Attachments overhaul - better labels, change order
Hi, I've been using Meistertask for years and years now. I love it. My only pet peeve is attachments. You can add attachments to a task, but that's about as far as the functionality goes. If you've added multiple attachments to the same task, good luck referencing to any of them. I have some suggestions to improve it…
MeisterTask projects don't show up in MindMeister
I have 2 projects created in MeisterTask. I am trying to make one of the topics in a MindMeister mindmap a task but when I try to do that it just offers me to go create projects in MindMeister. Why don't my created projects show up there as an option? Screenshot from MindMeister: Screenshot from MeisterTask: I am logged in…
💡 Feature Request: Drag and drop e-mails into a task as a PDF attachment
Hi I work a lot with e-mails and so it would be very helpful if you could drag 'n' drop e-mails into the individual tasks and they would be saved there automatically as a PDF attachment. If you do that now, the e-mail will be saved as a msg file. And if you wanna read them in MeisterTask, you always have to download them…
MeisterTask public read-only sharing
Hi! It would be incredibly beneficial if there was an option to publicly share the Kanban Board as a webpage. This feature would allow us to display the board to our clients in a read-only format, so they can stay informed about the current projects and features we are working on. This way, clients can have a clear…
Active filters with closed sidebar for MeisterTask
Summary: Improvement of the filter functionality to keep applied filters (e.g. tags) in a project even if the filter sidebar is closed. This improvement aims to optimise screen space, especially for users with small screens, while at the same time highlighting the active filters with a prominent notice at the top of the…
Adding tags to tasks faster
Hi, I have a suggestion for an enhancement in MeisterTask. It would be very convenient if we could select tags for a task directly from the "Add Task" icon. Additionally, it would be great to have the option to choose the assigned person and tags immediately after adding a new task using the plus button on the Kanban…
Projektmanagement ohne Abwesenheitsnotiz geht im Prinzip nicht. Es ist extrem wichtig global mitteilen zu können, dass man aktuell nicht verfügbar ist. Besonders bei Krankheit oder Urlaub oder kurzfristigen Engpässen.
[Implemented] Change the Complete Button to Improve UX
I’ve observe a default behavior for quite a few users who create a task card that they would click the complete button after the task is created. Perhaps there needs to be a way to relocate this button or replace it with something else. If each time the button is clicked completed the task then someone has to go and…
How do I remove members who are not part of my team but have access to projects?
In my MeisterTask account under Settings > "Access" I see a long list of members who are not part of my team, but supposedly have access to projects that belong to my team. How can I delete these people? In my active and archived projects I have already deleted all members. When I look at the projects where the listed…
Personal Fonts addition
I study in an arabic academy which is why i want to make notes in arabic as my studies are in that medium. Add option of personal fonts so that I can add arabic fonts, THANK YOU ASAP PLEASE 🥺
Print and export Timeline
As far as I know it's not possible to print a Timeline. This is such an obvious feature it's hard to imagine it's not available. Yet, I haven't found the option. This would make the Timeline feature less isolated and a print feature would allow users to easily shared and export the table as a PDF.
Zeitleiste über alle Projekte + Personaleinsatzplanung
Hallo werte Community, ich bin Günter, Ingenieur bei der Fleischmann & Kollegen GmbH in Lauf bei Nürnberg. Wir arbeiten für die DB an verschiedenen Zügen, Nahverkehr und Fernverkehr, in unterschiedlichen Werken in ganz Deutschland. Wir benutzen MeisterTask zur internen Koordination unserer Aufgaben zwischen den Werken und…
💡Feature Request: Cross-Project Timeline
Using Timeline only works with a single project. I want to be able to have multiple projects in a single gantt-chart.
