UNPIN Automation
Could there be an automation added that when a task is marked as completed it is unpinned and therefore drops from the Agenda view. Thanks Chris
Dependency Update
When running projects with multiple dependent tasks it would be very helpful if the dependent tasks rolled forward inline with an adjustment to the Due date/scheduling on the Blocking task. Also, dependency lines within the timeline view would be a nice addition, this would enable the tasks to be dragged forward/backward…
Show file upload date in "Link to Attachment" dialog
When I use the forward slash / to link an attachment in a comment, we often have multiple files with the same or very similar name. Usually this is because we are uploaded revisions to the same file. It would be extremely helpful to see a date next to each file in the popup dialog to determine which document is the latest…
New feature to sort checklists in a predefined scheme
I'd like to be able to choose a predefined scheme in the checklist settings, that sorts already ticked off marks down, or sorts the entries in alphabetical order, or by date or by assigned team member (in this case, the avatar of the team member followed by the assigned checkmarks within the checklist would be great). That…
Move several checklist entries simultaneously. Bulk-Feature.
Sometimes long checklists can appear very chaotic and cluttered when many of the items have already been ticked off. I'd like to be able to choose several, already finished checklist entries while holding STRG / Command and to move / sort them. ___ Manchmal können lange Checklisten sehr chaotisch und unübersichtlich…
Filter by Month
Filter that sorts the tasks by the month they were created. That would save so much problems, and would be more understandable.
Filter of finalization by date
Filter that sorts the tasks by the date of finalization. That would save so much problems.
Quarter hour scheduling
Currently there are only full days that are able to be scheduled for a task. really this needs to be made so we can schedule a task in 1/4 Hr & Hr increments. Having a task take all day fills up the calendar and does not give accurate reporting on smaller tasks..
Move links/attachments to meistertask
I have a bunch of links & attachments & notes on my mindmap, but when i move the item over to meistertask, it doesn't move those over as well.
Moved: [PLANNED] Let users populate a MeisterTask project with tasks using MindMeister child nodes
This discussion has been moved.
💡 Feature Request: Edit PDF in MeisterTask /PDF bearbeiten in MeisterTask
I would really like to edit PDFs direct in tasks from MeisterTask. Possibilities: - to mark - add comments - safe marks and comments in the task without having to safe the PDF first Ich würde gerne PDFs direkt in der Aufgabe von MeisterTask bearbeiten. Möglichkeiten: - markieren - Kommentare hinzufügen - speichern von…
Filter in MindMeister with Attributes from MeisterTasks
Hi, This is my workflow : Create the MindMap (hundreds of topics over a few years) Prioritize the tasks (I would like the criteria to be the same in MindMesiter and MeisterTasks) Create the tasks in MeisterTasks (with the status of dependence to the parents), so the children tasks should be related and "blocking" the…
Calendar view!
Good morning from the US! I am a daily user of MeisterTask, content creator, and online business owner who relies heavily on launches, sales, promotions etc to run my company. The one thing that I'm in extreme need of is an actual calendar view so I can see how all my events in the company are stacking up. Right now…
transfering tasks between projects: newest task on top of the column
Hello MT-team, I often transfer tasks from other projects into the inbox in my own project. The only thing that I don´t really get, is why the new tasks appear at the bottom of the column, since I can´t see them very well. And it doesn´t help me to sort them by their date, since I would need to sort them by their "time of…
Hide "upgrade"
I am a happy "Pro" user of MeisterTask, but I don't plan to update to "business". However, in every task, on the right-hand side, there is the only colour is a bright yellow "UPGRADE" button. I find it very visually distracting, particularly as it never has any value to me, and it can't be disabled (as far as I can tell).
Official Review Mode on tasks within Projects
It would nice to have an area on the project task where whoever gets assigned the task and they complete the task, the task goes to Review Mode. Segegration of duties: Preparer: When preparer completes the task it goes into Review Mode In Review Mode: the task highlights Yellow (or whatever color) and then it is clear the…
Daily Time Tracking - Custom Report
It would be good to be able to run an analysis of tasks worked on, on a daily basis with the time tracked on that day. Currently, unless opened or completed within a day I cannot see a way to clearly identify these requirements.
New Automation to move tasks
New Automation type to move tasks to other column if checklist point is completed.
Highlight task that is blocking
I'm not sure about this but I'd love for you to play around with it and see if it makes sense. When I keyboard select or hover over a task with a Blocked relationship, or perhaps even just hover over the blocked icon (and equiv for touch screens) how about the task that is blocking be highlighted?
One column should be visible
Why is it not possible that the first column for example is always visible if you go to the right?
Print project and export to pdf with comments
Hello, the print project option gives the possibility to export the board to pdf, but the comments are not exported. It would be great to have a possibility to include comments to this print.
Assign Tasks to "Ghost" Team Members
Hey, y'all! I'm using MeisterTask Pro at work just for myself to help track, sort, and prioritize my work and stay more on top of the myriad of things I need to do, and while I absolutely love it, I find myself wishing that I could somehow assign tasks to my coworkers/supervisors without having to drag them into creating…
Automatic loading of documents in an task
It would be really helpful, when there would be the option, to load documents in an task. We use it as an preperation tool for appointments or meetings, so we use the same documents all over again. This would speed up our process pretty much.
Please add to relative date filter
I would like to be able to filter by "Last 7 days" and "Last 4 weeks" - I guess what you might call rolling relative date ranges. It's strange that I can see a bunch of tasks in this report on a Sunday evening but then it's empty on Monday morning.
💡Feature request: Timeline in the app
Hi everyone I often use the timeline in my projects on the web app. It would be very awesome if I could see and use the timeline also on my iPad/iPhone or other smart phones and tablets. ___________________________________________________________Hallo zusammenich nutze die Zeitleiste oft in meinen Projekten in der Web app.…
Cleaner print to PDF?
As i use meister note for documentation i often want to save as a PDF or print my notes but i find they do not transpose too well from the online format. The first page uses alot of space due to the coloured banner and after that the page breaks seem a bit hit and miss when using alot of images and content other than text.…
Automated Contents Pages for Notes
Is there scope for an auto generated Contents Page for long notes using the hierarchy of the H1 H2 H3 headings etc? Our team used to use Freedcamp and this was a feature in their documentation tool and was very useful to navigating to important sections. Feeback on this idea would be great! 😀
Something in the Dashboard and Notifications
It feels like a missed opportunity or something that the Dashboard on web and Notifications screen on mobile that you see when you go into MeisterTask are largely empty and I don't know how to make them useful. Ideally the Dashboard concept should span both products/devices and be, well, a dashboard! Something that gives…
Create a new task by dragging an email from Microsoft Outlook
I should be able to create a new task by dragging an email from Microsoft Outlook. I am aware of using email based adding of task. But that is tedious.
💡 Feature request: Rearranging checklist items
Currently when you tick off checklist items in a task, you have to scroll to the bottom of your ticked list to add a new checklist item, which then stays at the bottom of the list. Could you automatically push checklist items when they get ticked to the bottom and automatically have new unticked items stay at the top of…