Intégration wordpress d'une carte Mindmeister en 2023
Bonjour. Comment intégrer dans un article wordpress une carte Mindmeister publique disponible en lecture seul ? Je n'en suis pas l'auteur mais j'ai l'autorisation d'intégration de l'auteur. Merci
Side Scrolling
Many applications (e.g. MS Excel) allow the user to scroll up and down with the mouse (of course) and to scroll left and right if a modifier key (i.e. Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) is pressed while scrolling. This will drastically improve usability, IMO, as it is a much better way of panning than right/left clicking.
[CURRENT BUG] Using bold changes topic width.
Cada vez que crio um tópico, seja célula filha ou célula mãe, e vou utilizar o negrito (Ctrl+B) ou (**), sempre desconfigura a estrutura do meu tópico, gerando apenas a frase marcada em negrito deslocada do restante do texto (como na imagem). Quando tento formatar o padrão para que fique uma estrutura organizada saem mais…
Bulk Export or Invitation of MindMaps
How can i export or invite People 100+ Mind-Maps with "one" click? I know about the function of a back-up, but the it will be ALL the Maps (also personal ones which i clearly don't want). If i would have to do it manually, i would go crazy 🤪
MindMeister: Mention Person in Comment/ Personen in Kommentaren erwähnen
Hope I use the right keywords in English. I really like the @ function to mention colleagues. It is available in Meister Task and MeisterNote. I miss it at MindMeister when creating a big mind map in a team to organize and notify the responsible person. Ich nutze die Funktion des Erwähnens (mit @Name) gerne in den…
Create Task by Drag-and-drop in MindMeister
There is an old feature that I'm missing. Via Drag-and-drop you can create task in MeisterTask. Also, as I understood, you can create multiple task with a few mouse clicks. I also would love to see the responsible person directly in mind map. We use maps to make our tasks visible to our colleges and have an overview about…
MindMeister in MeisterTaks umsetzen
Hallo zusammen, wir möchten eine große MindMap als Projekt umsetzen. Wie ich einzelne Punkte in Aufgaben umwandele, kenne ich schon. Doch bin ich in Youtube: Und auch auf der Website: (Unter Aufgabenverwaltung) Auf dieses nette Feature gestoßen, mehrere Sachen direkt zuzuweisen und automatisch in Aufgaben umzuwandeln. Kann…
Undo bug -> forced reload -> loss of content -> workaround paywalled
I'm trying out MindMeister for the first time for about 30 minutes, on a Windows 11 PC running Brave browser (continuing after 10 minutes on an Android phone), and just had a terrible bug and content-loss situation. This is: An inability to undo deletion resulting in loss of data + A paywall restricting access to solution…
How do I open a mindmeister file after export?
How do I open a mindmeister file after export? It is downloading as a word doc that cannot be opened, but I do have the upgraded account that should allow for ".mind" format exports, I just don't know how to open these files properly once they are downloaded.
Expand The Notes feature in MindMeister
When I'm using MindMesiter to create any written assignment, it would be a much eaiser process to compose my work if the 'Notes' function could be similar to using a word processor. Can I request that the Notes feature be expanded, so the user can create a larger body of text, with more formatting features, and the…
💡💡💡INVITATION to be inspired in how to use mind mapping 💡💡💡
I will be sharing how mind mapping can be useful to facilitate the dialogue with your project team, client or customers at the BiggerplateConnect event on the 27 July 2023 starting at 16:00 hrs. CET. Safa Mahjoub, MS and Ethan Jerry Mings will be joining at the same event sharing their experiences. Save your seat to this…
[IMPLEMENTED] Copy URL attached to branches without opening the site
In the old editor, it was possible to copy an URL attached to a branch without opening the respective site. In the new editor, the context menue to the URL offers only two choices: "open" or "delete". I use MM in different circumstances as a tool for knowledge management. One function is, to organize Links. Sometimes e.g.…
Embed MindMeister map into Sharepoint Site webpart
I'm trying to embed a map into a Sharepoint Site webpart in both link and iframe ways, but as a link it says it can't be loaded by the link and as an iframe it returns that mindmeister declined the connection. Link try: iFrame try: Any help? P.S: Sorry, the prints are in pt-br, but I can copy them here to help.
Mover um item para outro lugar (how to click + drag a topic)
Antigamente era possível mover um item de um lugar para outro, apenas clicando sobre ele e arrastando. Agora não consigo mais fazer isso. Quando clico e arrasto, ele move a tela inteira para um lado ou outro, mas não move especificamente um item para dentro ou fora de outro item. Como faço?
