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MindMapServiceError (error 0) in the iOS application and browser link.
Opening the link through the iOS application the message appears in attachment 1, the same happens in other mind maps made some time ago. Opening the Link through the browser appears the message from attachment 2 asking to update it, but it does not solve by updating and restarting the browser.
Meu projeto sumiu (desktop), consigo recuperar?
My Projects still show in my own app, but my partners all can’t see, can I know what happen? ☹️
Access Expiring
I have not been able to access my tab due to a yellow triangle that says my access has expired. I am in need of all the information that was on there. Is there any way of getting back into it without loosing all my information?
why i cant open my projects?
Since 5 february i cant acess my projects
Search in MeisterNote gone?!
My Search-Function is gone… Anybody with the same issue? Meister-Team? Thx Oliver
Discover who owns my project / task?
Recently I got a message saying my access to my project or task expired and I should contact who owns it. But I don't know who owns it. Is there a way, without access to the project / task to find out who the admin for it was? I'm afraid it was a member of my company that left the company.
How to view tags?
Basic Account nach kostenfreiem Test von Business-Account nicht mehr freigeschaltet
Ich habe den MeisterTask Business-Account kostenlos getestet. Nach Ablauf der 14 Tage kann ich weder auf den kostenlosen Basic-Account zurückwechseln, noch den Business-Account kostenpflichtig verlängern. Zugriff auf alle Projekte und Projektdaten ist gesperrt. Was kann ich unternehmen, um zu Basic-Acount zurück zu…
Not able to access a Project - How to know who owns it?
Hey, I was part of a project since ages and I am unable to access the project anymore. It says to contact the Owner. How am I supposed to tell who owns the project? Is there any way to find out?
Turn on the desktop notification
Hello, I would like to ask you if do you know how can I turn on the notification from desktop app (mac), I also tried from webapp but nothing. I only receive the notification from iOS app… how is possible? Is there a way to have popups or notification inside the desktop app?
The project duplicate task isn‘t in the dropdown menu. What’s wrong?
Automating assignment of a section to a new task
I added MeisterTask to my Outlook today. I've been a MT user for years, but only took a look at the integration this afternoon. My problem, is that I work almost exclusively from my Agenda page. I use the Sections on that page (I have Focus, Next Jobs and Hold) to organise my daily work tasks each day. There appears to be…
Duplicating project with subtasks
I would like to use a project as a template. However, when I copy a project, the subtasks detach from the project and appear as independent tasks. what am I doing wrong?
Rendre un mail cliquable dans Note
Bonjour, avant la mise à jour de la fonction Note, une adresse e-mail devenait automatiquement cliquable après avoir appuyé sur "Entrée" mais aujourd'hui cela ne marche plus. comment faut-il faire ? Merci d'avance Fabienne
Can't add tasks or add files after some time.
This problem has only come up lately, using both the Windows "application" and MeisterTask in a web browser. After sitting idle for some time (an hour, or more), if I go into a Project and try to add a task by using the "+" icon, it will appear to add the task, but then I can't access it. I have to quit the application or…
Hilfe !!!!! Wo ist die Lupe hingekommen, welche bisher oben rechts über den Task-Spalten war???
Projekt-Sharing mit externen Basismitgliedern nicht mehr möglich??
Hallo zusammen, ich selbst habe einen Pro-Account, arbeite aber mit einigen externen Basis-Mitgliedern bei unterschiedlichen Projekten zusammen. Jetzt kam heute von einem der folgende Hinweis: Ich hatte eben einen Hinweis von Meistertask bekommen, dass Anfang Februar 2024 das Projekt-Sharing mit externen (ohne Pro Account)…
[RESOLVED] App Login via Google does not work
Dear all, I am using MeisterTask for years now and just recently, whenever I start MeisterTask and click "Login with Google", it opens a Chrome Tab, alerts "Click to open with MeisterTask" and then, the app reloads and shows the same Ad Landingpage for logged out users over and over again. I deleted all locale storage and…
Spalten löschen/umbenennen
Guten Tag zusammen, seit einigen Tagen ist es nicht mehr möglich, Spalten neu zu erstellen/umzubenennen oder gar zu löschen. Ist dieses Problem bekannt? Liegt das an einem neuen Update? (Basic Version) Liebe Grüße!
Why does the Android widget to create tasks not work?
Does any of you realized that the meistertask widget is not working properly , I Just realized that for the last 3 o 4 days when i input a new task through the widget never appear in the selected section. I Test it for two days now, installed the widget again but nothing seems to work / sync any of you had experience this?
How can I print a list of all my top level projects?
Hi, I found a way to print each individual project with it's tasks, but I'm also wanting to print a list of all my projects I have as well? Is this possible? I've exhausted all areas trying to find a way. Thank you!
Zeiterfassung - mehrere Erfassungen parallel möglich?
Hallo zusammen! Wir erstellen derzeit ein Projekt und sind auf eine Hürde gestoßen. Wir haben mehrere Spalten, in denen die Zeit parallel erfasst werden soll. Derzeit ist es so, dass die Zeit immer nur in einer Spalte erfasst wird. Gibt es die Möglichkeit, das in den Einstellungen zu aktivieren? Über Ratschläge würde ich…
Add Watchers as a group
We work with a group of 7 people. Is it possible, that if a task is added bij 1 member the other 6 are automatically added as watchers. Thank you
How to add a Watcher to one task only?
Hi I am using Meistertask for my job workflow, of my printing company, with each task being a jobcard. The project as a whole is all my jobs I want to know if its possible to invite the relevant customer as a watcher for that one task so they can follow the progress but I dont want them to see other tasks, as that is jobs…
VIMEO-Videos: How can I "embed" / "link" them?
Hi there, I am trying to embed vimeo-videos in my meisternote, but how? When pasting the vimeo link on a page by using "/embed/vimeo" nothing happens? Are there any special data protection requirements I have to follow? Many Thanks
Which MeisterTask plan do I need for my team?
Hi, community! Please help me with my presales-question: Which plan do I need and how do I customize it? The basics: We are a team of three core-persons in an agency. We work on projects together and we need features either from "PRO" or maybe "BUSINESS". Each member of the team should be able to use these features. This…
Adding two already purchased Business Plans together in one team
Hi I have two members who have each purchased a business plan separately and we want to now bring them together in one team. According to HELP, to bring them into one team we need to downgrade one of the plans back to Basic so that the other member can add them to the team. The problem is we only recently purchased Yearly…
Why I cannot edit notes?
I too cannot edit notes. I am using a Mac, if that makes a difference?