Export and import feature for folder structures in the project menu for better team collaboration
I am often asked by my clients why it is not possible to access an identical folder structure as a team, which ideally also contains the projects they are working on together. I hereby propose a corresponding feature that enables users to export and import folder structures and, if necessary, include joint projects…
Days Old indicator on column view
We use Meister Task to track our used vehicle inventory reconditioning and It would be very helpful to have a little indicator on the task that would tell us how many days old the task is. It would have nothing to do with dates/schedule/or time tracking for the amount of time it takes to complete the task, just a little…
[Delivered]: 💡 Security Feature Idea: Restrict Attachment Uploading
Hey everyone, We're happy to announce a new item on our roadmap, designed with our security-conscious customers in mind. We've are considering introducing new settings to enhance your team's security and privacy. This feature is now under consideration! 🚀 💡 Under Consideration: This idea is currently being viewed, tested…
Visible Attachment Names and Icons
When I attach and name an attachment to a task, the name is not visible until I hover the mouse pointer over the attachment icon. I want to see an option to make the name (or the shortened name) always visible. Having to move the mouse pointer over each icon to look for an attachment is not efficient. It would be also…
Feature request: User Persona Creator
I would like to propose the addition of a User Persona Creator feature to the mind meister platform. User personas play a crucial role in product development, marketing strategy, and user experience design by providing insights into the needs, behaviors, and preferences of target audiences. With the User Persona Creator,…
[Delivered] Improved Meister AI
Hi community, exciting news: Meister AI will soon be able to find answers using the Help Center. 🟢 In Development: This feature is not just on our roadmap, but it is already under active development! Meister AI will be able to find answers using the Help Center and the Notes you have access to. Our dedicated Meister…
💡[Delivered] Feature Request: Saved Reports When You Have More Than 50 Projects
I would love to be able to save reports that factored in more than 50 projects. At any given time I have many projects in various stages and it would make my life so much easier to be able to not have to recreate this report each time. I recognize that I can add and remove projects to try and get under 50, but this risks…
Bread-crumb in the search results
As a user, I want to see the exact location of the cards which are shown on the search-result page so that I know where the card is located. Currently: Search result (no bread-crumb for the columns, only for the project "Bestellungen". And "Bestellungen" is less important than the information on the columns, because I know…
Feature Request - Schedule Future Task & Hide Until Due
I would like to see a feature where a future task that is not recurring can be created which does not show in any filters or views until the day it has been scheduled to show. For example a task could be created to contact someone by phone in 2 months or start christmas shopping on December 1st. I dont want to see this in…
Columns in MeisterNote
Would be nice to have to ability to insert a two column block!
Add the ability to spell check
I'm not a fantastic speller so the feature at the top of my wishlist is the ability to spell check in MisterTask using Google Chrome or Grammarly.
Feature Request: Show all my tasks (including watched tasks)
We can currently filter a project to see Tasks assigned to a specific person Tasks watched by a specific person What i am searching for is a way to see every task related to a specific person, so e.g. i want to see all tasks assigned to me as well as all tasks watched by me. This would help to better keep track of watched…
Turn multiple tasks into Subtasks
It would be great if you can select multiple tasks in a board, and turn them all into a subtask of another task in one go. Similar to how it's possible to assign tags to multiple tasks at once. Something like this: 1) Select all relevant tasks 2) Click the three dots at the top and choose "Convert to Subtask" 3) Select the…
Select and Download multiple files in the task
It will be very easy if there is a select and download option in the attachment area. currently you cannot download multiple files now from the task. either you download all files or you download one by one.
💡 Feature Request: Accordion/Dropdown content block in MeisterNote
I really like how the comments feature allows for content to be accordion style. I just click the comments and additional information pops down. Clearly so much effort when into designing this feature/animation - why can't this be it's own content block? I am creating an internal FAQ so this would be great.
