Quarter hour scheduling
Currently there are only full days that are able to be scheduled for a task. really this needs to be made so we can schedule a task in 1/4 Hr & Hr increments. Having a task take all day fills up the calendar and does not give accurate reporting on smaller tasks..
Assignment of Checklist-item > Task assignemt in generated Task
If I assign a checklist item to an employee with @, I would wish that when I generate a task from the checklist item via the 3 points, the employee would also be assigned to this task, which unfortunately does not work at the moment
[Implemented] Change the Complete Button to Improve UX
I’ve observe a default behavior for quite a few users who create a task card that they would click the complete button after the task is created. Perhaps there needs to be a way to relocate this button or replace it with something else. If each time the button is clicked completed the task then someone has to go and…
Custom fields to be searchable using "Filter: Search Tasks" field
Include custom field values in the *Filter: Search Tasks* free text search bar inside a project. If you also add custom fields to the *Filter* menu - to be able to filter by key: value it would make MT into a very useful lightweight database.
Covert task (with subtasks) to project - all subtasks move too
Hi, Our team would find it really valuable to be able to covert a task to a project, and have it carry the subtasks with it, that are then loaded into the new project in the Open section as new individual tasks. At the moment if you convert a task with subtasks to Project it just converts the main task and removes the…
[DELIVERED] AI writing aid in MeisterNote
Hi all — wanted to keep our users in the know with MeisterNote development! Along with the "Ask Meister AI" feature [Currently in Beta] our development team is currently exploring the possibility of further developing AI writing aids for MeisterNote: Some solutions currently being considered: Improve writing Fix spelling &…
Feature Idee: Blockvorlagen erstellen (Creating Block Templates)
💡 Idee: Blockvorlagen erstellen, teilen und wiederverwenden Es wäre super produktiv, wenn man vorhandene Blöcke und deren Inhalt als Blockvorlagen speichern und diese Blockvorlagen dann in anderen Seiten oder Notizen wiederverwenden könnte. Und wenn man im Team arbeitet, könnte man Blockvorlagen mit dem ganzen Team teilen.…
Dependence between tasks in the timeline
I would like to add a visible dependence between tasks e.g a line between related tasks in the timeline so I know that I have to reschedule task which are related.
💡Feature Request: Export option with List of Pages and Table of Contents to easily create eBooks
Hi MeisterNote Community, since the new content blocks "List of Pages" and "Table of Contents" are implemented my team and I are using them extensively. From this our feature request ist born. ## Solution An export function that respects and transfers List of Pages and Table of Contents als interactive elements in PDF oder…
Common Tags across Projects
Creating/Managing Tags per Project is tedious. Once a Tag is created same should be available across all Projects
[Delivered] Publish note as a book
Presently notes can be shared between users of MeisterNote but it's interesting if a note (actually a book with lots of pages) can be published as a book, a manual to certain URL; can be good for making documentations too.
Print project and export to pdf with comments
Hello, the print project option gives the possibility to export the board to pdf, but the comments are not exported. It would be great to have a possibility to include comments to this print.
Feature Request: Agenda List View
Hi everyone, I realize that Meistertask is a kanban project management, but I think it would benefit from having a list view of tasks, especially in the Agenda. The kanban view is great for organizing tasks and seeing where they are in the workflow, but once that's done, I know I would prefer to just be able to visualize…
Business-wide / Global checklists
It would be great to be able to define checklists that are available across all projects that a business team has. This will help standardise processes/tasks that are used in various projects,.
MeisterTask Tag Alignments
Something I'd love to see would be the alignment of tags to be on the left side. I use color coordinated tags a lot to keep track of different cards within project boards and when I add checklist items, those icons show up to the left of the tags. Would love it if they showed up after or even above the tags. I'm hoping…
MeisterTask public read-only sharing
Hi! It would be incredibly beneficial if there was an option to publicly share the Kanban Board as a webpage. This feature would allow us to display the board to our clients in a read-only format, so they can stay informed about the current projects and features we are working on. This way, clients can have a clear…
Enable working with custom fields in reports
Adding custom fields to a meistertask project is a nice feature, however it isn't actually possible to show, filter, or calculate with them within a report. Often you need individual attributes, which you would like to evaluate or display in the report result. An example: we are tracking the estimated effort in a custom…
Turn multiple tasks into Subtasks
It would be great if you can select multiple tasks in a board, and turn them all into a subtask of another task in one go. Similar to how it's possible to assign tags to multiple tasks at once. Something like this: 1) Select all relevant tasks 2) Click the three dots at the top and choose "Convert to Subtask" 3) Select the…
Accordion feature as further new block for MeisterNote
Hi guys 👋🙂 Wouldn't it be great to have an accordion feature in MeisterNote, that can be opened and closed to have a further look into related information? Most notes and repositories have lots of topic related information, that could be sorted via the accrdion element. This would keep everything short and well-organised.…
Custom Fields in card-preview
Hi, it would be great to use custom fields in the card preview. I have created a field "Customer" which I want to see in the overview. Thanks. Nico
Multiple select, cut/copy, duplicate, paste, or move
I am currently writing for a training workshop and I work on Mac (in case that makes a difference). If possible, can we have the ability to select multiple content blocks to either cut/copy and paste or, upon duplication, have the option to move them to any page or note within any top note? The feature to move tasks from…
Incrementing task ID (per Project)
Similar to a lot of task/ticket systems, I wanna have an incrementing task/ticket-ID. What? Every task (maybe as optional feature) inside a project should have a unique (unique for this project) number. For a project, there should be an option, to prefix this incremeting task-number. For example: We have a project "General…
[DELIVERED] Additional subtasks updates
Hi all — following up on our release of subtasks, the team is implementing some more improvements this quarter (Q4 2023): Web: Convert existing tasks into subtasks Web: Convert checklists into subtasks Web: Confirmation dialog when detaching a subtask Mobile: Inline setting of task assignees and due dates Best, Andrew
Outlook add-in and direct email tasks appear at the top of a section.
I have usually 50 or so tasks in section and new tasks are created using email or Outlook Add-in. Tasks via these methods always go to the bottom of the section which means they can go unnoticed. New tasks added via this manner would be great to appear at the top of a section instead. All manually created tasks or moved…
The possibility to pin tasks in the focus column via automation
Hello, it would be very useful if there was an automation through which we could pin tasks in the focus column. Best regards, Benjamin
Folder sharing
Helpful would be if entire folders and not just pages could be shared. Ideally also with group management, as in Meistertask.
💡Feature Request: Transfer Project Ownership via Settings
It is possible to transfer project ownership by getting in touch with support. However, some users have asked for this option to be enabled within settings, allowing users to transfer project ownership independently. Have you got experience with transferring ownership? Would you like to see this feature developed? Add your…
Mirror Tasks
We commonly need our projects to stay in workflow columns, while invoicing needs to know when to send bills. If we could mirror tasks, this would help solve our issues with stopping the workflow and invoicing continuing. We also have more than one person working on a task at once for different reasons.
Webclipper for Note
Both Evernote and Notion have a Chrome plugin that allows a user to 'clip' a webpage and save it as a note. Some tools allow the whole page, just the text etc. Additionally, on a mobile device, you can be on a webpage and "share" to create a note as well.
Bread-crumb in the search results
As a user, I want to see the exact location of the cards which are shown on the search-result page so that I know where the card is located. Currently: Search result (no bread-crumb for the columns, only for the project "Bestellungen". And "Bestellungen" is less important than the information on the columns, because I know…