Add possibility to get notified when you get removed as a watcher
I would like to get notified when I get removed as a watcher from a task. Otherwise I will have to take notes about really, really important task that must not be forgotten or ignored by other team members.
Create own Tasks at "Agenda" for Cooperation without Project (or own organization)
In our team, we encountered a problem that is likely relevant to others as well: We greatly enjoy using the Agenda because we are involved in various projects with very different tasks. However, as employees, we also have personal tasks that serve purely organizational purposes, which we manage similarly to a checklist for…
[Delivered] List-View in project boards
Dear Community, A new feature is currently being evaluated: the list view. The list view is a new format that makes it possible to organize and display tasks within the project boards in a clear, simple list. 💡 Under Consideration: This idea is currently being viewed, tested and evaluated by Meister's product team. There…
Individuelle Ansicht (Liste und Board) pro Projekt
💡Funktionsanfrage Hallo zusammen, erst einmal ein großes Lob für die Einführung der Listen-Ansicht! 😊 Diese Funktion ist wirklich hilfreich. Vielen Dank an das Team für die Umsetzung! Ich habe dazu eine Idee, die die Nutzung der Listen-Ansicht aus meiner Sicht noch weiter verbessern könnten: Individuelle Ansicht pro…
List view with calculation columns
With the new arrival of the list view, it would be great to be able to integrate customisable edges into the list. For example, it would be great to be able to show the fields in the list, but also to enable a calculation to be made for the entire column.
MeisterTask public read-only sharing
Hi! It would be incredibly beneficial if there was an option to publicly share the Kanban Board as a webpage. This feature would allow us to display the board to our clients in a read-only format, so they can stay informed about the current projects and features we are working on. This way, clients can have a clear…
Remove "MeisterTask" mention on the public page
Would it be possible to remove the ‘Meister Task’ mentions on public pages in exchange for a paying feature?
Timeline needs its own button
Since the update and added List-View, the button for the timeline view is hidden behind an additional click. This has driven me crazy, only after working with this for 2 hours, since I constantly need to change between the views. I see, how the List view might be useful in certain use cases, but I plead with you to give…
Task background color
Would be nice to be able to have a background color for each task, so that you use as another way to organize. I tried tags to do this, but i am colorblind, and don't see colors well. the tag color is not large enough for it to be effective. Hopes this feature gets added
Colors of the "Overdue" and "Due Today"
"Overdue" should have different color (maybe red) than "Due Today"..
Link Files to checklist (idea)
explanation> id love to see an option to link a file to a checklist to get a quick view on what is relevant to your checklist entry (just a attachment symbol and if you click it is hides the other attachments that arent marked as relevant to the part of checklist entries that you clicked on) ?why it makes MT more clearly…
Select non-consecutive schedule dates
Most jobs will not be processed during consecutive dates. Allowing us to choose non-consecutive dates for scheduling our jobs enables a clearer and more organized timeline, helping us visualize the time and effort we will dedicate to each task more effectively.
[Delivered] Publish note as a book
Presently notes can be shared between users of MeisterNote but it's interesting if a note (actually a book with lots of pages) can be published as a book, a manual to certain URL; can be good for making documentations too.
💡 [Delivered] Feature Request: Link Sharing for Notes
Several users have reached out to ask for an additional update to MeisterNote's external sharing system: Sharing notes via a URL link which would not require the guest user to sign in. Note sharing would then work similarly to sharing mind maps. (I wanted to post this feature request to consolidate votes and feedback made…
Add tasks directly in columns when in a filtered view
In many situations, I filter large boards based on tags (or a search), e.g. because tags serve as my epics and I need to see/edit/add tasks within this epic. But in a filtered view, I can't add tasks directly into a column with the (+) icons between two cards. I only have the generic (add task) button in the top row, which…
Ability to create a timeblock for scheduling work on a task for integration with calendars
Can we create time blocks for working on tasks to improve usability with the calendar integrations? These time blocks can also work with the time tracking feature, and a report can be generated to show whether the time allocated vs. the actual was over or under the allocated time to improve productivity and identify…
Nutzung des Stiftes bei Notizen / Using the pen for notes
Ich wünsche mir, dass ich den iPad-Stift für den Inhalt von Notizen verwenden kann. Leider funktioniert er nur im Titel der Notiz. Über reichlich Zustimmung freue ich mich. ~~~ I would like to be able to use the iPad pen for the content of notes. Unfortunately, it only works in the title of the note. I would be delighted…
Custom fields to be searchable using "Filter: Search Tasks" field
Include custom field values in the *Filter: Search Tasks* free text search bar inside a project. If you also add custom fields to the *Filter* menu - to be able to filter by key: value it would make MT into a very useful lightweight database.
