If I remove a member from my team, what would happen to his/her files?
Hi, One of our member resign from our team and I'd like to remove her from the team and give the license seat to another person. What would happen to his/her files (maps) in terms of ownership and access?
Maps not saving
I've been using mindmeister for a few months now and it's been 3 times that my backup has not been taken into account after entire evenings of disappointed work. Is there a way to resolve this problem?
[RESOLVED] Error when trying to restore previous versions
A very important part of my mind map disappeared and I'm trying to search previous versions for it, after duplicating the map. However, every time I go down to older versions, it gives an error that refreshes the page and prevents me from continuing. Do you know how I can resolve this? Thank you very much! A very important…
Personal Fonts addition
I study in an arabic academy which is why i want to make notes in arabic as my studies are in that medium. Add option of personal fonts so that I can add arabic fonts, THANK YOU ASAP PLEASE 🥺
Is there a way to view all the comments from my mindmap in one place?
I have several comments on various nodes within a mind map. It can be really time consuming to go back and find that one comment I'm looking for… is there a place where I can see all of the comments at once?
Meu mind gap voltou para a primeira versao
Meu mind map voltou para a primeira versão e não consigo acessar a última. Obrigada!
Kann ich 2 Mindmaps gleichzeitig sehen und bearbeiten?
Linked MindMap synchronisation
Hi, It would be very interesting to synchronise the linked mindmaps in both directions. At the moment, you can open a branch in a new independent map. But this is not synchronised with the motherboard and vice versa. In this way we could have global maps linked to specific maps and interact according to the vision we want.…
Linked MindMap synchronisation
Hi, It would be very interesting to synchronise the linked mindmaps in both directions. At the moment, you can open a branch in a new independent map. But this is not synchronised with the motherboard and vice versa. In this way we could have global maps linked to specific maps and interact according to the vision we want.
Feature Request : high quality emoji
Hi! As you can see, the emojis are not vectorized. This would make displaying in “presentation” mode much more pleasant! Let me know if you also agree!
Connect Mindmaps / Conectar los mapas mentales
Obsidian (Another program) has an option called Graph view where you can connect your pages with one word and you can see them with this option in a big picture. This is an example: / Obsidian (Otro programa) tiene una opcion llamada "Graph view" donde se pueden conectar con una palabra las paginas creadas, y se puede ver…
Markdown textboxes and annotations shown on map
I would like the option to have formatted annotations and notes on the mind map (with all the formatting and title options available in notes) that are open all of the time, similar to how images can be shown on a map. The note icons to open them are very tiny and not really useful to see information quickly. For my…
How we can set the access token expiration time OAuth 2.0
I'm implementing the authentication and authorization process using OAuth 2.0 and Authorization Code Flow, and while requesting for the access token I get the response with these information "access_token", "token_type" and "scope", there's no expires_in parameter. I also tried to get the details of the token and the…
Synchronisierung der Bezeichnungen in Mindmeister and Meistertask / Synchronization of names in Mind
[english below] Es wäre sinnvoll, wenn durch die Verknüpfung von Mindmeister und Meistertask Änderungen in der Bezeichnung z.B. Aufgaben aus der Mindmap in Meistertask erstellen gegenseitig aktualisiert werden. Ich versuche ein Projekt mit Mindmeister zu strukturieren und lege dazu Aufgaben aus Mindmeister in Meistertask…
Rename tasks between Mindmeister and Meistertask
I'm currently experimenting with the combination of Mindmeister as a visualization and Meitertask. I have the following problem. If I create a task in Mindmeister and then rename it to Meistertask, the name in the mind map does not change. Is there an idea for this. Thanks for the support..
ChatGPT to create mindmaps in plain text format
I have created a ChatGPT which will create a mindmap from any URL or text. It will create it in plain text format. You can then copy and paste into .txt or .rtf and import to MindMeister.