Embedded Maps not displaying (Frame-Options set to 'sameorigin')
Hello guys, I have a problem with showing/opening my mind maps. I shared them via iframe on my website and it worked for a few weeks, but recently noticed that those maps are not showing up in iframe, because of this reason(issue recorder in Google Chrome Developer Console directly on my website): Refused to display…
I upgraded and lost old data. How do I recover it?
I was not using my old account, so I was not paying for it since last year but, still, I was able to read the old data in MindMeister. I've just decided to come back so I upgraded for a personal account and made the payment. I've lost many of my old mindmaps in the process. That was a lot of work. What can I do to recover…
How do you change the background color of the mind map?
Regarding the design of the MindMap, when exporting how to change the background without upgrading to a pro version
Disappearing topics due to pressing the backspace key too many times when erasing many characters
I apologize for asking this question so often, Often when I use the backspace key to erase several characters in a row of text in a topic in a mind map, I press the key too many times and the topic itself disappears, and I have to start over to bring the topic back. This is a minor stress. When erasing text in a topic with…
Convert multiple branches of a mind map into a batch of Meister Task tasks
I plan and identify tasks in a mind map and then move them directly to Meiter Task for scheduling. Currently, I go through the following process Plan on mind map and write out branches Assign each branch to a Meister Task as a task. Manage them as tasks in Meister Task However, since many branches are created in step 1,…
Get Early Access to the New Mobile Editor!
📣 Calling all MindMeister Community members! Our MindMeister mobile developers are looking for users interested in testing and providing feedback on the new MindMeister mobile editor for iOS and Android. Interested? Click here to find instructions on how to download and install the public beta of our new mobile editor on…
Meister Implementation
Successful Implementation of the Meister-Tools into my E-Learning-Plattform! Maybe someone wants to celebrate with me… @Eva Schindler, @Andrew Lapidus 🤩
Convert MindMeister node to MeisterNote text
Converting text from a node in MindMeister, to text in MeisterNote without weird formatting issues is impossible. Copying and pasting from one to the other simply creates hyper linked text and there is no menu option to "send to MeisterNote" or anything similar. Copying and pasting to a text editor as an intermediary,…
Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one topic in MindMeister?
Hi everyone! Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one element in MindMeister? I've tried but failed. It would be useful not to produce lots of small tasks in the Map but to group them in one element. If it is currently not possible, does anyone else need such possibility? :) We could ask the…
How can I add 2 emojis in one branch?
One of my colleague added 2 emojis in 1 branch (please see screenshot from his mindmap). Could you let me know how to do it? I was trying to add 1 by 1 but they are ex-changing, not staying both…
[CURRENT BUG] Why is my embedded map not visible in my note?
Hi there, I'm testing Meisternote to get away from the terrible Notion (too much stuff I don't use, not enough stuff I want to use) I used the "Embed Mindmeister map" (while logged in on Mindmeister with the same account, as described here) but my map doesn't show: Tried to figure out what's wrong… but I couldn't. Can you…
Why can't I navigate my map in touchscreen?
Hi everyone! I am a Surface user, it means that I can use my pc as a computer but also as a tablet. My problem is that, when I use it as a tablet, I cannot move through the map with the touchscreen, I can only click on elements and that's all. When I use it as a computer I can move the map with the touchpad or with my…
🎓 Free Online Courses: Learn more about strategic planning with MindMeister
Hi everyone 👋, We've got some exciting news to share! We're launching a series of free online courses focusing on strategic planning, using SWOT analysis, and creating OKRs in MindMeister. The courses are designed to help you improve your strategic planning processes using MindMeister. You can learn about the following…
Why am I getting the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error when accessing the website?
I'm having trouble accessing the mind meister platform. Translation of this message: Unable to access this sitePlease check www.mindmeister.com for a typo. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
[RESOLVED] Why am I getting PSA Errors (400 and 502) in MindMeister?
Hi guys, I have some issues with the software from some time - time to open the mindmaps is longer, adding images and branches aren't pasting correctly etc. PSA errors which I can see (400 and 502). I have Internet connection, that's why I'm curious if it is only the issue at my account or is it more spreaded to other…
📣 Product Update: MindMeister - MeisterTask Integration
Hello everyone, and happy Monday to you all! 🌞 I wanted to quickly let our community know about a significant update to MindMeister's integration with MeisterTask: 💡 What's new: Previously, it was only possible to create and assign tasks in the new map editor. Today's update allows you to perform many more actions on any…