr darüber erfahren, warum du dich für MindMeister entschieden hast und welche Funktionen für dich am wichtigsten sind. Deine Rückmeldung hilft uns, MindMeister kontinuierlich zu verbessern und auf deine Bedürfnisse zuzuschneiden. Wir haben eine…
Tasks not transferring to Google Calendar
Hello - everything seems to be integrated and configured but none of my tasks are showing up on my Google calendar. I have the correct email/calendar/Meister accounts under one name so I can't figure out why it isn't synchronizing.
How can I insert 1 mind map into another?
I created pretty big mind map, and now i realized, that I would like to make mind map bigger, where my previous mind map will be child topic.
Is it possible to embed a Mindmeister mindmap into a Google Doc?
I have linked Mindmeister to my Google account and would love to put my mindmaps into a Google Doc - not just a link - so that I can add tasks across the mindmap/pageless doc. The tasks in my Google docs currently ping through to Sunsama - the one app that is absolutely essential. Not getting along with Meistertask and…