Coding Icon/Symbol
Very low on the priority list I'm sure, but when adding a code page (and code block within said page) I couldn't see an icon that would be relevant. So, a simple icon that represents coding would be very welcome. :)
Feature Request: Agenda List View
Hi everyone, I realize that Meistertask is a kanban project management, but I think it would benefit from having a list view of tasks, especially in the Agenda. The kanban view is great for organizing tasks and seeing where they are in the workflow, but once that's done, I know I would prefer to just be able to visualize…
[Delivered] Edit Comments and Restore resolved comments
Would love the ability to both edit comments that I've written and to be able to restore comments that have been resolved. Thanks!
more detailed notofications
Hello, I would like to have the possibility to have more detailed notifications. an option to show the project and column in the notification bubble (see picture) an option to show a little red dot or bell on the tasks, when there was an update. On some occasions this will give me a better overview
Reverse Org Chart (going up)
For a complex scenario where left, right and bottom of the chart is already populated, it would be useful to have an option to place an node, formatted as Org Chart layout at the top of the diagram so it would branch up. It would help with managing large diagrams. Currently it only branches down, and the only option to…
Daily Time Tracking
I would like to analyze the total time tracking of projects/tasks for day.
💡Feature Request: Cross-Project Timeline
Using Timeline only works with a single project. I want to be able to have multiple projects in a single gantt-chart.
Add tasks directly in columns when in a filtered view
In many situations, I filter large boards based on tags (or a search), e.g. because tags serve as my epics and I need to see/edit/add tasks within this epic. But in a filtered view, I can't add tasks directly into a column with the (+) icons between two cards. I only have the generic (add task) button in the top row, which…
A play button to start tracking
A button to start tracking from a task displayed in kanban
Automation to set a pin
I would like an automation to insert a pin every time a task was moved to a section
Custom fields to be searchable using "Filter: Search Tasks" field
Include custom field values in the *Filter: Search Tasks* free text search bar inside a project. If you also add custom fields to the *Filter* menu - to be able to filter by key: value it would make MT into a very useful lightweight database.
Automation of tasks wtih subtasks
I love the automation of tasks. We have different complex tasks often two times in the year. already use the repating task feature for some of them, so I don't forget the start that task again. I have some tasks with ~ 5-10 subtaks and would love to have them repeated. At the moment I can neither repeat the task with the…
Umfragen in Projekten | Surveys in projects
In vielen Projekten wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn direkt in MeisterTask Umfragen generiert und ausgewertet werden könnten. Dieses Feature könnte im Projekt als erweiterte Funktion aktiviert werden. Umfragen bei externen Anbietern einzurichten und dann nachträglich in ein Projekt zu integrieren ist mühsam und für viele…
Linked MindMap synchronisation
Hi, It would be very interesting to synchronise the linked mindmaps in both directions. At the moment, you can open a branch in a new independent map. But this is not synchronised with the motherboard and vice versa. In this way we could have global maps linked to specific maps and interact according to the vision we want.…
Option to use a different font, or make bold actually stand out
Bold text does not stand out enough in Meistertask tasks, as shown in the attached image. There should be a global option to use a different font where the font weights are more significant. Ultimately, I think tasks should support RTF formatting for complete customization of text inside a task. These ideas would…
Feature Request : high quality emoji
Hi! As you can see, the emojis are not vectorized. This would make displaying in “presentation” mode much more pleasant! Let me know if you also agree!
Integration of Emails and Tasks
Our goal is to streamline the process of managing emails and tasks by bringing them closer together. Currently, when an email with a request comes in, I find it cumbersome to create a task from it and ensure its connection to the original email. It would be incredibly helpful if there was an easy way to create a task…
Export and import feature for folder structures in the project menu for better team collaboration
I am often asked by my clients why it is not possible to access an identical folder structure as a team, which ideally also contains the projects they are working on together. I hereby propose a corresponding feature that enables users to export and import folder structures and, if necessary, include joint projects…
Days Old indicator on column view
We use Meister Task to track our used vehicle inventory reconditioning and It would be very helpful to have a little indicator on the task that would tell us how many days old the task is. It would have nothing to do with dates/schedule/or time tracking for the amount of time it takes to complete the task, just a little…
Feature Request - Automation: Pin to / Remove Pin
Add the ability to add a "Pin to" Agenda section thru automation.
[Delivered]: 💡 Security Feature Idea: Restrict Attachment Uploading
Hey everyone, We're happy to announce a new item on our roadmap, designed with our security-conscious customers in mind. We've are considering introducing new settings to enhance your team's security and privacy. This feature is now under consideration! 🚀 💡 Under Consideration: This idea is currently being viewed, tested…
Visible Attachment Names and Icons
When I attach and name an attachment to a task, the name is not visible until I hover the mouse pointer over the attachment icon. I want to see an option to make the name (or the shortened name) always visible. Having to move the mouse pointer over each icon to look for an attachment is not efficient. It would be also…
Feature request: User Persona Creator
I would like to propose the addition of a User Persona Creator feature to the mind meister platform. User personas play a crucial role in product development, marketing strategy, and user experience design by providing insights into the needs, behaviors, and preferences of target audiences. With the User Persona Creator,…
[Delivered] Improved Meister AI
Hi community, exciting news: Meister AI will soon be able to find answers using the Help Center. 🟢 In Development: This feature is not just on our roadmap, but it is already under active development! Meister AI will be able to find answers using the Help Center and the Notes you have access to. Our dedicated Meister…
💡[Delivered] Feature Request: Saved Reports When You Have More Than 50 Projects
I would love to be able to save reports that factored in more than 50 projects. At any given time I have many projects in various stages and it would make my life so much easier to be able to not have to recreate this report each time. I recognize that I can add and remove projects to try and get under 50, but this risks…
Bread-crumb in the search results
As a user, I want to see the exact location of the cards which are shown on the search-result page so that I know where the card is located. Currently: Search result (no bread-crumb for the columns, only for the project "Bestellungen". And "Bestellungen" is less important than the information on the columns, because I know…
Feature Request - Schedule Future Task & Hide Until Due
I would like to see a feature where a future task that is not recurring can be created which does not show in any filters or views until the day it has been scheduled to show. For example a task could be created to contact someone by phone in 2 months or start christmas shopping on December 1st. I dont want to see this in…
Columns in MeisterNote
Would be nice to have to ability to insert a two column block!
Add the ability to spell check
I'm not a fantastic speller so the feature at the top of my wishlist is the ability to spell check in MisterTask using Google Chrome or Grammarly.
Feature Request: Show all my tasks (including watched tasks)
We can currently filter a project to see Tasks assigned to a specific person Tasks watched by a specific person What i am searching for is a way to see every task related to a specific person, so e.g. i want to see all tasks assigned to me as well as all tasks watched by me. This would help to better keep track of watched…