Add tasks directly in columns when in a filtered view
In many situations, I filter large boards based on tags (or a search), e.g. because tags serve as my epics and I need to see/edit/add tasks within this epic. But in a filtered view, I can't add tasks directly into a column with the (+) icons between two cards. I only have the generic (add task) button in the top row, which…
Automation of tasks wtih subtasks
I love the automation of tasks. We have different complex tasks often two times in the year. already use the repating task feature for some of them, so I don't forget the start that task again. I have some tasks with ~ 5-10 subtaks and would love to have them repeated. At the moment I can neither repeat the task with the…
Umfragen in Projekten | Surveys in projects
In vielen Projekten wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn direkt in MeisterTask Umfragen generiert und ausgewertet werden könnten. Dieses Feature könnte im Projekt als erweiterte Funktion aktiviert werden. Umfragen bei externen Anbietern einzurichten und dann nachträglich in ein Projekt zu integrieren ist mühsam und für viele…
Pull the custom fields of every task on my board at once
hi c: I am currently trying to find a way to visualize the status quo of our project in PowerBI automatically. While it is super easy to get the section and status overview for every task does, however, getting the information of the custom fields really cause some trouble. I didn't find any way to get the custom field…
Mehrere Personen ODER Beobachtete Tasks in Agenda
Wir haben einige Tasks, die von mehreren Leuten bearbeitet werden. Aktuell kann man den Task ja nur einer Person zuweisen, deswegen ist der Rest bei uns als Beobachter eingetragen. Wenn man bei einem Task Beobachter ist, wird dieser jedoch nicht in der Agenda angezeigt. Es wäre praktisch, wenn man entweder den Task…
Gmail linked to a Task Question
If a team member links a Gmail thread to a Task, can other team members, who also have access to the task, now open that email thread in their own Gmail? Assume the other members are in the email thread as CC; or BCC; or To; in the email.
Export and import feature for folder structures in the project menu for better team collaboration
I am often asked by my clients why it is not possible to access an identical folder structure as a team, which ideally also contains the projects they are working on together. I hereby propose a corresponding feature that enables users to export and import folder structures and, if necessary, include joint projects…
Meistertask: Drucken von Aufgaben: Anhänge, Links, Fotos mit ausdrucken
Liebe Community Wenn man eine Aufgabe ausdruckt, so werden die Anhänge wie Fotos, Links und Anlagen nicht mit ausgedruckt, aber auch auf dem gedruckten Dokument nicht aufgeführt. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese Optionen einzustellen um das Druckergebnis entsprechend anzupassen? Beste Grüsse Tom PC mit Windows 11 Business Abo
🚀 Don't miss: Office Hours with our MeisterTask Product Manager! 🚀
Hey Meister Community! Get ready because something BIG is happening tomorrow! 🗓️ Our very own MeisterTask Product Manager, @Adam Buckley, is joining our Office Hours to exclusively talk about our upcoming roadmap for MeisterTask 🌟✨ Wondering which innovative features and enhancements are on the horizon? Or perhaps you have…
Is there a way of collapsing a task created via an email to a reasonable size?
I am forwarding emails as tasks to a project 'inbox' to facilitate task organisation for clients. The tasks created take up a lot of room because they are displayed in full, including the signature block. Is there a setting to collapse it down so that the task shows as the email subject and not the whole email?
Quick Reports - can't sort, only get ad to upgrade to business
Hi, Since the April 1 "upgrade" I can no longer sort tasks in a Quick Report by date, or other field. All I get is a pop-up trying to upsell me to Business from Pro. Has the ability to sort fields in a Quick Report been taken away as well?
🚀 Exklusive Office Hours mit unserem MeisterTask Produktmanager! 🚀
Hallo liebe Community! Macht euch bereit, denn morgen steht etwas AUFREGENDES an! Unser MeisterTask Produktmanager @Adam Buckley wird in unseren Office Hours exklusiv die kommende Roadmap für MeisterTask präsentieren! 🌟✨ Fragt ihr euch, welche innovativen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in der Pipeline sind? Oder habt ihr…
Bread-crumb in the search results
As a user, I want to see the exact location of the cards which are shown on the search-result page so that I know where the card is located. Currently: Search result (no bread-crumb for the columns, only for the project "Bestellungen". And "Bestellungen" is less important than the information on the columns, because I know…
How we can set the access token expiration time OAuth 2.0
I'm implementing the authentication and authorization process using OAuth 2.0 and Authorization Code Flow, and while requesting for the access token I get the response with these information "access_token", "token_type" and "scope", there's no expires_in parameter. I also tried to get the details of the token and the…
Filter function - only show "due date today" tasks
I think it would be great if there was a filter that would only show tasks that are due. This would give you a better overview of all the tasks that are due. And having an “empty” board/agenda every now and then would also feel good. ;) Best, Rooster
Can the size and style of fonts be changed?
Hi Community, Just had a question from a client. "Can the size and style of fonts be changed"? Thanks everyone.
Filterfunktion - Nur anzeigen von fälligen Aufgaben
I würde es super finden, wenn es einen Filter geben würde, mit dem man nur fällige Aufgaben anzeigen könnte. So hätte man einen besseren Überblick über sämtliche fälligen Aufgaben. Und ab und zu ein "leeres" Board/Agenda zu haben gäbe auch ein gutes Gefühl. ;) Beste Grüsse, Rooster