[UNDER CONSIDERATION] 💡 Feature request: Show status of a task
I would find it super if in the tasks in MeisterTask additionally the status of a task could be selected like for example "in work". This would help to keep the overview, if you are e.g. assigned as an observer and not actively working on the task. Because at the moment I only know if the task has been completed, but I…
Accordion feature as further new block for MeisterNote
Hi guys 👋🙂 Wouldn't it be great to have an accordion feature in MeisterNote, that can be opened and closed to have a further look into related information? Most notes and repositories have lots of topic related information, that could be sorted via the accrdion element. This would keep everything short and well-organised.…
[CURRENTLY IN BETA] "Ask Meister AI" in MeisterNote
Attention MeisterNote Users: We are currently looking for users interested in joining a private beta test of MeisterNote's new "Ask Meister AI" Feature. This feature will allow users to perform personalized, context-aware searches on the content included in your team's notes: Possible questions for the AI might include:…
💡 Feature Request: Edit mode for Excel, Word and PDF files in MeisterTask tasks
We often use excel tables. For example for duty rosters. We have to adjust the duty rosters a few times. Therefore it would be great if you could edit the excel table or word docs or PDF in an edit mode within the task in MeisterTask, without having to download the file each time first and then upload it again. At the same…
Navigation - three different ways
We like to use all three of your tools, Meistertask, Meisternote and MindMeister, but it's always a pain to switch between them because the buttons to change products are always in a different place - or not there at all. In Meistertask, I switch to Mindmeister by clicking on the note icon on the left, which doesn't even…
Time Tracking: Track multiple tasks simultaneously
We’ve noticed that a single user can’t track multiple tasks simultaneously. Once a new time tracking is started, the existing stops automatically. We need the option to track them simultaneously in the event where multiple jobs are printed together.
Improved Presentation Mode in MeisterNote
Presentation Mode in MeisterNote is currently useless. It would be so great if it could be used for professional looking presentations without thinking about it. The problem now is that everything under one header is shown on a single slide, even if it's a lot of text or multiple images. All content shrinks down so much to…
Request Roles
Hey, I would like the feature to request any Role of a note or site that i am not part of yet. As i can see its just possible for admins to give the roles in the sharing-area. But how do they know that i want to work on a project if they didnt think about me from the beginning?
Multiple task types/design within a project
Support different types/design of tasks with one same project. I.e. one project can contain tasks that differ in what custom fields they contain. Ex. Task type 1 contains custom fields: Budget Scope Owner Task type 2 contains custom fields: Phase Client Contact
Extended information in team overview/export
In order to manage larger teams effectively, an extension of the display under "Members & Groups" would be very helpful. Alternatively, this information could at least be included in the export file. To manage teams with changing team members, at least the following additional information would be useful in the overview:…
Can we add Arial font?
I need to use the Arial font as part of our house style. Can you add this font for me, or how can I arrange this?"
2FA ohne Handy / 2FA without Smartphone
Hallo Community, was haltet ihr von der Idee, die 2-Faktoren-Authetifizierung auch über Sicherheitsschlüsse, z.B. Yubikeys zu ermöglichen? Hintergund ist, dass in Unternehmen durchaus lieber mit solchen Keys gearbeitet wird, als das jede und jeder Mitarbeiter mit dem privaten Handy Codes generiert. Ich freue mich über…
Feature to show you've been "@" in a checklist
Currently, there is no way to tell if you have been left a comment or a to do in a checklist within a task. It shows on notifications but if you miss it you can't view it. THere should be a place to easily see you have been tasked within a checklist.
Search and Filter added to checklists
Within the Task it's self we use the checklist and once it's completed you can't "sort by completed or not complete" instead you have to manually move the tasks to a new order.
Some project icons I would like added
The productivity and workflow icons don't really work for me. If I'm supposed to use these for signifying the type of project then few of these are relevant. They're more mostly statuses or actions. If you wanted to be able to set the status of projects then … well that's a rabbit hole I'm not sure you want to go down. The…