Cannot be started before <date>
Deadlines are useful but another date that can be useful to help prioritise work and cut down the noise is "Cannot be started before" or "Cannot start earlier than" so I don't even need to think about those tasks before that date. Perhaps they're greyed out. Perhaps they loiter in a Not Yet Actionable column and then an…
Copy automations from one project to another
Think of it like copy and paste style. I like that you have the option to copy automations when duplicating a project, but … actually no, forget this idea. That won't work. Because then you have issues with mismatched project structure and that's just a hassle. I did notice that when you duplicate a project and copy the…
Please enable SHIFT+C shortcut for archiving multiple selection
Drag and drop onto projects
I've done this several times so I'd love for it to be implemented. I assume it's because I'm used to doing it in Outlook for sorting emails, dragging and dropping emails into folders, and I'd like to be able to drag tasks into a different project in the side panel.
Global Tagging
This needs* to be implemented. The only possible alternative may be nesting projects so that tags in the top project cascade. I note that in 2022 there were multiple requests for global tags. The 'workaround' proposed in 2022 is not viable for those of us with limited time. After all - we are here because we want to be…
Personal Fonts addition
I study in an arabic academy which is why i want to make notes in arabic as my studies are in that medium. Add option of personal fonts so that I can add arabic fonts, THANK YOU ASAP PLEASE 🥺
Task Description Editor - Keyboard Support
Task editor - I'd love it to support formatting with keyboard shortcuts like CTRL+B (for bold text), CTRL+I (for italics) or CTRL+SHIFT+M (for code) and all the common keyboard shortcuts used in editors like MD for example. Also, like in notes, it should reflect applied formats instantly, when I do ** text ** it stays like…
Easy way to scroll kanban board horizontally
I'm migrating from trello to meister and one thing I miss is being able to rotate the board horizontally by simply holding down the mouse click in an area without cards and moving left and right.
Moved: locking nodes
This discussion has been moved.
💡 Feature Request: Design of Project Sections
It would be nice, if there could be more posibilities for designing the project sections. I wish i could upload own icons. Create own backgroundcolours or upload own pictures for the background. if i only could change the backgroundcolour, this would be a gamechanger for me for project clarity.
Print and export Timeline
As far as I know it's not possible to print a Timeline. This is such an obvious feature it's hard to imagine it's not available. Yet, I haven't found the option. This would make the Timeline feature less isolated and a print feature would allow users to easily shared and export the table as a PDF.
Auto Saving of Zoom / Teams Recordings
Would be very useful and a great time saver if a Zoom and/or Teams recording (i.e. meeting, presentation etc..) could automatically be saved into a specific task. (e.g. A daily / weekly remote meeting for all internal and external stakeholders to discuss general project and specific task progress). This would align with…
Turn Outlook meetings into MeisterTask tasks
I usually write my tasks in outlook calendar... Reply to such an email... Comment on a report... Etc. I would like to integrate these tasks directly into MeisterTask. Can you make it possible ? Thanks Nathalie
Accepting links other than URLs in (new) MindMeister
Dear friends, for my workflow as a writer, it's been a blessing that the "old" MindMeister accepted references to files in DevonThink as links (as it is supposed to be). The links have this format: x-devonthink-item://78F545E1-2567-4153-919B-66FAA075EBC4…
[Delivered] 💡 Feature Idea: MeisterTask Mobile App with Notes + Discussions
Hi everyone 👋, we have an exiting update to share about Notes on the MeisterTask mobile app. We are currently releasing an update that will allow you to view notes directly from your mobile device. All details are available here. The Meister team is working to make this feature even better. What's Next? So in the future,…
custom fields automatically filled for subtask
Hello. I want to have the custom fields in subtasks automatically filled with the same information as the main task. Maybe the app can ask me to fill them, when I create a subtask in the main task?
[Delivered] MeisterNote Email Notifications
Would love to be able to receive email notifications anytime somebody @mentions me in a comment!
Coding Icon/Symbol
Very low on the priority list I'm sure, but when adding a code page (and code block within said page) I couldn't see an icon that would be relevant. So, a simple icon that represents coding would be very welcome. :)
Feature Request: Agenda List View
Hi everyone, I realize that Meistertask is a kanban project management, but I think it would benefit from having a list view of tasks, especially in the Agenda. The kanban view is great for organizing tasks and seeing where they are in the workflow, but once that's done, I know I would prefer to just be able to visualize…
[Delivered] Edit Comments and Restore resolved comments
Would love the ability to both edit comments that I've written and to be able to restore comments that have been resolved. Thanks!
more detailed notofications
Hello, I would like to have the possibility to have more detailed notifications. an option to show the project and column in the notification bubble (see picture) an option to show a little red dot or bell on the tasks, when there was an update. On some occasions this will give me a better overview
Reverse Org Chart (going up)
For a complex scenario where left, right and bottom of the chart is already populated, it would be useful to have an option to place an node, formatted as Org Chart layout at the top of the diagram so it would branch up. It would help with managing large diagrams. Currently it only branches down, and the only option to…
Daily Time Tracking
I would like to analyze the total time tracking of projects/tasks for day.
A play button to start tracking
A button to start tracking from a task displayed in kanban
Automation to set a pin
I would like an automation to insert a pin every time a task was moved to a section
Umfragen in Projekten | Surveys in projects
In vielen Projekten wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn direkt in MeisterTask Umfragen generiert und ausgewertet werden könnten. Dieses Feature könnte im Projekt als erweiterte Funktion aktiviert werden. Umfragen bei externen Anbietern einzurichten und dann nachträglich in ein Projekt zu integrieren ist mühsam und für viele…
Linked MindMap synchronisation
Hi, It would be very interesting to synchronise the linked mindmaps in both directions. At the moment, you can open a branch in a new independent map. But this is not synchronised with the motherboard and vice versa. In this way we could have global maps linked to specific maps and interact according to the vision we want.…
Option to use a different font, or make bold actually stand out
Bold text does not stand out enough in Meistertask tasks, as shown in the attached image. There should be a global option to use a different font where the font weights are more significant. Ultimately, I think tasks should support RTF formatting for complete customization of text inside a task. These ideas would…
Feature Request : high quality emoji
Hi! As you can see, the emojis are not vectorized. This would make displaying in “presentation” mode much more pleasant! Let me know if you also agree!
Integration of Emails and Tasks
Our goal is to streamline the process of managing emails and tasks by bringing them closer together. Currently, when an email with a request comes in, I find it cumbersome to create a task from it and ensure its connection to the original email. It would be incredibly helpful if there was an easy way to create a task…