Combine access to Search, Filtering and Ask AI via a search bar
Problem: Meister's visual layout on web apps and Android use separate fields and buttons to present Search, Filtering and Ask AI. I have to think and select the appropriate field/button for the feature I want to use. Why this is a problem: I'm focussing on the work I'm executing and I don't want to lose my focus to use…
Make search a search bar in the web app(s)
Problem: We've been failing to use Meister's powerful search feature. Why: We mistakenly use Filtering believing it to be search. Workaround: Frustration followed by reading documentation and sharing with colleagues. Suggestion: Make search a search bar like a browser (omnibox). Position the search bar above the icon for…
Add a search bar to the Android Notes app
Problem: The search feature for Notes is good but it doesn't look like other search features in the Android ecosystem because it is not a search bar. Why this is important: We mistakenly use the Filter bar for search and then think search is broken. Workaround: Usually user frustration leading to a realization that they…
Create new Pages by default instead of Notes
The problem: We keep creating new Notes when we intended to create new pages. We like using Meister Note a lot; this problem originates from increased usage. For us, getting information into a Page is a higher priority than correctly filing the Page in a Note. This is important because we clutter our Meister Note space…
Visualisierung der Unteraufgaben ähnlich der Checkliste
Hallo, ein Vorschlag und wahrscheinlich/hoffentlich einfach umzusetzen wäre die Visualisierung in den Aufgaben ähnlich der Checkliste. Sprich in der Kachel bei Checklisten steht 2/6 (2 von 6 Checklisten abgeschlossen). Bei den Unteraufgaben aktuell nur die Gesamtzahl der Unteraufgaben, aber es ist nicht direkt ersichtlich…
"If -> Then" automations
I'd like more freedom in usage of automations. For example, there is an automation where if the task is added to column , it updates the due date. But I'm wanting to change the due date and have it move to a different column. Also it has 1 where if you add task to column, it adds a tag, where I want to add a tag and have…
more detailed search results
When users are looking for an activity through a keyword in the computer app, we only see titles of activities. For our business it's useless. It would be preferable to see a more complete preview (in the same way it is in the mobile app !!!) THIS IS HOW IT IS IN THE PC VERSION: THIS IS HOW IT SHOLD BE INSTEAD: THIS CHANGE…
We need an automation that at X days from the creation of an activity it moves the activity in another column. Ex: 1 - Create a column called " OVER 40 DAYS ACTIVITIES" 2- ADD an automation to the other columns selecting "40 days old". 3- When the activity is 40 DAYS OLD THE NEW AUTOMATION WILL MOVE AUTOMATICALLY the…
ADMIN should be allowed to cancel files uploaded from team or guests
ADMIN should be allowed to cancel files uploaded from team or guests
💡Feature Request: Tables in MeisterNote
One of our most requested features in MeisterNote is the ability to add tables to notes. 📑 It is currently possible to add an external table by embedding a google sheet (find out more here), the MeisterNote team has already added a "tables" content block to its product roadmap.
💡 Feature Request: Drag and drop e-mails into a task as a PDF attachment
Hi I work a lot with e-mails and so it would be very helpful if you could drag 'n' drop e-mails into the individual tasks and they would be saved there automatically as a PDF attachment. If you do that now, the e-mail will be saved as a msg file. And if you wanna read them in MeisterTask, you always have to download them…
Appearance - Show first line only
Inline task descriptions setting - Show first line (just one,first line, not first x lines)