[KNOWN BUG] Links not exported to Word docs
Hi there, the links from my maps dont get exported to the word documents… but this feature is essential to my work! I got told for nearly 6 weeks now, they would work on it and fix it, soon. I´m getting to fear, nobody will fix that…would´nt you guess the fix should be found, if someon with knowledge would really work on…
QoL: MindMeister, move the column on centre right screen to the left
move The column with 'action' 'style' 'icon' 'layout' & 'themes' on the right of the mind map to the left so when you are working on a smaller screen, it does not cover the new sentences you are typing up.
I can't delete a map once created -
Latest version of chrome - the dev tools shows a server error/500 - I'm not seeing an id included with the POST data, or as part of the URL as far as I can tell - and the 500 goes away if I include the idea_id within a $curl -D command, however, it still doesn't delete.. not sure where this post belongs, if I'm off - I…
How to align a text in the center?
In the old version we just need to click on the text button and adjust left, right or center. Now, this feature is gone and the text is always left-aligned. How should I proceed?
Bezeichnung von Links im Anhang
Hallo meister-Team, ich arbeite innerhalb von mind meister gerne mit Links in Anhängen. Hier wäre es ein Traum, wenn die angezeigte Bezeichnung individuell geändert werden könnte. Aktuell zeigt es mir die Anhänge wie folgt an: Hierbei hat man dann jedoch immer das Problem nicht zu wissen, was sich hinter dem Link verbirgt.…
BUG when opening a MindMap link in a (Chrome) Browser
When i click on a link of one of my mindmaps, chrome opens and this appears. I have the latest version of Chrome installed. Please help. It seems to be working in Safari (at least i think so)
New template: Product Backlog
A template for people trying to structure a business idea (all-in-one-place). To log features in a product backlog, ideas for UI, website, logo, functionality, whatever basically.
[DELIVERED] 💡Feature Request: Custom Themes in the New Editor
One of our most requested features for the new editor is reintroducing customizable and saveable themes for your mind maps: selecting individual options such as topic background color, line color, and more. The MM team is super welcoming of feedback as they begin designing and implementing the feature - please feel free to…
How to log in with Microsoft account on the MindMeister Android app?
Hello Meister Community, I would like to know if there is actually a way to log in to the MindMeister Android app using a linked Microsoft account. I can do so on a desktop browser, but seems that the Android app does not have an option for that (only using MindMeister or Google account). Thanks!
🎓 What comes after a brainstorming session? (Academy News: Free online course)
Hi everyone 👋, do you ever pause, look around and analyze where you currently are? If you do, then congratulations! You have already achieved the first step necessary for achieving a goal. Mind maps are a great tool as they enable you to conduct all kinds of analyses and evaluations. A SWOT map will quickly show you…
💌 Personal Invitation - Share Your MindMeister Insights 💸
Hello everyone 👋, At Meister, your feedback matters to us so we can continuously improve our products and services. We value your perspective, and we would like to invite you to a conversation with our team about MindMeister. We are looking for dedicated MindMeister teams from DACH, Northern Europe or North America that…
💡Feature Request: Gantt Chart template (Timeline) in MindMeister
Hi together, @Cornelia Patscheider gave me the idea with her post about Canva that it would be cool to have such a Gantt Chart template in MindMeister. Would love to have it in MindMeister! 😉
🎉 Product Update: Custom Colors for Mind Maps
Hi everyone 👋 We are thrilled to announce an update: Custom Colors! One of our most requested features for the new editor is reintroducing customizable and saveable themes for your mind maps. Available For All Pro- and Business Users 🎨 Create and Reuse Custom Color Maps: All users with a Pro- or Business Plan can now…
Settings window for the reorganisation of topics
A feature we are all waiting for is, to be able to reorder our topics after working creatively on our mind maps. It would be ideal if these setting options appeared in a pop-up window, in which we could simply reorganise the relevant topics by moving them up and down without changing the visible mind map. The purpose of…